All Chapters of Chosen By The Moon: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
324 Chapters
Chapter 0071
Dylan POVThese lessons with the dowager queen Luna were proving to be a lot tougher than I first thought. We were currently walking down a long hallway decorated with large portraits of people, the queen was currently going through the history of the lycanthrope, while I was trying my hardest to re
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Chapter 0072
Dylan POVAnother day, another lesson. These stupid royalty lessons we're becoming an absolute nightmare and simply consisted of a berating from her grace and nothing more. I was once again in the middle of a dance lesson, and growled silently as I once again stepped on Stewart's foot.Lewis had bee
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Chapter 0073
Dylan POV It had now been three weeks since the king had left for Australia, I hadn't heard any word of him, or from him at all in that time and I was becoming much more at ease because of it. I know for a fact Lewis kept recieving mind links from him, as we'd be just starting to get closer again
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Chapter 0074
"I don't really like chocolate much, which everyone here knows, so I don't get it all that often. Whenever I do, from now on I will pass it onto you." He chuckled as I stared at it, I couldn't possibly eat it, I'd get absolutely lynched. "I couldn't, it's yours, and if I'm caught taking it then..."
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Chapter 0075
Dylan POV. I just stared at the shell of the man in front of me, I was completely unsure of what to do so I turned to Lewis, who looked even more puzzled than I was. By the look of his face, I'd say he didn't even know who the man was. I mean if Carlos had in fact been taken straight to the dungeo
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Chapter 0076
"I understand how you must be feeling, I assure you, you may speak freely with me." I watched Carlos's face drop and his head bowed. “I’ll mind my tongue, lord beta, but please do not tell Lorellia.” I could see Carlos begin physically shaking as his eyes remained on the floor in front of Lewis, he
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Chapter 0077
Dylan POV I just stood and stared at Carlos as he continued to hold my gaze, he was out of his mind, me and Lewis were just friends, there was no way he was in love with me, the man in front of me was definitely delusional."What are you talking about?" I asked absolutely bewildered that he would e
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Chapter 0078
“Dylan has been through a lot, I just want her safe.” Diplomatic and accurate. He was just trying to look out for me, which I was insanely grateful for, if it wasn’t for him, I would have already shattered completely. He was my rock. “That’s a joke right?” This was getting slightly hostile now. Car
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Chapter 0079
Lewis POV I watched from the back of the room as she danced with the mate of Lorellia. The queen had now been tasked with teaching not just the mate of the king but both Dylan and Carlos in the ways of being a royal, however my eyes were solely focused on Dylan. She was definitely getting better at
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Chapter 0080
It didn't even take a minute for Stewart, the queens personal attendant, to intervene, within seconds Dylan was on the floor with blood pouring from her lips. I swallowed hard, and allowed my claws to grow only to dig them deep into the flesh on my palms. I had to stand and wait, I had to. I was te
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