All Chapters of Fall in Love with Stepbrother: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
52 Chapters
Chapter 0031
I notice the time, realizing it’s gotten late much faster than I’d thought.“I’m just out and about. Don’t worry about me,” I say, vaguely even responding to her worries. “I’ll let you know when I’m returning, okay?”Olivia tries to get my location out of me, but I tell her I’ve got to go. I’m reall
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Chapter 0032
SebastianI watch Evelyn’s eyes scope out the rest of the group. Maybe they don’t interpret the fear behind them, but I sure as hell do. It’s plain as day, written on her face, and I ponder what she’ll end up saying.Is she going to finally tell us? Or is this where I learn Princess is a liar?But s
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Chapter 0033
Evelyn nods once more, and she thinks about her question for a long moment. While she does, I make sure she catches my smile and eyes staring at her with an intense focus.I can’t help it. The smile refuses to calm. It’s just so interesting to me that she can so easily become boisterous and confiden
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Chapter 0034
EvelynFinally finding Sebastian doesn’t subside the fears crawling up my skin. I know he likes to play games, but how am I supposed to act casual when he’s hiding something from me?“Princess.” Sebastian stands up, and his eyes shine with anxiety. “It’s all okay.”“What happened? Why do we need to
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Chapter 0035
Sebastian slams his hands against the steering wheel a few times before turning in his seat to me.“Evelyn,” he says, so serious that I swear I must be dreaming. “I don’t want to keep doing this with you. Is it that hard to see?”I don’t respond. What is he talking about?He laughs. “In life, people
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Chapter 0036
Today’s not the day for revisiting.Especially thinking about the way I felt.“That’s great, Mom, but I just remembered I have somewhere to be!”“Aww, well, don’t let your old mom keep you. Love you, my dear. Be safe.”“Love you too, bye!” I hang up in a rush, slamming my phone down on my desk. I b
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Chapter 0037
SebastianIt’s been a minute since I’ve been to the underground race track, but I’ve felt compelled to bring Evelyn here. She’s never really asked me anything about this part of my life.I’ve never explained it to her. In fact, I’m just used to those around me knowing every possible morsel I could s
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Chapter 0038
She gives me a small smile, but her eyes thank me. It’s odd, knowing how to communicate with Evelyn without words. I’ve grown used to reading her expressions, and now it’s as if I’m an expert.“So, tell me where you struggled the most?” Evelyn changes the subject.“Damn, just getting into the nitty
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Chapter 0039
EvelynI struggle to get the memories out of my head of the night at the racetrack. Hearing his story about the friend Sebastian lost a few years ago has me trying to put pieces of the puzzle together before I find the actual pieces.He doesn’t usually act this open with me. Sometimes, it slips out,
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Chapter 0040
“He’s just around a lot. Seems to show up when we’re out or when we’re just chilling. I don’t know. It feels like he might like you.”Of course, as she says this, I’ve started to drink my water.I start coughing as it goes down the wrong pipe, pounding on my chest to get the spasms to stop. Holy shi
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