All Chapters of Billionaire Ex Found Me Pregnant: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
100 Chapters
Chapter 71 You Don't Know
Paige's POVI turned to our cousins. Tessa is now crying while looking at Noah. Isaiah and Troy were still in shock while my cousins were looking at me with confusion in their faces. I smiled at them, giving them assurance."What is this?" Isaiah asked, clenching his jaws. "What the hell is this?"I looked at Noah. He heaved a sigh and turned to Oliver. Oliver nodded and carried the twins before going upstairs."What the hell is happening, Paige? First the engagement, your abduction, and then you're back with… him?" It was Alex, whose fists are balled while glancing at Noah.Noah held my hand, intertwining our fingers before looking at our cousins. "No one can separate us… Not even death.""Troy!" I screamed when Troy attacked Noah and started punching him."Stop! Stop it!" I tried stopping Troy but Isaiah blocked me, staring into my eyes with pain and disappointment.I swallowed hard, enduring his dagger stares."You knew that he's alive but you hid it from me, from us. We trusted yo
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Chapter 72 Joining Forces
Paige's POV"Nate refused to talk to me."Those were the most painful words I heard today. We're planning to surrender Neo to the authorities but the situation with Nate is stopping me. My son loved Neo so much that he couldn't accept Noah as his father.I stared at Noah's face. He looked down as pain flickered in his eyes."What should we do?" I asked, almost a whisper."Let him spend time with Neo.""He's our son. I don't wanna lose him again, Noah."He nodded and held my hands. "I'll talk to Neo. For the sake of our child, Paige. Please, let's talk to him. I'd swallow my pride, my anger. I'll do it for Nate."I felt something in my throat. I'm about to cry. "I hate him for stealing our chances to be with Nate.""He took care of him. If we insist on what we want, we might lose our son again. He would hate us and I don't want him to hate us."I sucked my breath and swallowed hard. Neo did a good job stealing my son. I hate him so much!Noah caressed my back and rested his chin on my
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Chapter 73 Truth Or Lie
Paige's POVIt's bedtime for my kids, so I'm with them. We're still in Noah's house. Tomorrow we're going home with my cousins. Ares doesn't want us to stay here. He said Noah should earn his trust first before he allows us to live under the same roof. I'm just so glad to have a cousin like him."Mommy, he's not my daddy.""He is our daddy.""He's not! He just looks like my daddy, but he's not really my daddy!"I squeezed my eyes closed, listening to my kids who are now arguing. They're both lying on the bed while I'm sitting on the bed beside Nate."I told you, he's our daddy. We are twins, Nate!"Nate's eyes watered, alarming me. He looked at me while his lips were twitching. "M-Mommy…"I carried him and put him on my lap. I hugged him and started kissing his hair. "I'm sorry, baby. I will explain everything to you."He looked up at me. "I know he's not my daddy. Please bring back my daddy."I looked away and chewed my bottom lip. God! Is this what Alex is talking about? I'm with hi
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Chapter 74 Still Mine
Paige's POV"How dare you hide Noah!"I shot an eyebrow up and crossed my arms as I stopped in front of Thalia. She's looking at me with rage. There are dark circles around her eyes and she's obviously stressed."NOAH! NOAH, COME OUT!"I frowned. "He's not here, Thalia."Damn! We were careless. Thalia really saw Noah. Of course, she won't come here in rage if she doesn't have proof or a basis. She really saw him and I know before she came here, she already investigated.She glared at me. "I saw him entering this house, Paige! Don't lie to me!"No! I shouldn't let her know that Noah's alive—I mean, I shouldn't confirm it or give her a single clue about what happened.I laughed sarcastically. "You're seeing a ghost, Thalia.""No! Where is he, Paige?""In the jar, what do you expect?" I said, raising my eyebrow."Fck you! Don't you use sarcasm on me. Stop hiding my husband!"That made me burst. Husband? This woman is crazy."Husband? Thalia, wake up. He didn't marry you."Her face redden
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Chapter 75 He's Jealous
Paige's POVDad woke up three days after he fell into a coma. I'm now sitting beside him while he's staring at my face. He wasn't saying anything. He's just looking at my face as if he can't believe that he's seeing me."D-Dad…"He slowly lifted his hand and caressed cheek. Tears rolled down his face as he smiled. "M-My… princess."I smiled and burst into tears. "Dad… I missed you."He nodded and smiled even more. He mouthed 'I know' as if he's having a hard time saying it out loud. I know he's still weak. Oliver found him almost lifeless in the barn house. He's so thin. He's so weak. My grandfather punished him real bad and I loathe him for doing that."I'm sorry, I was late."He slowly shook his head. "I'm s-sorry, I wasn't there w-when you needed me t-the most."I felt a hand caressing my shoulder. I lifted my face and saw Steve standing behind me.I smiled. "Steve!"He smiled back and bowed his head at my dad. "Mr. Lopez, how are you?"Dad smiled at him and nodded. "A-Are you my d
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Chapter 76 Paige's Dad
Paige’s POVI walked towards Noah after Steve released my shoulder. I looked up at him, trying to read the emotions in his eyes but it’s all gone now. I can feel the tension in me. My heart is racing. I don’t know what to do. Should I explain to him? We’re not doing anything wrong, but Noah’s probably thinking we’re having a secret affair. If I explain, will he listen? But why would I explain? We’re not in a relationship. Our status isn’t clear yet.I swallowed hard, unable to know what to do or think.“I came because… I think I have to start earning your family’s trust. I-I’ll start with your dad,” he said with an audible pain in his voice.I squeezed my eyes closed. “It’s not like I don’t want you to come here. But why are you here, Noah? We’re just talking on the phone and… and it’s dangerous. What if Thalia sees you or her father’s men? Or perhaps my grandfather’s men? You know my grandfather won’t stop until he gets what he wants. Prison won’t even stop him.”He nodded. “I know.
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Chapter 77 History Repeats Itself
Noah's POV"My daughter didn't tell me about this, Hanson. She's protecting you, so why are you here, telling all of these to me?"Paige didn't tell him. That means, she doesn't want to ruin my image to her father.I looked down. "I've been a jerk all my life, Sir. I never wanted to acknowledge my mistakes. My pride couldn't bear it. After losing Paige, I realized my life is useless and worthless. I once lost the light in my world. I once lost the reason for my success. I'm sorry that I had to lose your daughter before I realized her worth."I was stupid. I didn't realize her worth sooner. I didn't keep my promise to the Heavens. I didn't keep my vow.I clenched my jaws and sucked my breath. "I-I was trying to win her back again. I'm trying to make her fall for me. I'm hoping that… she's still mine."I heard him heave a sigh. I couldn't look at him because I'm ashamed of myself. If I can turn back time, I would choose to just lose the company rather than losing Paige. Besides, I event
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Chapter 78 Beyond Happiness
Paige's POVI took a deep breath, trying to calm myself while standing in front of the conference room of the Hanson Group. Oliver was standing beside me, silently watching.I'm nervous. Everyone inside the room in front of me are high profiled people and well-known businessmen. Standing in front of them would be a great pressure for me but I don't have a choice. Just like what Noah said, I have to collect all our cards to play it well. It'll break the enemies wings and this is our only option to end this mess without declaring a war against the Roberts. I don't wanna end this in a bloody fight, so ending their empire is our last resort."Are you okay, Miss Paige?"I looked at Oliver and smiled. "I'm nervous."He smiled. "It's natural, but you shouldn't show your nervousness, Miss Paige. They would try to intimidate you and find a way to discredit your abilities. You have to be fierce. Show them that you're fearless."I chewed my bottom lip. The problem is I'm scared of what will happ
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Chapter 79 Stranger in Red
Paige's POVI'm driving back home alone. While listening to the music, I'm at peace while driving. It's traffic but I don't feel pressure or stress at all. I feel so light. I feel so warm and content.I stopped when the traffic light turned red. I turned the radio on and started swaying my head while humming to the soft music playing. I was in that position when my phone rang.After putting my phone on the handle, I answered Noah's call. "Hello?"[How's the meeting?]I smiled even more. "The board gave me a month to prove my capabilities."[That's good! I'm so proud of you, baby. I know you can do it.]"Yeah," I said and chuckled. "I guess Oliver's words of wisdom worked."[Well, I won't choose him if he's not good at everything.] He answered, bragging.I shook my head and was about to speak again when someone entered the shotgun seat, shocking me. I didn't lock it?The man who entered flashed a sweet and handsome smile. "Hi, baby."I blinked thrice in shock before I was able to react
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Chapter 80 Go On
Paige's POVNoah…I saw him. Someone opened the door beside him. I don't know what happened but I'm worried. I'm scared…"Noah…"I lifted my arm. "Noah…""Paige!"That's when I opened my eyes. I swallowed hard. My throat felt so dry and I felt so weak."Paige…"I turned to my side and met a pair of worried eyes. My lips trembled as I called him. "D-Dad…"He nodded and kissed my temple. "I'll call the doctor—""No," I said and held his hand. "No, dad. W-Where is Noah?""You hurt your head, Paige. You should rest more.""Dad…" I said, pleading. "Where… is Noah?"He slowly shook his head. "Paige, Noah wasn't with you.""W-What?" I started panicking. "Dad, he's… he's with me. Dad, he was with me.""We know, sweetheart." Dad nodded and caressed my hair. "We know. He called Oliver before he followed you. But when your cousins saw, you're alone."I squeezed my eyes closed and sucked my breath. I gritted my teeth. "T-There's someone, dad. Before I lost my consciousness, someone in red opened
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