All Chapters of My Lycan Stepbrother Is My Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 24
24 Chapters
A Surprise
~Daciana~ I stood in front of my mirror, dressed for the night’s occasion. I wore a white tank top and blue jeans. I trailed my index finger on my neck, staring at it. I couldn’t seem to get that night out of my head. At night, before I go to bed I would touch myself the same way he touched me. Both of us will be heading out today again and I’m not sure how I am supposed to act around him. I really did want him to kiss me. I moved my funds to my face and a gapse escaped my mind. ‘I wish he would do it again today.’ “Princess Daciana, Mr Jonathan is waiting in the waiting room for you.” A lady said from outside my door. I hastily moved my fingers from my face and turned to look at the door. Before I could respond, I heard Prince Randall’s door open. “Princess Ciana, should I take care of him for you?” Prince Randall uttered, knocking on my door. “No. I wouldn’t let you do that alone. I’m coming with you.” I answered, Picking up my bag from the bed. I walked to
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I Love Danger
~Prince Randall~ With my hands still on her eyes, I slowly and carefully led her down the dark, narrow path. The cold night wind blew on her fragile, fair skin, and I saw them make tiny knots on her arms. “Prince Randall, I’m scared.” She murmured, and I leaned closer and whispered in her ear. “I know. But you trust me, right?” I asked, and she nodded slightly. “Yes, but I’m cold.” She added. “I can see that on your skin,” I answered, and she swallowed hard. “Just a little more…” I added as we got to the open space next to the ocean. The breeze that blew was colder than we were coming from. Soon, our feet began to sink into the cold, smooth sand of the ocean bank, making it slightly hard to move. “I’ll let go of you now, but you still have to keep your eyes closed.” “What?” “Promise me,” I uttered. “I promise.” She answered, and I slowly pulled my hands away from her eyes. I walked to her front and stared at her face. I waved at her, but she didn’t flinch a bit. “Good.” I r
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Ditching Dinner
~Daciana~ Waking up, I grinned widely, giggling and laughing as I rolled on my bed. I recalled what happened at the beach last night. After our intense kiss, Prince Randall carried me out of the waters, and back to our small hut. We drank and ate in silence, just stealing glances at each other and smiling. We returned to the palace and for the first time in this palace, I slept like a baby. I jumped to my feet and ran to my mirror. I stared at myself and saw how scattered my hair was. Ignoring my rugged look, I traced my fingers on my lips. “Naughty, naughty Daciana! You begged him for a kiss.” I muttered, shaking my head and breaking into laughter. I started my day on a beautiful note, nothing can ruin my mood anymore. At least that’s what I hoped, knowing that I’d be finally meeting Carl today. Prince Randall insisted that he’d be present and I couldn’t say no to him. I moved away from the mirror and started preparing for the long day ahead of me. The earlier I’m done with Ca
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Mission accomplished
~Prince Randall~ While we sat in the bar, we kept stealing glances at each other and smiling, ignoring the presence of Branden. He suspiciously looked at us. I could see confusion and wonder on his face. His face clearly wrote, “What the heck?”. I looked at her again and I noticed she was going to pour herself another wine. Slowly, I held the wine bottle and looked into her eyes. “Take it slow, okay?” I warned, and she chuckled and shrugged. “What? It’s just my third glass.” She uttered with slight laughter, taking the bottle from me and pouring some into her glass.“Two glasses of wine is efficient to make you tipsy.” I adamantly added. “But it won’t be drinking into a stupor, would it?” She further asked, and I heaved a sigh at her stubbornness. “Moreover, you’ll be here to help me like you did the last time, right?” She added in high spirits as she slurped more wine. “Right,” I muttered, resting my back again. “F**k it.” Branden cursed, moving his chair closer to me. “You
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