All Chapters of Rebel Luna: Chapter 11 - Chapter 15
15 Chapters
Chapter 10. A War
Saya growls in Selene's chest and unsheathes her claws at her mate's display of affection. Connor anticipates what's coming and grabs Selene's wrists, managing to restrain her fury. The alpha knows his mate is upset about what happened earlier, but he's determined to show her that it was just a misunderstanding and not what she's thinking.Slowly, he enters the room with her and closes the door with his foot. Selene is trembling, trapped in his huge arms, like a small wild animal wanting to be set free to cause chaos."That young woman..." she growls, but Connor interrupts her with a loud kiss on her cheek."Why...?" she tries to say again, but is once more interrupted by a kiss, this time longer and louder than the last."Damn you..." she pants as her mate turns her around and leaves a soft kiss on her lips, leaving her dazed for a few seconds.She takes a moment to process what just happened, and the fact that she is now completely at his mercy makes her even angrier. How dare he ki
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Chapter 11. I Will Fulfill
"Alpha, you should come see this, it's urgent." Jackson's voice mentally interrupts the meeting Connor had planned in his office with Inés and his mother, who are about to arrive."Can't it wait? I need to resolve some matters here with my mother," he responds immediately."Maybe you should come see this before anything else. I'm in the parking lot," Jackson cuts the link with Connor, and he sighs before getting up from his seat."When Inés or my mother arrive, have them wait," Connor instructs Beltrán, who acts as his secretary when he's in the office to handle pack matters. "They must not leave. We need to clear everything up before lunch.""It will be done, Alpha."Connor heads to the parking lot. He has no idea what could be so important and urgent that Jackson needs to show him, given all the matters he needs to handle right now. Work has piled up due to his trip to the Amazon, and if he doesn't catch up, it will be worse.He reaches the parking lot, and Jackson greets him with a
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Chapter 12. Are They Afraid of Her?
Selene takes a few steps back and looks at her work with a huge smile. "We did very well," Saya says in her mind, and she agrees. It was hard work, but she finally managed to arrange her things just the way she likes.She does a 180-degree turn and observes everything with great pleasure. Her dresses next to Connor's suits, her home clothes next to his, her sleepwear and underwear sharing half the same drawer as Connor's, and even their shoes."I can't wait for Mrs. Carla to see this," Selene starts to laugh, imagining her face."She'll probably have a fit. I hope our mate doesn't get angry," Saya responds, watching closely through her eyes."He said I could change whatever I wanted, and that's what I did. These colors even match," Selene jokes, looking at the pastel blue tones of her clothes next to Connor's browns. It's true that their styles are completely opposite, as different as water and oil, but they don't have to agree on everything, do they?All this work made her very thir
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Chapter 13. Suspicions
The air in the room starts to thicken. As soon as Carla sets foot in the kitchen, all the maids begin to move with more urgency, and Selene notices perfectly that they remain bowed as if they fear her. This was not the reaction they had when the alpha entered. The young woman who had kissed Connor at the entrance follows Carla, and this is the perfect moment for Selene to start marking her territory before these two finish her off.Selene takes advantage of being between Connor's legs and practically surrounded by him to fully approach his chest and place her face on his neck. She breathes deeply of his scent, while he immediately wraps her with both arms.A low growl escapes from the alpha's chest, and Saya purrs in response. Both beasts look at each other, and Selene knows this battle is already lost, especially seeing her wolf so excited and happy when Connor is near."Mine, she is mine, she is my mate," Sorem whispers in Connor's mind while wagging his tail, attentive to what is h
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Chapter 14. Predicaments
Selene yawns as she slowly opens her eyes. She stretches her arms out to her sides and arches her back, stretching her body and preparing to fully wake up. She feels incredibly relaxed and well-rested. She makes a small movement to get out of bed and is surprised to find herself face-to-face with Connor. His green eyes are staring intently at her, making her feel intimidated.For the alpha, seeing Selene wake up in his bed and beside him is simply divine; he has been awake for over two hours. Lying there, he watched her the entire time before she opened her eyes.The small noises Selene made upon waking were very sweet to him. At that moment, he wanted to kiss her, but he knew she would likely be angry at his audacity, so he preferred to push those desires away for now.Selene has yet to realize that one of her hands rests on his lower abdomen, very close to his member. Connor enjoys the sensation of her fingers moving over his skin, the slight tingling sensations that run through his
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