All Chapters of Rejected by the Tycoon: Chapter 21 - Chapter 27
27 Chapters
Second Chance
EdwardLunch with Beatrice didn't unfold exactly as I expected. I lamented how she was distancing herself more and more from me, without me being able to win her heart.The dinner from the night before wasn't a complete failure, but it also didn't go as planned. After leaving her house extremely irritated with my wife's refusal to talk, I managed to calm my mind and reconsider my inflexible position.I reflected calmly on how I could approach Beatrice again, preferably without giving her the chance to pull away, as she usually did. I remembered that the interview had not yet taken place. For this reason, that morning, I went to the newspaper to speak personally with Joel Smith.Although I had some relative success, as I managed to get Beatrice to agree to have lunch with me as planned, I made no further progress beyond that. I left the restaurant with another rejection from her.However, I could not accept what she insisted on repeating. I am sure it is not "too late" for us, and I wi
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Beatrice I sighed resignedly, something I had been doing quite frequently in the past few days, and continued typing the article for the newspaper, featuring the exclusive interview with my ex-husband. It seemed like a tasteless joke, but it was my reality, and I needed to pretend that everything was fine and move on with my life, even though I felt that nothing was really as I would have liked.I was trying to live without Edward, to overcome the deep love I had always felt for him, but it became very difficult when the universe seemed to conspire against me, and even my boss assigned me a task like the one I had carried out that day. Optimistically, I believe that was the last time I had to be with Edward. I had made it clear that it was too late to try again when there was no turning back.
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Visit to Kent
Beatrice Edward didn't know about my move, so I had to call and inform him about it. At the agreed time, Edward showed up at my house, and together we headed towards Kent. Contrary to his previous promises, he avoided answering my questions, changing the subject and even making some jokes to distract me.I expected this behavior from him since I knew him well enough to understand that he wasn't prone to confessions and conversations about himself. Therefore, I decided to simply enjoy the ride, appreciating the scenery and responding to occasional comments about our childhood and adolescence together.I had imagined that our arrival would cause some kind of stir among the people present, but I was completely wrong. Everyone acted as if they were unaware of our separation. Although I didn't appreciate being the subject of com
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Persist or Give Up?
Edward I wasn't aware of Beatrice's move, and when I came to pick her up at her new home, she was already waiting for me outside, without even inviting me in. A discomfort hung in the air as if there was an invisible barrier between us.On the way back from Kent, before I could open the car door for my wife, she was already getting out hastily. I noticed her hurry and commented:"You seem in a rush."I followed her towards the door of her house, trying to understand what was happening. Beatrice looked at me with a displeased expression that deeply bothered me. As she took out the keys from her purse, she said with some coldness:"There's no reason to prolong our conversation, Edward."
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Resisting Love
Beatrice The morning after we visited Kent, I was already getting ready to head to the newspaper, as usual. But suddenly, the doorbell rang, making me jump. Who could be at my door so early? I opened the door, and there he was, Edward, with a charming smile on his lips.“Edward, what are you doing here so early?” I asked, my voice a mixture of surprise and confusion.He looked at me in a way I used to know so well but never felt the same during our marriage, and explained:“I thought of taking you to work today, Beatrice.”Edward wanted to take me to work. It was something I never expected from him, considering how things used to be between us. A wave of emotion and confusion spread through me. The attention h
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Leave Me Alone
Beatrice My life was taking unexpected turns, and work was no exception. Mr. Joel Smith, who had promised me the interview with Edward, had not fulfilled his part of the agreement. I was still stuck in my position as a gossip columnist for the newspaper. The disappointment in this situation was starting to affect me.I was surprised again when my boss called me into his office. He assigned me a task that I initially rejected with determination.“I believe you understand that you work for my newspaper and, for that reason, need to fulfill the requests that are part of your responsibilities, Beatrice” Mr. Smith said, using his authority to press me.His authoritarian stance didn't please me, but I knew that as an employee of the newspaper, it was my duty to meet the de
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Hot Night
Beatrice I wished I could say no, that he had the opportunity and lost it, but I couldn't utter the words. There was a lump in my throat, my heart beating fast, and I felt a tremendous chill in my stomach, making me both apprehensive and expectant at the same time.Edward seems to have noticed that words failed me because he takes my lips by storm, kissing me with intensity, leaving me completely at the mercy of the sensations that were being awakened in my body.“Edward…” His name came out of my lips in an incomprehensible lament.I felt his hands move up to my neck, caressing that sensitive area, and then reach my nape, holding me firmly. His fingers touched my scalp, sending shivers throughout my body.“I
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