All Chapters of First Night With Brother-in-law (English Novel): Chapter 31 - Chapter 38
38 Chapters
Chapter 31
"Who is it from, darling?" asked Arka looking at his wife. "What should I do," Mona mentally exclaimed while clutching her cell phone. "Honey," Arka called, making Mona gasp in surprise. "Honey, this is a message from ...." Mona chose not to say it, deciding to hand the phone to Arka. "Dinda," Arka murmured as she saw the lines of letters stringing together into words. "Yes. He chatted me, what should I do, honey?" Mona asked quietly, she was really confused. "What's the use of that much money, he's already taken my property," said Arka, wondering what his ex-wife's now sister-in-law's reasoning was. "I don't know, honey. That's up to you. For example, if you want to take your brother Dinda's case to the police station, go ahead, I know what you did was wrong," Mona said with Arka's nod. "While I have your number, it can be traced," Mona continued, making Arka a
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Chapter 32
"You don't have to yell, you idiot! I'll get the money in a minute," Dinda said irritably and took out the money from her bag and handed it to the woman. "Here, I'll pay in full, you go already. Thanks for borrowing, I know you want to embarrass me, right," Dinda sarcastically made the woman splutter in annoyance then stomped away. "Hey, Din," greeted Sinta who was to the left of Dinda's rent. Dinda gave Sinta a lazy look, and chose to go into her rented house, ignoring the woman. Meanwhile, Sinta looked annoyed at Dinda's departure. She intended to ask for money because her neighbor seemed to have a lot of money now. Stomping her foot in annoyance, Sinta went straight to the rent that the widow was living in. *** Time passed so quickly, Dinda kept asking to be sent money when she needed it. Mona, on the other hand, kept sending it after Arka allowed her to. Arka already k
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Chapter 33
Arka immediately helped Mona change her clothes. The woman was no longer embarrassed because she was no longer able to wear clothes because of her big belly. After helping his wife, Arka immediately came out and looked annoyed at the two people still in the residence after making a mess. "You're so shameless, get the hell out of my house! Don't step foot in here again," chased Arka looking angrily at Hana. "Ar-Arka... Hana didn't mean to water Mona," Hana squeaks softly, her fingers twisting together in fear at the look in Arka's eyes. "Yeah, you didn't mean it, you just planned it. Get out of my house!" Arka snaps, pointing to the exit, Hana's face already sad and eyes glazed over. "Ka ... never mind, Mona's fine too, right," said Adzkia, making Arka snort in annoyance and then choose to step away towards the room. "And if Mona is in trouble, she wants to take responsibility, mom, never mind. Don't keep defe
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Chapter 34
Adzkia's eyes rounded perfectly and she got up and grabbed Arka's cell phone. "DON'T buy a plane ticket, Arka's not going anywhere, watch out if you buy a plane ticket," Adzkia threatened and switched off the phone. "Mom...," Arka scolded irritably and was about to reach for her cell phone but was hidden by Adzkia who kept shaking her head. "I want to change, please don't leave," Adzkia pleaded in a soft voice, looking sadly at her only child. "But if you hurt my wife's heart again, sorry ... it's better if you don't see each other, that's how, we'll go abroad which I won't mention where," Arka said quietly in reply to Adzkia's weak shake. "I promise I'll accept Mona," Adzkia said, grabbing her daughter-in-law's fingers, making Mona turn her head. "Please... tell Arka not to leave me, I'm old, Mon," Adzkia said, looking pleadingly at her daughter-in-law, Mona digested her mother-in-law's words and nodded in r
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Chapter 35
The news about Susan being a mistress was widespread. The legal wife, Susan's husband came to her house to teach her a lesson. Many people talked about the woman and even stayed away for fear of their men being targeted. "That's Susan, let's hurry up with the shopping," exclaimed some who were choosing vegetables at a traveling vegetable seller. "Yes, Sister, Sister, let's hurry up! My wife might go berserk if she finds out she bought vegetables from me," said the vegetable seller to which the women nodded and then immediately left making Susan stop approaching. "Gosh... if it wasn't for the fact that the groceries were gone, I wouldn't have come out until the news died down," Susan muttered under her breath as she watched the women move away at her presence. "Uncle, stop...," Susan shouted making everyone who heard immediately turn their heads towards her, the vegetable seller who wa
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A woman was waiting in front of Arka's residence. It looked like the owner of the house was away. The woman was waiting at a stall a few houses away from Arka's residence. The roar of a familiar car made Dinda turn around quickly and pay for her food and drinks. "My husband!" she shouted, pulling her suitcase closer to the car when she saw him get out of the four-wheeled vehicle. "I miss you!" she squealed, hugging Arka's body, making him jump in surprise. Mona who saw rounded her nerves, then came out to break their embrace. Arka, who saw his wife's eyes glazing over, quickly pulled Mona into a hug. Dinda looked surprised to see her sister's stomach bulging, the woman's mouth gaping quickly she covered it with the palm of her hand. "Mona! Are you pregnant? Why don't you tell me where your husband is? Let's get to know him," Dinda said, hugging her sister but Mona did not respond. "What'
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"Don't be too nice to anyone, dear. You'll be taken advantage of, just be reasonable. Human nature is gray," Arka advised as she pulled Mona's arm to sit on the chair where the man was serving her milk. "But he's my sister, Honey," Mona chuckled softly, the woman leaning her back as fatigue set in. "But still, he's human Mon. His heart is unpredictable, just think about it! He left for a very good reason... now he comes back like he didn't do anything wrong. Even when he left, he made you look like a sacrifice because of what he did," Arka said, making Mona pause. "Uh, already. You better think about our child, don't stress just because of him," said Arka advising his wife, Mona just nodded in response. Meanwhile, outside, Dinda was still crying while sitting on the ground. She didn't think this would happen, she found it hard to admit that it was her fault. Rushing to get up with the suitcase, she picked up
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In the morning, Arka immediately left because he wanted to quickly finish his business, Adzkia asked the driver to immediately heat the car. Just as they were about to leave for the midwife, Dinda suddenly intercepted at the gate making the driver quickly brake even Adzkia was surprised to see the former daughter-in-law was in this city. "Dinda," Adzkia muttered softly, then saw the woman tapping on the windshield. "What's wrong Sister? ouch, it hurts ...." Mona opened the windshield, she spoke immediately. "What's wrong with you Mon, and where are you going?" asked Dinda, looking at Mona who was grimacing. "Already! Don't ask too many questions, ask later. Now you just come with us, hurry up!" said Adzkia because she couldn't bear to see her daughter-in-law continue to grimace. "Come quickly Din! Don't think too much, or we'll stay," said Adzkia, annoyed that Dinda was silent.
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