All Chapters of The Billionaire's Underrated Ex-Wife Is A Secret Agent : Chapter 11 - Chapter 18
18 Chapters
Allison’s POV.The sound of conversations blended with the smooth, soulful jazz playing in the background, creating an atmosphere that was both relaxed and intimate. The bar wasn't populated, with only a few people scattered around, engaged in quiet conversation. My team and I occupied a cozy corner, a round table filled with drinks and laughter.Mia, always the life of the party, waved me over with a grin. "Allison, come on! You need to loosen up. Have a drink with us. It’ll calm your nerves."I shook my head, forcing a tight smile. "No thanks, Mia. I'm good." My focus remained on the dartboard, or rather, the picture of William I had pinned over it. His smug, deceitful face stared back at me, and my whole body shook with a hatred so intense it was almost obvious. As I took aim and threw another dart, the memory of that fateful night played in my mind like a broken record. I had gone to Jessica's house, unsuspecting, only to find William there, having sex with her. The betrayal had
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Allison's POV.Peter Donovan’s curses rang out as he stumbled to his feet, clutching his jaw. “You bitch! I’m going to deal with you myself.”Before he could make another move, I was on him. I swept his legs out from under him with a swift kick, sending him crashing to the floor. I had my gun drawn and pressed firmly under his chin before he could react.His men reacted immediately, pointing their guns at me, their fingers twitching on the triggers. “Don’t even think about it,” I snarled, pushing the barrel harder against Peter’s throat. “I’ll kill him first before any of you have a chance to fire.”The tension in the air was thick. Peter’s men hesitated, confusion and fear building in their eyes. Peter himself was livid, his face red with anger and humiliation. “You bitch, let me go!” he spat.I didn’t budge. “Not a chance. I’m smarter than you think.”Peter struggled against my grip, but the cold steel of the gun pressed harder, and I saw the fear flicker in his eyes. “Please, don’t
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Williams POV.Driving to the hospital, my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. I had no idea it was Allison—no, Seraphina—all along. How had I been so blind? Jessica, in her typical arrogance, hadn't even recognized her, and yet she tried to humiliate her and vandalized her car. Allison retaliated with a force that left me reeling. She had beaten all my bodyguards, and even Jessica herself. I felt utterly exhausted. What had Allison done to herself in the past year? She wasn’t fat anymore; she had transformed into something powerful,now likw an espionage agent. It felt too surreal to believe. This was the same Allison—Seraphina—who had once been comfortable being fat and lazy, who could barely get herself around. Now she was powerful beyond measure.The way she had tackled Peter Donovan was something I couldn’t wrap my head around. Peter was known for his ruthlessness and strength, yet she brought him to his knees. And then there was the gunshot. My first instinct had been
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Allison's POV. Billionaire and philanthropist Benjamin Harrington was known for his extravagant events, and tonight's masked party was no exception. Harrington, a man in his late fifties with a distinguished presence and a reputation for his vast collection of rare diamonds, had recently been living in fear. He had reached out to Viktoh, my boss, with a plea for help. Harrington believed that his life was in grave danger, and the source of this threat was none other than Ivanov Dmitri, a wealthy Russian businessman with a keen interest in Harrington's prized diamond—a stunning, multifaceted heirloom that had been passed down through his family for two centuries. This diamond, known as the "Star of Harrington," was worth millions of dollars. The trouble had begun a few months ago when Harrington had hosted a private viewing of his diamond collection at his newly acquired mansion. Among the guests was Ivanov Dmitri, who had become visibly enamored with the "Star of Harrington."
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Allison's POV.I needed a moment to regroup, to let the adrenaline of the dance subside. As I sipped my drink, the cool liquid doing little to calm my racing heart, I felt a presence behind me. I turned, and there stood Williams, his expression of curiosity and bewilderment.“Allison,” he started, his voice unsteady. “Can we talk?”I sighed, knowing this confrontation was inevitable. “What do you want, Williams?”He glanced around, clearly uncomfortable. “What’s with the sudden change? How is it possible that you’re...this? Part of an espionage group?”I raised an eyebrow, my patience already wearing thin. “You think you know me, Williams? You don’t know a thing.”He looked taken aback by the firmness in my voice but pressed on. “But I knew you before, Allison. You weren’t like this. You were...different.”“Different?” I echoed, my voice dripping with sarcasm. “You mean weaker? Less confident? Easy to push around?”“That’s not what I meant,” he stammered. “I just...I don’t understand.
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Williams POV.As I stepped into the shower, the hot water cascading over my shoulders, I scrubbed myself vigorously, trying to wash away the tension and confusion of the night. Allison—or Seraphina, as I had known her—kept invading my thoughts. How many times had we crossed paths since she reappeared in my life? Too many to be mere coincidence.I had been invited to Harrington's masked party, not expecting anything out of the ordinary. And then, there she was, moving through the crowd with an air of confidence that left me stunned. She was breathtakingly beautiful, her dress hugging curves I hadn't known she possessed. Every time I saw her, a pang of regret hit me hard. It was like some cosmic payback for all the things I had done to her.I couldn't get the image of her dancing with another man out of my mind. The way she moved, so skilled and graceful, it nearly drove me nuts. How could she have changed so much in just a year? The Allison I knew was a loving wife, always supportive,
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Williams' POVAllison laughed, the sound sharp and almost amused. “It’s funny to hear you say that, considering how you thought the exact opposite of me a year ago.”I swallowed hard, feeling a lump form in my throat. Her eyes, those piercing, unforgiving eyes, bore into mine. She folded her arms across her chest, the action drawing my attention to the confident posture she held.“Tell me, Williams,” she said, her tone icy. “Why did you marry me in the first place if you thought so lowly of me?”“I did love you, Allison,” I said, my voice almost a whisper. “I was an insensitive bastard. I know that now. I treated you terribly, but I did love you.”“It changes nothing,” she replied, her voice unwavering. “Your actions… they cost me our child.”My world tilted on its axis. “What?” I managed to croak out. “You were… pregnant?”She scoffed bitterly. “Yes, I was. Three months along. I wanted to announce it on our third anniversary. But then you lied about having an important business meeti
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Jessica's POV.I sat alone in my penthouse, the air thick with smoke and the bitter scent of whiskey. I took another long drag from my cigarette, the embers glowing like the fury in my chest. I poured myself another drink, the amber liquid sloshing over the rim as my hands trembled. Fat, pathetic Seraphina. The name echoed in my mind like a mocking refrain. How could it be her? How could the same weak, submissive woman turn into this... Allison? She was the one at the elite boutique, the one who had beaten up my bodyguards and slapped me around like I was nothing. She had this perfect body now, confident and powerful, while I was left behind, burning with jealousy.I screamed, throwing the empty glass across the room. It shattered against the wall, mirroring the pieces of my crumbling sanity. Williams had seen her. He had looked at her with regret, with longing. No wonder he wasn’t close to me anymore. He was still in love with her. The bitch.I grabbed the bottle and took a swig, th
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