All Chapters of MAD END'S DECEPTION: Chapter 21 - Chapter 29
29 Chapters
21 - Flushed and Sated
GILDEONHis fingers slowed, holding her on the brink. The air thrummed, eager to merge with her. He hadn’t expected her power to manifest with such intensity just from his touch. But he found a way to control it, to keep Arah in check.“Arah?” he whispered, but she was lost, eyes shut tight. He continued stroking her in a calculated way, the hem of her skirt brushing his hand, his wrist grinding against her ass with every thrust. Her hips matched his rhythm. Each squirm, each moan drove him wild, barely containing the bulge in his pants.But tonight wasn’t about him. This was all for her.“Gildeon, please...” she begged. He risked it, pushing her to the verge of insanity.Her body trembled, walls spasming around his fingers. He watched her face contort, blue eyes fluttering in silent ecstasy. He ached to kiss her but nuzzled her ear instead, holding back his own desire.He felt it—tension coiling, ready to snap. Her desperate moans and fingers tugging at his hair pushed him to work fa
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22 - Scar-Nosed Woman
ARAHShe noticed Gildeon's eyes lingering on the scar-nosed woman. Searching his gaze, she asked, “Do you know her?”“No,” he replied, then nodded at the menu. “What do you want to get?”She was taken aback by his quick, dismissive reaction but wondered if she was reading too much into it. Lowering her eyes to the menu, she skimmed over the dishes and pointed to one. “Hmm… this salmon dish right here. I just can’t pronounce the name,” she said, wincing. She caught Gildeon stifling a smile.A server approached, sensing they were ready to order. Gildeon took care of the rest while her eyes feasted on the restaurant's interior. She’d never been to a place this classy—or at least, not in the time she could remember. The lights above resembled giant pearls caged in coral reefs, casting a warm glow across the room. She thought about getting one for her studio, hoping it wouldn’t be too expensive.The walls felt alive with lush ferns and vibrant orchids mounted on panels of neat wood slats.
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23 - Odds Playing Out
GILDEONHe stilled, masking his reaction with an innocent frown. Arah's gaze bore into him as he watched the short clip. He doubted she knew anything, but he couldn't take any chances. Behind him, he sensed Ghulik trying to slink away.‘Where do you think you’re going?’ he growled internally. The goblin squeaked, freezing.“M-Master, Ghulik will go guard the witch,” he stammered. “Ghulik will protect Master and Sylph Lady.”‘Stay,’ he ordered darkly, replaying the video clip for show. ‘I’ll deal with you later.’“Ghulik made a mistake,” he groveled dramatically. “Forgive Ghulik, Master!”Ignoring the goblin, Gildeon handed the phone back to Arah, noting the dark gleam in her blue eyes.“So, what do you make of it?” she asked, her tone curious and probing.He leaned back, drumming his fingers on the table, pretending to think. “Hard to tell,” he said, jerking his head slightly. “Video quality’s subpar. It could be anything. A prop, a device, a trick of the eye.”“They said it might be
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24 - You Lack Experience
GILDEONRoselia had pinpointed the witch’s last known location around the area. He'd scouted the place earlier, but without Arah, flushing the witch out would’ve been a challenge—hence, the date night.His plan had worked. He managed to lure in the enemy while making Arah warm up to him. Two birds with one stone, as the saying goes. The only thing he hadn’t expected was that damn footage putting him in a surprising spot.“How did you sense her so fast?” he demanded sharply, locking the witch’s arm in an iron grip as they walked past the grand viewing deck behind the restaurant. He needed to find someplace without a crowd.“What do you mean, handsome?” she asked, her voice dripping with mock innocence.“Answer me truthfully,” he hissed. He could’ve easily killed the witch right here if it weren't for these people. He glanced up, ensuring there was only one CCTV, and it was facing the deck.Fucking cameras.“Oh, I was actually tailing the blondes at first,” the witch explained, tossing
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25 - A Memory Flashed
ARAHShe didn’t wait for Gildeon. Her heart felt heavy as she walked out of the restaurant. Had she stayed, she would’ve grilled him about that woman, and he would’ve lied again, stringing together some smart words just to make her shut up.The thought of her husband doing who-knows-what with that scar-nosed woman gnawed at her. Distasteful images started to creep into her mind. She pushed the thoughts away as she wandered through town, trying to distract herself.Every now and then, she stopped, feeling like someone was watching or following her. She thought maybe it was just the cold, so she ducked into a clothing shop and bought a random jacket. She also grabbed a pair of flip-flops to replace her heels that were killing her feet.With the paper bag swinging from her arm, she continued her stroll until she ended up in the amusement park. She wished Gildeon were here with her. This could’ve been the perfect end to the night if he hadn’t ruined it. Though in hindsight, didn’t she als
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26 - Have I Killed Someone
ARAHEverything was hazy and happening so fast. She was riding something warm and alive, with feathers—like a bird. She waved her hand, throwing a spear downward without touching it. She killed someone. She couldn't see who it was. And then Gildeon. It was a blur, but she saw him on a horse in the distance, staring at her. She heard her own voice whispering, "You came, just as planned," before feeling a sudden shake, the vision dissolving abruptly.“Miss, are you okay?” A woman’s voice snapped her out of her daze, a hand on her shoulder. It was the little girl’s mom.Arah blinked and nodded, trying to collect herself. “Yes, I’m fine,” she said reassuringly, a shaky smile on her lips. “Just had a mild headache.”Inside, she trembled. Was that really a memory? She couldn’t wrap her head around killing someone—with a spear and while riding a bird, no less.Her mind reeled.“Do you want us to call for help?” the mom’s voice jolted her again.She shook her head. “No need, thanks.” She put
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27 - Nowhere Else to Run
ARAHHer reflexes kicked in. She leaped from her seat, the chair clattering to the ground. Dodging to the side, she barely escaped his grasp. She stepped back, almost colliding with Madam Linlin, who had also sprung up, her eyes wide with shock. Crystals on the other table rattled against Arah’s back.“Mister, you’re scaring my client!” Madam Linlin exclaimed, then suddenly froze. “Wait, you’ve been thralled! Who’s your master?”Thralled? Master? Arah was about to ask what she meant, but the bald man snarled, animalistic, startling her. With a forceful swing, he swept the center table aside. The tent shook violently, making her fear it might collapse. The cards scattered, mingling with her toppled paper bag.“What do you want?” Arah yelled, heart pounding. Her hand fumbled behind her back, searching for the biggest crystal slab.He didn't respond. Dark eyes filled with silent rage fixed on her. His muscles tightened, veins bulging in his temple and tattooed neck. His posture was unner
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28 - It's Your Turn Now
GILDEONThe crabman struck first, three massive arms slashing through the air. Adrenaline surged as he threw himself back, narrowly avoiding the pincers. Compared to the creatures he'd battled thousands of Earthland years ago, this creature was low-level. Still, with his power restrained, this fight wouldn't be easy.The creature’s arms moved in a deadly rhythm, advancing with a lumbering but relentless gait. Smaller crabs formed their legs, their joints clicking with precision. Each stride sent tremors through the sand.Gildeon cracked his neck, eyes locked on the creature’s grotesque clusters of tiny crab eyes. Could it see him? Or was it just driven by pure instinct? Its gaping maw, where a mortal mouth would be, was a horrifying mass of interlocking claws and mandibles.The crabman lunged to bite, but Gildeon evaded, shifting his focus to its master. The unprotected witch stood on a rock, eyes closed, arms spread, fingers rubbing together as she channeled power to her creature. He
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29 - Red Speck of Light
GILDEONHis eyes fixed on the witch, who was tossing her disheveled black hair aside. One witch down. One more to go. After dealing with this problem, he’d have to hunt down all of Arah’s Clover Wish’s clients, making sure they wouldn’t invite more witches to the island.What he’d do to them, he still had to figure out.“Hey, handsome,” the witch said, her tone playful and shaky. She sounded desperate. “How about we try this again, huh?” She crawled toward him on all fours, a coy smile playing on her lips. Spray mist splashed on her back, and he could almost taste the salt in the air as he stopped before the rock she was on.“You can be my master, and I can be your servant witch,” she added, fluttering her eyes. “With benefits if you want.”With his mortal hand, he grabbed her by the neck and said coldly, “I already have a witch, and she’s way more competent than you.”She winced, feigning hurt. “Ouch. No need to insult me like that.”He contemplated whether to snap her neck or burn h
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