All Chapters of Divorced Heiress Strikes Back : Chapter 21 - Chapter 27
27 Chapters
21. Grant Her Wish
A collaboration from the NK Enterprise?Now Haley didn't see that coming. Why would Liam want a collaboration with her brother's company when they'd just finished fighting over the necklace?“You're pulling my legs.”“See for yourself.” Her brother pushed the laptop forward, and Haley sat on his desk, scrutinizing the email. A detailed collaboration message from the NK Enterprise. Haley didn't have a good feeling about this. “What are you gonna do about it?” She asked Andrew who only laughed softly. “I know what you're thinking, Little Sis.” Andrew leaned forward, his eyes glinting with mischief. “Because I also have a feeling that William Nash is up to something.”Well, anyone with the Woods blood would be difficult to be trifled with. Such a matter was easy for both Haley and her brother to detect as fishy. Did Liam think that he could mess with her family?“I'll turn down the collaboration-”“No!” Haley interrupted her brother. “I have the perfect idea to catch Liam in his o
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22. When She Changed
As the man kissed her forcefully, ravaging her lips mercilessly, Haley's breathing was ragged. Her chest heaving heavily, she struggled to breathe, yet he held her in a firm iron grip, not giving her room to escape. Greatly suffocated, Haley felt as if she wanted to faint. But she couldn't give in to this heartless man who only took pleasure in her misery. She'd be damned to let him have the satisfaction he wanted. Gathering her resolve, Haley pushed him hard against the wall, sending him staggering backward. “William Nash, you shameless unruly man!” Haley shouted, gasping for air. “Don’t you get it? Never bother me again!”He stared at her with shock, probably wondering where she got the strength to push him away. Haley didn't know either. All she knew was her immeasurable anger towards the man. “And for your information, I will never come back to you even if you refuse to grant my wish and sign the divorce!”Liam stood up straight when she said that, veins popping up on his
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23. Owning The Company
“Ah, Madam left with him again?” Joye looked displeased. “Mr. Nash, you have to step up your game, otherwise, he might snatch your wife.”“Just go after them before it's too late!” Liam hollered. As Joye scurried away, Liam tossed the document into the lady's hands, who stood beside him.“I'll scan it online and email you the soft copy, Mr. Nash. It's a pleasure collaborating with you.” The secretary lingered. “Mr. Nash, there's something I need to tell you…” she lowered her voice. “Do you know that Young Lady, Haley, spends most of her time in Mr. Woods's office? People say she's his mistress.”“I have a feeling you're also interested in her, Mr. Nash…” she went on. “Too bad, she's a gold-digger and can't benefit a man like you.”A gold-digger?Liam was beginning to think that despite not wanting to believe it. Strangely, when he called her gold-digger, she didn't deny it. Had Haley been fooling him all this time? He needed not to hear those words from the lady whom he didn't ev
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24. An Eye for An Eye
Liam furrowed his brows, puzzled. Why was Haley in this area?What was she doing in the babies' section?And where was that damned guy she was hanging around with?“Oh, isn't that Haley?” Leah asked in a shocked voice. “Of course, it's that filthy girl! She's here to cause trouble again,” Vera replied. She grabbed Leah's hand and they walked up to that area. “Aha! I have been looking for you, Haley!” Vera shouted, her loud voice dragging others' attention. “Where’s the money you stole from my bag after pushing me down the stairs!?”The lady who was arguing with Haley turned around. Seeing Vera, a look of recognition flashed in her eyes. “Mrs. Nash, do you perhaps know this Young Lady?”“Why not? She's a wanted criminal who goes around stealing people's things. I bet she's about to steal these clothes, too.” Vera pointed at the baby clothes in Haley's hands. “Haley, you promised to give back “Treasure”, where is it?” Leah said in a pitiful voice. “I've told you that necklace is i
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25. Regret Messing With Him
An eye for an eye.She knew what she was doing. Staring at him without batting an eye, she openly admitted she did it intentionally. What had she turned into? Was she even the same docile girl he knew?“You even dared to admit it in my presence,” Liam gritted out, grabbing her arm. “How dare you frame my mother without considering her reputation?”Tilting her head sideways, her subtle smile flamed the fury in his heart. Liam wanted to wipe that smile off her face, but how, when everyone was watching? “Why should I consider her reputation, Liam?” Haley replied, her voice indifferent. “Remember your mother tried to kill me.”Well, didn't Liam save her? Shouldn't she be grateful?“I give you two minutes. Follow the security and clear their names, Haley. Then I might consider forgiving you.”She let out a soft laugh before rolling her eyes, an action that made him wonder if she would even carry out his orders. “In your dreams…” Haley murmured. “Let Vera Nash apologize to me first fo
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26. His New Secretary
A lawsuit? That was the only word that stuck to Haley's mind as her brother spoke with the other person. So soon?Andrew hung up, his face reddening, the fury in his eyes palpable. He literally flew out of the shopping mall, and Haley hurried after him. Inside the car, no words were exchanged. Her brother drove at such a high speed that she feared they might get into a collision. “Hey, relax, Bro…” Haley said to calm him down, despite fighting her own furry. Urgh! Would that man ever rest?Once the car came to a halt in front of the company, Andrew muttered so many curses at once as a hoard of paparazzi suddenly surrounded them. “Mr. Woods, we have been waiting to see you.”“Regarding the sudden lawsuit against your company, is it true that you exploit your business allies?”“What do you have to say about the injustice done to the NK Enterprise?”“Mr. Woods, there are rumors online that all the jewelry designs created by the DG Corp. were stolen.”Haley wasn't used to the limel
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Hi, guys... I'm sorry to inform you that I won't be able to upload chapters for the next few days until next week.I have a medical emergency and need some time to recuperate. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Please come back next week for more chapters.Xoxo (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)
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