All Chapters of One Night With My Ex Husband's Boss: Chapter 31 - Chapter 37
37 Chapters
Chapter 31
"Hey... Chillax man. She's not even your girlfriend." The man said as he adjusted back. Cullan and one other person stood and took the man that just spoke away to avoid any form of fight between Lachlan Williams and the man. "We are done here." He said to Octavia and held her hand then began to walk with her outside. Everyone present couldn't help but stare at them as they walked out of the building. This is the first time they will all be seeing Lachlan Williams pissed just because of a woman. "You aren't leaving cause of me, right?""I'm leaving because they disrespected you." He said as they walked towards their car. She scoffed, "really? It was just one person messing around. You of all people knows that young billionaires are mostly spoilt kids."He paused, "if you are okay with him calling you a 'bitch,' go back there." He added, "after all, Cullan is in there. He'll be your partner. As for me, I have never and will not tolerate any disrespect towards me to or to anyone ass
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Chapter 32
At work, the following day, Lachlan Williams received a knock from the door of his office and before he could even speak, his father walked in with Benjamin. The look on his face wasn't pleasant at all. He stood in honor, "father... You didn't inform me you were coming to New York.""Cause I didn't plan to." The man answered and went to sit on the couch. There's a section of the office that had couches and TV. Benjamin also sat. Lachlan Williams then sat before the man, wondering what had suddenly brought his old man here. "How is your health?" Last time he checked, his father was having diabetes but he had the best of the doctors treating him over there at Italy. "Who is Octavia?""Octavia?""Hell yeah! I want to see that bitch and shoot her dead right now." He said, seething in rage. Lachlan Williams became more confused. Before he could ask why, the old man continued, "not only did she pierce Salome with a sharp object, she ensured you fired her as your secretary."Lachlan rel
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Chapter 33
"Why is he unpleased with me?" Octavia thought either of Lachlan or Benjamin had testified wrongly against her. Lachlan huffed and went to sit. "Salome is pregnant for Lachlan and Sir Williams knows it." Benjamin said. "What!" Octavia was stunned to the gut. "Yeah, he's angry because he heard you hurt Salome." Benjamin took a step towards the exit and said, "need I say we've also been fired. I must start carrying my stuff and prepare to leave the company." Then he proceeded out. When Octavia and Lachlan were left in the office, Octavia walked towards him, "hey...""Sit." He gestured. Octavia sat at the seat that Sir Williams just stood from and said. "Salome is a liar, she could be lying about the pregnancy.""Doesn't matter. My father believes her pregnancy is for me. Moreso, I can't prove otherwise until she has a baby and I perform a DNA test." He said. Octavia exhaled. "So I just got fired just like that?""I'll handle it. Drop what you brought to the table." He said. "Does
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Chapter 34
Octavia left the place with a weird feeling. It's a good thing Cullan will let her be but she also felt bad about making him feel terrible. When she got home, she went ahead and do her usual chores after which she settled on her bed. She then place a call across to the home line of Lachlan Williams house. It got answered by a male voice that doesn't sound like Lachlan nor Benjamin. "I'm Octavia, the kid's mother. Please let me speak with Thor." She demanded. "Wait what? You are the mother of the kids?" The voice asked. She was yet to figure out whom the person behind the voice is, nonetheless, she answered truthfully, "yes, I am.""Oh... How dare I fire you? You are rehired! I've asked Lachlan to bring the mother of Sextuplets to me again and again but he kept saying he can't find their mother." Sir Williams said. "Oh my dear daughter, I was harsh to you on our first meeting. I have to make this up. How about you join us to have dinner tomorrow?""Oh...""Yeah... I won't be leaving
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Chapter 35
After the dinner was over, Octavia went ahead and spend time with her kids. When it was late at night, she stood and walked out. She had already ensured the kids had fallen asleep. It's been long she spent such a long time with her kids and spending this much time with them, made her feel so happy and alive. As soon as she walked out, she saw the two godsons of old-man Williams seated in the living room, they were both playing Call of duty games on their phone and they semeed to be having fun. "Hi," she greeted, "is Sir Williams around?" She thought it may be the right thing to do to inform the old man she was leaving. Draco took his attention from his phone and gazed at her for a long while, as if admiring her, before he eventually spoke, "Yes, he is but he's asleep." Still, Draco didn't take her face away from her, his attention was particularly on her slightly exposed boobs. It was due to the kind of cloth she was wearing. "Oh... alright." She tried to pretend as if she didn't
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Chapter 36
"Really? Cause I just saw you kissed Octavia." Emily said. "It's the first of it's kind. Where have you been Emily? Do you really think I've not searched the ends of the world for you? My family believed you were dead but I believed you'll come back someday." He said. "Oh my days, Emily, I can't believe I'm seeing you again."Emily looked at him with a sullen look, "take me home."Lachlan nodded and started the car, as he drove her, his mind went over to the marriage certificate he was supposed to get with Octavia tomorrow. With Emily in view, that might not work as he had originally thought. Will his father care that Emily is back?When it was the following day, Octavia went to the Civil Affairs burea, she didn't bother calling Lachlan since they had already fixed a time they were supposed to meet there and the time was 9AM. Octavia had been in the place since ten minutes to 9 and at the moment, it was 10:10 AM, which implies she had spent more than an hour here yet there was no sig
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Chapter 37
Lachlan Williams, Benjamin and Amelia sat at the back yard of the mansion, there was a small table between them that had a champagne on it. The atmosphere around them was so dark and tense. Benjamin faked a cough, "Lachlan, we have to do something.""Honestly. That woman dissapeared with all your six kids and all you've been doing since morning is drinking. You know you only have to give the command?" Amelia asked. "Let's not forget father must not hear about this.""Just say the word." Benjamin added. "We could make her go to jail there and bring the kids over here." "Or perhaps make her loose the memory of the fact that she ever had kids and take the kids away from her. That way, she will never worry us anymore." Amelia added. "You do realize I'm married to her, right?" Lachlan Williams eventually asked and drank again. "So? Let's be clear, you've helped Octavia a number of times and you've shown her how much you can care and protect her but she just kept running away. I even tr
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