All Chapters of Divorced and Runaway: Mr. CEO Wants Me Back: Chapter 21 - Chapter 25
25 Chapters
Aria’s POVI took a deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering unease. The memory of hearing my ex-husband Victor calling my name before I got into the elevator earlier still haunted me. When he called my phone twice after that, I’d turned it off, not wanting to deal with him.In the car, Samuel glanced over at me. “Aria, how are you feeling now? What’s the matter? You seem a bit off.”I mustered a smile, hoping it looked more convincing than it felt. “I'm fine, Samuel. Just a bit of a headache, but I'm feeling a little better now.”He didn't look entirely convinced but nodded.The rhythmic hum of the car and the passing streetlights created a lulling effect, and I found myself relaxing bit by bit. Before I knew it, we were pulling up in front of Jessica's place.Samuel put the car in park and turned to me, his eyes softening. “I know today was a lot, but I'm really glad we got to spend time together. And remember, we're meeting again in the Netherlands. I just know you'll get the
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Aria’s POVThree days passedI stood amid the vibrant tulips in Amsterdam, their colors a stunning display against the backdrop of the clear blue sky, I couldn't help but feel a temporary sense of peace wash over me. I’ve been exploring museums and sightseeing spots the past three days since I got here, and it has been such a wonderful, eye-opening experience. Samuel was not able to join me yet because he had to fly to another city for a series of meetings and events. The moment I closed my eyes, the panic that had been starting to boil inside me rose to the surface. I remembered my interview at Elixir very vividly. Tina Bakker, the research manager, had looked at me intently and asked, "Who is Samuel Thorn to you?" It was a simple question, but one that held so much weight. I had answered truthfully, stating that he was a friend, but I made it clear that I didn't want any special consideration because of our friendship.Tina leaned forward, his gaze probing. "What are your views o
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Aria’s POVArriving at the sleek, glass-paneled building of Elixir, I took a deep breath and reminded myself to smile. Today was the first day of the next screening process, and though I'd already passed the initial interview, I knew this was where the real challenge began. As I walked through the revolving doors, I felt a blend of nerves and excitement bubbling within me. My new role as the assistant to the research manager promised to be demanding, but I was determined to prove myself.In the lobby, a familiar woman with sharp eyes and an impeccable suit approached me. “Aria,” she called out, without a hint of a smile on her lips. It was Tina Bakker, my soon-to-be supervisor, and the one who had interviewed me initially. “Congratulations on passing the first part. However, there's much more to come.”“Thank you, Ms. Bakker,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.Tina nodded, her demeanor serious and efficient, a stark contrast to the more relaxed persona she had during the int
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Aria’s POVI sat nervously in Tina's office, waiting for her to speak. She had been observing me closely over the past few days, evaluating my every move. But somehow, getting called in here felt different. I was greatly rattled. “Aria,” Tina began, her voice measured yet encouraging. “I've made my decision.”I held my breath, waiting for the verdict. Come on, I thought with anxiety. Let it out already!“After reviewing everything, including your performance in the interview and the work you’ve done so far, I've decided to keep you on board,” Tina said with a small smile.Relief flooded through me, though I tried to maintain composure. “Thank you so much, Tina. I really appreciate this opportunity.”Tina nodded. “You performed well in the interview, but there were candidates with more experience. What convinced me was Mr. Samuel Thorn's recommendation.”My heart sank slightly. Samuel. He was Tina's friend and boss, but I had specifically asked him not to pull any strings for me.“Tin
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Aria’s POV“Aria!” Samuel exclaimed with genuine enthusiasm. “Sorry I came unannounced.”“Oh, don’t worry about it,” I responded, grinning back. “Come in, come in.”He stepped inside, his tall frame filling the narrow entryway. “I’ve been so busy with a new company these past few days,” he began, “I haven't had a chance to celebrate your new job with you. But as soon as I wrapped up everything, I came straight here.”“Well, I'm glad you did,” I said, leading him to the couch that I had proudly purchased second-hand. We both sat down, the familiar creak of the springs beneath us. “How’s work going?” he asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.I couldn’t help but beam with excitement. “It's been amazing, Samuel! The past few days have been a whirlwind, but I’m learning so much. Tina is demanding, but I really like the challenge. I feel like I’m growing every day.” I went on to describe to him everything that I had learned and experienced so far, as well as some colleagues that I had go
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