All Chapters of Taming my billionaire husband : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
24 Chapters
"Young master, the cutleries are here." Leonardo gestured to the body guard to set the new set of cutleries in front of Vanessa."Since you're here to apologize, have a meal with me, " he said, placing food onto her plate, all the while saying how nutritious it was and the benefits of that food as though he was a certified nutritionist.Vanessa who had long time ago forgotten about the extra spiciness added to the food, gladly picked up the cutleries placed before her. She popped the food covered in chili oil into her mouth, and the spiciness spread out in her mouth, so spicy that her eyes teared up and she wanted to spit it out. But when she saw Leonardo watching her emotionlessly, she didn't dare to do so and forced herself to swallow it.After swallowing that, she hurriedly took a glass of water and downed it to quench the heat in her mouth. "Leonardo, I can't eat spicy food. You didn't even remind me of the extra chili added into the food." He gave her the evil eye, which sent sh
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Today's cloudy, neither too sunny nor too hot. Vanessa had informed her mother that on this day she would go shopping to pick a few evening gowns, after all she had to look her best when wooing the young master of the Quinns. Knock knock. Someone knocked on her door softly while she was getting her hair done in preparation to go out "Nessa dear, it's mummy. May I come in?" The past few days while Vanessa was recuperating at home, she managed to establish a beautiful mother and daughter relationship, one that looks like they have never been apart. She refuses to lose her mother's love. Not in this lifetime. "The doors not locked, come in mum." Maureen happily pushed the door open and entered, pacing towards her beautiful daughter. She said "Dearie, it's quite cloudy today. I asked Khloe to arrange for her secretary to accompany on your shopping spree today. You can visit L'amore boutique and get beautiful dresses. Also, get a dress to attend the party this Saturday." Her
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Pesky fly
Not knowing how to deal with being called disgusting without lashing out, Francis immediately changed the subject. He looked at the store behind her and asked "Vanessa, this is a men's boutique. Are you shopping for your dad?" " I don't think my shopping is related to you in any way. But be rest assured, I'm definitely not shopping for you. " Vanessa's retort made him speechless as this is his favourite brand for clothing, and she was constantly shopping for him at this brand because he loves the clothes. Everytime she was here, she would shop for him and send them to him as gifts, but right now, she said that she wasn't shopping for him. Which means she wouldn't get him anything! He was used to being treated like a treasure by Vanessa, going along with his every whims and wish, and thinking of ways to buy him the things he liked without even needing to mention it. Suddenly, her attitude changed and he doesn't even know what caused it, she turned stone cold towards him. Now she'
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THUNDERSTORM: Is that jealousy I smell?
Although they are not married and he can't claim her for himself, there wasn't even a foundation of trust or love between them. But she promised to court him and get married to him, so how can she act so intimately with another man. Not to mention, it's Francis, her supposed lover. She was even buying clothes for another man, while dating him! His face darkened so much that you could see literal thunderstorms in his eyes. "Welcome Master Leonardo" Anyone in the store who recognized him greeted him politely even those who didn't recognize him on time still greeted him with utmost respect. Only Vanessa and Francis were the last ones to see him. "Hello, Master Leonardo." It was beyond Francis imagination that he would run into Leonardo here of all places. Although he was paralyzed waist down, he was still the god of the business circle in New Haven. A stomp from him could create earthquake that could last days in the industry. Just like everyone else, Francis was respectful and
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Heart Disease?
"where are we headed?" Vanessa asked while looking outside the car window. "We? What are you still doing here?" Leonardo asked while glaring at Vanessa."Huh, Leo-" Vanessa was ruthlessly cut off by Leonardo's icy voice. "Stop the car!" The driver immediately found a spot to park and before Vanessa could recover from the abrupt stop, Leonardo opened his mouth "Get out""Why should I-" Vanessa's speech was cut short by Leonardo's glare.'What's gotten into him? I'm sure he was alright a couple minutes ago? did I say something, well no, I didn't. What could be the problem.'"Tobby, help Miss Lawson out of the car. It seems she can't get it done on her own." Leonardo's cold voice brought Vanessa back to the present and out of her trance. "I can do that on my own" Vanessa got down from the car and glared angrily at Leonardo who had an expressionless look on his face."Hmph!" She snarled and angrily slammed the door so hard it cold break.Her action caused Leonardo's eyes to widen a bit b
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'she even has the guts to continue shopping! Look at her canvas, it's so dirty and ugly. How dare she even step foot into the store! How bold!The shop attendant ridiculed Vanessa in her thoughts as she trailed after Vanessa. It looked like she was afraid that Vanessa would steal the clotheHowever, Vanessa was someone who wasn't easily intimidated by such rude attendants. Despite being aware of the negative thoughts that the shop attendant harboured towards her, Vanessa maintained her calm composure. She remained unbothered and continued to pick the clothes at her own pace. 'anyway, I'm not here to bring the shop attendant home. I'm here to buy some clothes, I have to look attractive for my darling!Right at that moment, a high pitched yet familiar voice echoed from the entrance of the boutique. "Hey, have the new seasonal pieces arrived yet? Do you have the shirt that I reserved during my last visit? "Upon hearing the voice, the shop attendant hurried towards the entrance as she ig
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Not Worthy?
The shop attendant beamed at Yvette "Miss Crawford, you are as kind as ever. Let me pack this dress for you." The shop attendant then turned to Vanessa."You don't have to do that. I will pay for the dress with my own money." Vanessa replied impassively. She had no wish to argue against Yvette's mockery.Because of khloe's words in the past, Yvette harboured a strong hatred towards Vanessa. 'why didn't she just die in that village. She came All this way to ruin khloe's life, she should reconsider cause I'll ruin her! She doesn't even compare with Khloe 'Upon seeing that Vanessa had no plans to entertain her, Yvette dropped her facade in the blink of an eye. "I changed my mind. I want to buy this dress." Yvette announced in a cold voice.The shop attendant was stunned. Yvette must have hated Vanessa so much that she won't even let her retain her dignity.Yet, she was unsure about Vanessa's standing in the Lawson family. Since she was the biological child does that mean she has more po
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Vanessa nodded "when they said a designer was coming I didn't expect it to be you, how've you been?"Claire responded "I'm fine Ms crystal. I used to work as Ms DeLane's assistant but I am a designer now. Ms DeLane told me she couldn't get past her creative block after you left. It's been difficult for her. "The Manager's jaw dropped after listening to their conversation.The shop attendant then whispered to the manager. "Isn't Ms DeLane the founder and chief designer of L'amore?"The manager shuddered at the thought and staggered almost instantly.'Dear God, who have I offended!'Meanwhile, Yvette was at a loss for words at the turn of events.'Not only does this country bumpkin know miss Hudgens, but she is also friends with the great DeLane! The founder of L'amore! Did Miss Hudgens mistake Vanessa for some one else? 'That was just Yvette's wishful thinking. Judging by their banter, it was clear that they were close acquaintance. Both Vanessa and Claire seemed to have forgotten th
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"Enough with your act! Aren't you from the country side? How did you know a designer from L'amore when you stayed in a village!"When Vanessa was about to defend her self, Claire stepped in. "So, what you're trying to say is that I don't know who I am talking to? Do you think I am blind? We don't welcome such uncouth customers in our store. Please leave."Yvette looked at her in disbelief. "How... How dare you! Do you know that I can easily destroy this company of yours with just a snap of my fingers? "Claire tilted her chin and looked down on Yvette. "Why don't you give it a try.""You! Don't regret what you've done today! There's punishment for messing with me!" Yvette exclaimed, she turned around and stormed away in frustration.'Im going to tell daddy to get L'amore out of New Haven, they dare disrespect the only mistress and heir of the Crawford family. When I'm done they won't even know what hit them. 'She dashed out of the shop and bumped into a man. The man had a cup of coff
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He grinned and greeted "Is that you Ms crystal?"Jonas ignored the two women and hurriedly made his way towards the entrance of L'amore, his excitement was written all over his face.Yvette knitted her brows, looked in his direction, and saw Vanessa coming out of the shop.'Vanessa Lawson? The owner of the mall knows her? How? She's just a lowly village girl! 'She could not believe it when she saw how Jonas was trying to flirt with Vanessa."I can't believe the heavens graced me with your presence my angel, such a wonderful day. It's been ages. I walked by a café earlier and bought a cup of coffee, if my memory serves me right. I believe you like coffee right?"Vanessa responded with a wry smile. She did not expect to see Jonas Bates here."Yeah, I do drink coffee. So... Where is it? "Seeing Vanessa got him so excited that he forgot he no longer had the coffee.He hesitated for a bit, turned around, and shot daggers at Yvette.Yvette's mind went blank upon seeing his reaction.'He r
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