All Chapters of Babysitting My Ex-Fiance's Son- Taming My Cold CEO: Chapter 11 - Chapter 16
16 Chapters
Naughty Vincent
She joined him for dinner in the evening to know his plan for Vincent. In just a couple of days, she had become really fond of Vincent. He was eating his food in silence.“Good evening,” she chirped as she pulled out a chair. Dante glanced at her briefly, murmured a greeting, and returned his attention to his plate. Some habits never change. He used to avoid eye contact with her four years ago too. That was one of the reasons she believed that they were not a perfect match.She lowered herself in the chair and began to load her plate.They were in middle of dinner when Vincent’s piercing cries blared through the baby monitor. Dante immediately shot to his feet and hurried towards his room. Maya followed him.He cradled Vincent in his arms and swayed him tenderly but the baby didn’t stop crying. She was hesitant to offer help as she didn’t want to be seen as an intruder. But when he failed to soothe the bay, she stepped in.“May I?” she asked. He looked hesitant but gave him to her any
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Night And Heart
Maya tossed and turned in the bed. The sleep had eluded her and all she could think about was the shameful incident that had happened some hours ago. She’ll make sure to wear a bra from now on every time she goes outside her room. It was so fucking embarrassing.As she couldn’t sleep, she climbed out of her bed with a sigh of frustration and decided to go out to take a stroll in the garden. Fresh air might help her some.The mansion was dead silent as she quietly padded her way towards the back garden. But just as she was about to slip outside, a soft glow from the kitchen caught her eyes, halting her in her tracks. Did the servants forget to turn the light off? To turn the light off, she changed her direction and headed toward the kitchen. The sight she met in the kitchen caught her off guard. She stood stunned with her jaw crawling on the floor, her eyes almost popped out. He was shirtless. Holy fuck, he was shirtless. She couldn't fight the temptation of assessing his physique. Th
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Vincent's Babysitter
The next day she was called downstairs to have breakfast with him. Her eyes caught him seated in his usual chair as soon as she stepped through the door. Even though years had passed he was still the same- brooding, distant and mysterious. She clearly remembered their first meeting. He hadn’t even cracked a smile, not even as courtsey when her dad had introduced them. His gaze had been as piercing and cold as the sharp edge of blade. His eyes lacked the warmth and spirit she had seen in boys of her age. It had felt like he was there to fix a deal. She had never seen a man more serious. Even her dad appeared jovial in comparison to him. She knew they were a mismatch right from the beginning.“Good Morning,” she greeted with a warm, friendly smile. He glanced up at her, muttering a quiet “morning” before his eyes returned to his plate. She pulled a chair and sat down in it.She took a slice of bread and began buttering it with a knife.“You said you are looking for a job. Any success ye
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Never Falling Again
His frigid eyes locked onto hers with a menacing glare, making her smile fade instantly. She couldn't recognize the man but his venomous words had stung her."Sir brought her," the servant replied, his voice devoid of warmth. Many servants here harbored resentment towards her for what she had done to their master. She had gathered this much through their glares. She clutched little Vincent closer to her chest as he approached her. The hatred burning in his eyes unmistakable. "I've seen many shameless women but none like you. Even whore have more integrity," he taunted, not caring he was being too harsh. He stopped avfew steps away from her. "Shut up. You don't know me," Maya snapped, her cheeks hot with humiliation. No one had any right to question her character.The man stared her down in sheer contempt. She felt like some filthy worm from a gutter. "I know you well enough. You are a selfish bitch who manipulated my friend for her personal gain. A coward who couldn't face
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Dinner With Her
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sight of Carlos marching out of the mansion. Standing at her window, she watched as he climbed into his car and wondered if they had continued arguing after she left. The way Carlos had stuck up for Dante, it was more than evident that they were very good friends. Reflecting on it now, she remembered Dante mentioning a friend during one of their date nights. She couldn’t recall the name, but she was now certain Dante had been talking about Carlos. They were best friends. Guilt would eat her alive if their friendship got ruined because of her. The unexpected sound of a knock startled her. She swiveled and waited for the person to come in but when no movement happened she asked the person to come in. The door opened a moment later, revealing him. Attired in a perfectly tailored charcoal suit, he exuded an inescapable masculine energy. The suit hugging his muscular frame in all the right places. She drew in a breath. The man was so tall that if he st
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Tending To Cut
"Hey," she greeted him, grinning nervously. The light in her eyes dazzled his vision, caused him to almost stagger in his strides. His heartbeat accelerated, mocking his earlier vow to Carlos. Dante strolled in, feigning indifference. Her smile faltered upon meeting his dry response but she quickly restored it. "Glinda told me you like Spanish food," she disclosed, nervously rubbing her palms together. "Sit," she urged enthusiastically. He sat down in his seat, prompting Maya to sit beside him. The maids came forward to serve the dishes.She watched him in anticipation as he took the first spoonful of her paella. Her eyes followed every move of his facial muscle as he chewed on it. When she failed to figure out his reaction, she asked, "how is it?"He turned his face towards her and gave a nod of approval, "It's good." Good wasn't even the right word to describe it. It was way way more delicious than that. He didn't know this Goddess could even cook. He was turned on. Only good?
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