All Chapters of His Regret: Loved by My Ex's Uncle: Chapter 31 - Chapter 38
38 Chapters
Chapter 31 - Confrontation
NoahWas this text another one of Josie’s tricks? It sure sounded like her - blackmailing me so I’d walk into another trap. But this time, I wouldn't fall for it. Not again.I had my chamomile tea and went back to bed. I tossed and turned for a while. Then I finally drifted off into a dreamless sleep, until I woke up late the next morning. I threw up again. When would this nausea finally be over?I went out for a walk along the river to clear my mind. It was icy cold, so I didn’t stay out long. Back home, I had a warm bath. I was having a light breakfast when I got another call from Owen. I answered the phone, “Hello?”Owen's frustrated voice answered. “Did you get my message? Why are you ignoring me?”“I did, but I figured it was another one of Josie’s tricks.” I replied with a frustrated sigh. If Owen sent the message, that might just be even worse. I couldn’t believe he would blackmail me in my vulnerable state.“It's not, Noah. I haven't told her... Yet. You have to meet me at my
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Chapter 32 - Support
NoahOwen's words sent a shiver down my spine. I broke out in a cold sweat. I stared at him, eyes wide and filled with shock. Did he suspect anything? How could he know that Raymond was the father? Owen’s face reddened. He cleared his throat, trying to cover up his embarrassment."Don't look at me like that," He said, his voice softer now. "It's just my frustration talking. I know Raymond can’t be the father. But how could you not tell me the truth?"His initial anger seemed to fade. It was replaced by hurt and confusion. I felt a wave of relief wash over me. Owen didn’t suspect anything about Raymond. That was one less thing to worry about."Owen, you need to stop acting like a child," I said firmly. "Throwing tantrums doesn’t solve anything. My private life is none of your business anymore. If you harass me again, I won’t hesitate to call the police."With that, I turned and walked away. I left the villa I once called my home. His words had cut deep, but I couldn’t let him control
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Chapter 33 - Memories
NoahI did have sex with Owen a few months before the divorce. It was a night I would rather forget. And yet, the memories kept creeping in.After a long drive filled with intense feelings, I arrived back home from the support group. I was nauseous again. I ran to the bathroom to throw up. After cleaning up and brushing my teeth, I sat down on the couch.I took a deep breath. Finally, some time to process all the feelings the support group meeting had brought up. My mind was still racing and suddenly took me back to that awful night with Owen. The memories were so vivid, it felt like I was reliving it… Owen came home to our villa, reeking of alcohol. I assumed he had been out at a bar. He’d been drinking a lot lately. He was distant and frustrated with me all the time since Josie’s housewarming party. I wondered what was going on.His eyes were bloodshot, and his movements unsteady. I handed him a glass of water to help sober him up. But as soon as he drank it, he turned on me. He t
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Chapter 34 - Protective
RaymondI was in Paris for a crucial business trip. The city was vibrant and lively as always. Paris in winter was a magical place. The city sparkled under a blanket of frost. The Eiffel Tower glistened like a jewel against the gray sky. The streets were lined with twinkling lights. The Seine flowed silently, reflecting the city’s charm.From my hotel room, I had a perfect view of this winter wonderland. I often found myself gazing out at the Eiffel Tower, dreaming about bringing Noah here one day. She would love the beauty and romance of Paris.My days were filled with back-to-back meetings, negotiating deals and attending conferences. The latest conference was particularly important. I was immersed in the discussions when my phone buzzed.It was Owen calling. I didn't think he had anything urgent to discuss, so I ignored the call. But he called again after only five seconds. I apologized to my colleagues and stepped out of the conference room. I felt annoyed at the interruption. Esp
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Chapter 35 - Masterpiece
NoahI woke up to the sterile smell of disinfectant. The hum of machines and distant beeping brought me back to reality. I blinked slowly, adjusting to the harsh lights overhead. I was in the hospital. My head was throbbing and my body felt weak.What happened? Last thing I remembered, I was alone at my penthouse. Who brought me here? I instinctively placed a hand over my womb. Was my baby OK? I heard deep voices nearby. As I turned my head, I saw Raymond talking to the doctor. Confusion washed over me. What was he doing here? Wasn’t he in France? Oh gosh, how long had I been out for? Did he save me again? Panic surged through me as I realized what might have brought him back from his business trip early... Did he find out about my pregnancy?Raymond noticed I was awake and approached me. His eyes were full of relief and concern. He reached out and took my hands gently."Noah, are you okay? You really scared me," Raymond said, his deep husky voice trembling slightly.Seeing him agai
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Chapter 36 - Hesitation
NoahI was frightened by Raymond’s words. My heart pounded as I tried to process his sudden proposal. He knelt there, holding a stunning diamond ring that sparkled under the hospital lights. The world seemed to blur around me. “Raymond, I... I need some time to consider this,” I said with an unsteady voice.Raymond noticed my hesitation and the worry etched on my face. He gently rose to his feet, his eyes never leaving mine. “Noah, I love you more than anything. My feelings for you have only grown stronger. I want to be here for you and our baby. Please, believe in my sincerity,” he said. His words touched me deeply. My heart wavered. Could I give us a chance? I wondered silently.Raymond carefully helped me to sit up, treating me as if I were fragile porcelain. “You’re not alone in this, Noah. I want to take care of you,” he said, his tone soft yet determined.Raymond was understanding and told me to take as long as I needed. But he insisted on cohabitation. He was worried about me l
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Chapter 37 - Headlines
 Noah I woke up to loud noises outside. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I rushed over to the bathroom to throw up. I couldn't wait for this nausea to be over… What in the world was going on outside?It sounded like hundreds of voices shouting in the distance. I quickly got dressed in a simple yet chic outfit: a cream blouse, tailored black trousers, an elegant cashmere turtleneck sweater and a pair of comfortable boots. I walked outside to see what was going on. At the end of the long driveway, a crowd had gathered at Raymond’s gate. Cameras were flashing incessantly. The harsh winter air bit at my cheeks as I stepped out. What were all those people doing here?Within seconds, Raymond app
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Chapter 38 - Fiancé
 NoahWhen I got married to Owen, I quit my job to focus on my life with him. But now, I had to find a way to support myself and my baby.Raymond was a billionaire, but I couldn't rely on him. I needed to ensure I had my own income. I had learnt that lesson the hard way. I couldn’t count on a husband to provide for me - you never know what might happen.I sat on the terrace overlooking the lake, contemplating my options. Raymond joined me, bringing a warm cup of tea."I've been thinking about finding a job," I said, looking out at the water. "I need to make sure I have enough money to raise our baby."Raymond nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I understand. What are yo
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