All Chapters of Chosen By The Moon: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
324 Chapters
Chapter 0281
Once he finally pulled away my lust had returned, and I wanted nothing more than to feel his mouth on mine again. Although now that I truly had time to process everything Lewis had done to me, I couldn’t stop thinking about his mouth, trailing downwards. Was he aiming for what I think he was? King j
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Chapter 0282
Oooh, I loved riding on Lewis wolfs back last time. It was amazing to feel the wind on my face. Vee however looked a bit scriptural as she stared at Oliver. Not that I blamed her. Honestly, I too was feeling a bit nervous at seeing Oliver’s wolf. “Think you could hold onto my clothes love?” I scow
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Chapter 0283
Dylan POV. "If he shifts inside the wolfsbane border then it really will be a death sentence." Lewis stated and everyone around stopped, starring. Lewis was right, not only was the guy fighting against his natural instincts by shifting, but he was doing so in an area that was supposed to be impos
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Chapter 0284
"Don't look at me, I've driven once... and we all know how that ended." I chuckled thinking back to how I crashed when I first arrived in the safe zone. Another shout left the man next to me and his hand shot out taking a tight hold of my wrist and squeezed to try and quell his pain. I winced slig
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Chapter 0285
"Am I taking him back to Gilliards district?" I asked as I looked at the long vines of wolfsbane that were quickly disappearing from view as we made it out. Another loud cry sounded out, this time it resulted in a large growl from Oliver who held his ears in pain. "He won't make it that far." Ol
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Chapter 0286
Oliver POV She did it, she just killed the poor guy like it was nothing. The sound of the gun shot echoed through everyone's ears as the three of us watched Dylan. The gun she had fired merely seconds ago produced a slight puff of smoke from the shot and the disfigured body of the once screaming
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Chapter 0287
"Dylan, this isn't you." Lewis walked over to her and grabbed her wrist gently, I watched as her resolve quickly faded away and sadness was all that was left. She was sad, her eyes filling up as she spoke to Lewis. I guess they really were connected somehow, he had a way of calming her down, makin
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Chapter 0288
My head shot to my mate who sheepishly looked at me, a small tired spark in her eyes at the thought of showing me where she lives, I'm guessing it was the area we went to to get that poor guy... and just like that, any thoughts of contacting Josh flew out of my mind as I held my hand out for my mate
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Chapter 0289
Dylan POV. I drove in silence, my mind doing nothing but flashing back to the death of my father. I was going to be on edge all night now, I just knew it. I could feel Lewis glancing at me every few seconds out of worry, I had just killed someone, yet, the shake in my hands were from anger and n
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Chapter 0290
By the time he had come back to the present his eyes landed on mine, a comical smile played on his lips and a small confused frown took over his features. "What?" He asked as he looked at my engrossed and studying eyes. "Do all lycans not blink when they use that mindlink thing?" I asked the hin
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