All Chapters of Reunion with My Mafia King Ex: Chapter 31 - Chapter 36
36 Chapters
Chapter 0031
Sirius has locked me in his room as his prisoner for two weeks. At first, I banged on the door and demanded that Sirius speak to me so that I would not be silenced and disregarded. He could not brand me as a mistress, especially not his mistress, without my permission.Guards had politely asked me t
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Chapter 0032
“Hello, Lucy,” I smile as I examine the new tray. “What do you have for me this evening?”Lucy’s cheeks redden, and she uncovers the dish. “Today we have Master Sirius’s favorite-”“Chicken Parmigiana?” I smile.“Yes! He’s been eating it since childhood,” she sighs. “D-do you like it?”“Yes. My moth
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Chapter 0033
A strangled sob passes my lips as I stare at my name on the folded piece of paper. Alston wrote this. I’d recognize that scripted E anywhere. I crawl across the room and pull myself into the center of the bed, cradling the note to my chest.My hands tremble as I struggle to rip the note open. I have
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Chapter 0034
I waited for a while after Sirius left, my hand absentmindedly touching my swollen lips and his words running through my mind over and over again. Elise, the next time I am on my knees for you, you will be madly in love, begging for me to love you.I shuddered at the words. Did I want Sirius on his
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Chapter 0035
“I have to dress as a queen but I’m a mistress. How ironic.” I roll my eyes, but Sirius growls again. My eyes flash into the darkYou are not allowed to contact Alston.”I shoot up, “Sirius! You can’t just-”“If I find any contact between you and Alston, I will kill him on sight.”A chill runs down
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Chapter 0036
I swallow hard, trying to steady my racing heart. “What do you want, Rudy?”He chuckles softly, his breath warm against my ear. “My offer to bear Sirius’s child still stands.” He walks around me, sliding onto the chair next to me.“Sirius does not seem interested,” I counter, shifting my body away f
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