All Chapters of Wrong Night With Fated Mate: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
125 Chapters
Chapter 41 CH 44: The Competition
(Ashley’s POV).It was the day for the semi-final. Time had passed by so fast that I had only few hours left to prepare for my designs. I had to be perfect. I had checked many times and knew I had made no mistakes.I had worked all night to get the dress done and I had not enough sleep for the past few days working on my masterpiece.All I needed next was to call my model Jessica. The perfect model to wear my dress at the stage. She was a famous model from Emerald City and I had Gina to help me secure Jessica as my model.Then, I saw her.The woman who has destroyed my life. What was she doing in the same room as me?“Good afternoon, Ashley” Helen said with a smile which I knew very well was not a genuine one. I hated her more whenever she pretended to be nice to me, “Is that your dress? It is beautiful”I quickly covered the dress with a white cloth and shook my head, “My name is Tiana Winters. And my dress is not ready to be seen by others. What are you doing here? This is my room”
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Chapter 42 CH 45: The Replacement Model
(Nikolai’s POV).I sat at the table with five judges from each dominant species in Averna. The Werewolves, the Vampires, the Witches and Wizards, the Fairies and of course, the Human.One particular contestant was of my interest. My beautiful Ashley.She has been avoiding me since we last met at my penthouse. I might have angered her about Pamela.I wanted to talk to her and made her understand I had no feelings about Pamela. It was just what my Mother wanted, which was to marry and have my own family.I was her only son. I had an elder sister who died when she was in her teens. A death from an incurable disease. My late sister was from my late father’s affair with a woman he met before my mother.He did not know she was pregnant with his daughter.I did not want history to repeat itself. I wanted to know for sure Teddy Winters was not my son. The truth from Ashley will soon be revealed. I would make sure of that.I needed to calm her down and make her trust me. She needed to underst
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Chapter 43 CH 46: The New Model
(Author’s POV).Helen was humming happy tunes while she fixed the dress that she had claimed as her designs. She knew no one was going to believe what Ashley would accuse her of paying someone else to design her dresses. In her mind, she knew having money would be having buying power. With that power, she could shut all haters up.Thanks to Philip who was under her control, she could buy all the things she wanted and be whoever she had dreamt off in the past. Finally, her wish was closer to come true. She was so close in getting what she wanted after years of careful planning.Once done, she would get her revenge.“The dress is gorgeous” she said beaming with a smile. “I’m sure we will get through to the next round with this masterpiece”Her new hired model Jessica faked a smile. She felt guilty for betraying Ashley and wished Ashley would find someone to replace her as a model.What choice did Jessica has? Her sister’s hospital bill for cancer treatment was above her pay.“You look
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Chapter 44 CH 47: Watching You
(Author’s POV).Ashley could not stop staring at the man who looked like a male version of her. The person who she knew would always be on her side. He would be the one who she knew who would be hurt the most after she left her family five years ago.As their eyes met, Ashley bit her lips while trying hard to not cry herself a river of tears. The man was looking calm but Ashley knew he was not at all himself that day.Ashley knew he was disappointed in her. It was going to take time until he forgives her.“Prince Alister Knight, it is a pleasure to have you here, to grace the competition” the hostess looked nervous. The sound of women screaming their lungs out with words of love and admiration on Alister was heard. For some, even fainted that the one considered the most eligible bachelor in Averna came to sight. It was unusual for him to do so.Without a hint of a smile, Alister said his words without his eyes leaving the sight of his beloved sister, “There is a clause in the competi
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Chapter 45 CH 48: Those Men In My Life
(Ashley’s POV).Behind the stage, I held Selene’s hand and kept whispering word of encouragement. I could sense she was much calmer than an hour ago. A smile was forming on her face which made her look very much attractive.“You have a beautiful smile” I fixed her hair and nodded, “Keep smiling. It is your power”“My power? I’m just a Human, Miss Winters. I have no powers” Selene laughed sweetly and sighed, “Look at me. I’m fat and unattractive. What are the odds of me winning tonight, Miss Winters. I apologise in advance for my failure”I shook my head and pulled Selene’s hand to make her see her own reflection in the mirror, “Having abilities does not define your strength. Everyone has their own powers. And yours, Selene, is your kindness and honesty. Show that in your smile. Be who you truly are. A beautiful soul”Selene smiled at the mirror and nodded, “Miss Winters, no one had ever said that to me. You are not what they say you are. If only they knew the real you, they would not
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Chapter 46 CH 49: Heart Beats For Him
(Ashley’s POV).I saw Nikolai frown looking at who was calling him. I wondered if it was Pamela. He seemed distracted with the call which gave me some time to think on whether I should accept his invitation for our first date.My heart was beating for him. I could feel his kindness during tonight’s event. The sincerity seen in his beautiful eyes made me think on the possibility of us working to make things better for us. For Teddy too.“I need to answer this call. Family matters” he moved to peck my lips as if it was a natural thing for us to do. Those around us might think we were already a couple.It made me blush and my stomach was with butterflies.“I’ll pick you up tomorrow at your place” he whispered and kiss my already red cheeks again.Urrghh, this man. He was doing it on purpose. Possessive much!“You don’t know where I live, Nikolai” I gave him a half smile and was about to reject his offer for our first date but got cut off with what he said next.“Florence Apartment. Your
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Chapter 47 CH 50: Unexpected Visitor
(Author’s POV).All of Ashley’s troubles had gone away after she arrived home and received a call from the most precious boy in her life.“Mommy, you did it!” Teddy was seen jumping in joy while clapping his hands, “I knew you would be great. You fought those bad people and showed them your superpowers”Ashley laughed while seated on the sofa hugging a pillow, pretending it was her son. “My superpowers? I can’t use them to win, baby. We should not use our abilities that would hurt others”Teddy was seen pouting and shook his head, “But they hurt you, Mommy. Should you not hurt them back? You should show them how strong you are. So, they won’t hurt you again”“Violence is not the answer, Teddy. Remember what I told you. You could use for self-defense but not to initiate a fight” Ashley felt she was sounding more like her mother and that made her smile.A memory of the times when both her parents did love her came to mind. It was the time when her powers were still small and weak. Ever
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Chapter 48 CH 51: Family Matters
(Ashley’s POV).I wondered who would visit me in the middle of the night? Was it Nikolai?I gasped and walked towards a mirror placed near the door. I fixed my hair and applied some light lipstick and dabbed some blushers for my cheeks just enough to not make me look pale. Then I paused, “What am I doing? Why am I so excited to think it could be him?”I then wiped off the lipstick and sighed.Calming my breath, I then opened the door.“Hello, Tiana. Or should I.. ummph.. should I call you Princess Ashley” I was surprised to see Gina Lee standing at the door looking rather nervous. “Look, I came here in peace”“What do you want? You are not longer my agent and it’s late night. Talk to my new agent and set an appointment if you want to see me” I then pushed the door to close not bothering if Gina had more things to say.But then, I saw a foot stopping the door to close. A fashionable shining shoe that had a label on it as Heiser. It could not be him!“Ashley, if you don’t open the door
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Chapter 49 CH 52: Missing Him
(Ashley’s POV).“Did he try to contact you, Ash?” Phoebe asked me with her look of concern. It was a question I have not thought about for many years. “Has your grandfather tried to connect to you, again?”There were times I could feel some darkness forming in my heart. Whispers in my ears were heard drawing me to unleashed my powers to reach its potential. It made me feel stronger and liberating.That was in the past.A past I managed to control after the birth of my son. I could not let the darkness take over my life. I could not let it flow to my son. Teddy was a good son of mine.Probably my only child as my birth to him was a difficult one with much complication. He was the most precious in my life.It was unfortunate for me to have demon blood in me. Thanks to my paternal grandfather. He was the one many feared in the past with war falling down to mankind. My grandfather did try to reach out to me but I knew now I needed to fight him.So he could not reach out to my son.“Ashle
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Chapter 50 CH 53: Fake News
(Nikolai’s POV).I woke feeling refreshed with a good night sleep. Last night, I had met up with my Wolf Pack in Averna and we had a good time. Run in the wild and came back drunk after a little party we had.I realised I might have sent some embarrassing photographs of me to my dear Ashley. She did not say much except for sending me a message of wishing me “Good Night”This woman was playing hard to get. I knew she was falling for me but I also knew she was afraid to be with me. A Werewolf.I had dreamt a wonderful dream of both Ashley and her son living with me as one happy family. Perhaps, I would get her pregnant again with many of our children.Smiling at my good-looking reflection in the mirror, I rehearsed few pickup lines to get Ashley to like me more. I was sure she felt the connection we had when we are close to each other.The clock was ticking for me to mark her as my Mate. My Wolf Blake was getting weaker and I needed to save him.I was looking forward to my first date w
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