All Chapters of Chasing His Betrayed Luna: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
30 Chapters
21. Replica Of You
AURELIA~~“We’ve crossed the border, Relia.” Inara’s worry was etched into each of those words as the car moved slowly along the bumpy road that connected Dark Moon Pack's borders to its civilization.My guts twisted and I felt my heart beating rapidly as my eyes shifted from side to side, taking in the less familiar landscape of a place I once called home. Clearly, a lot has changed since I left. For one, I had to travel for almost nine months on foot before I made it to Black Fur Pack five years ago but with the luxury of cars, it only took four days to make it back to where I started.Just four days!“But you aren’t alone this time. You’ve me, friends, lovely kids and I bet Alpha Tristan would kill anyone to keep you safe. That man adores you so you’ll be just fine–” Inara began to fill my head with encouraging words as we drew closer and closer to my past.But I’d to cut her off, “Adores me? Don’t start spewing nonsense about him, Ina. He’s simply being my Alpha.” An Alpha I ha
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22. Secretly In Love
ALPHA RAIDEN~~Although there was a car behind Aurelia as she stumbled, Tristan dashed to her side, holding her as she regained her balance. An unknown feeling swelled in my heart… or maybe the feeling was known after all. I just didn't want to admit to myself that what I felt was jealousy.“Are you alright, Lia?” He asked softly, his grip firm on her lower back while Larisa inhaled sharply beside me, her face oddly pale.Aurelia voiced in response, “Yes. Just a little bit dizzy. I’m sorry–” Alpha Tristan faced me before she could finish speaking and he asked rhetorically, “Can she be led to her room? We’re all tired from the trip and I was told we wouldn’t be staying with other visiting Alphas.” Fuck that!If I could have my way, I would have kicked Tristan out of my pack the minute he got to the border but to take Aurelia back, I must tolerate his presence and keep him close.“Yes. We’ve prepared this building for you and your entourage, Alpha Tristan.” Andrew answered Tristan,
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23. A Weak Princess
AURELIA~~I dunked my face in a bowl of water, hoping to kill the anxiety that had settled in the center of my mind. No, I wasn’t scared of Raiden neither was I bothered about the killer glare that Larisa sent my way before Alpha Tristan led me away from the couple. However, I was scared I’d break down before them like I almost did earlier. I felt weak. I felt trapped, in fact. And it was all because of the traumatizing memories that had been flooding my brain ever since I stepped out of the car. Inhaling the almost familiar air of the pack that broke me, had me gasping for my breath, and seeing Raiden with Larisa reminded me of the cruel things those two did to me.My memories were fighting against the composure I was dying to keep up because I’d rather die than break before any member of this pack.A sharp knock on the restroom door had me jumping back to reality. I took a few seconds to inspect my appearance in the bathroom mirror, noticing that I was as pale as a ghost. Perh
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24. To End Her
AURELIA~~Dishes shattered on the floor and I gritted, jolting to my feet, hot pain burned into my skin as hot liquid trickled down my arm. Nina who had been shocked to see me, gasped, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to.” Oh, was she sorry now?She was never sorry when she treated me like I was a piece of trash back then. She was never sorry when she disrespected me even when I was her Luna but now she was sorry? And I could sense that her apology had something to do with the fact that Alpha Tristan was towering over us both, snarling at her. “Such unprofesssionalism!” Alpha Tristan barked ferociously, holding my burning arm. Nina dropped a plate of hot soup right on my arm when she saw me. I’d have thought she already got a whiff of my presence in the pack but she seemed genuinely surprised to see me. The mighty Nina trembled before me and apologized repeatedly.But her apology didn't change the fact that my skin was burning and to my surprise, Larisa walked over to where Nina wa
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25. Larisa's POV (1)
LARISA’S POV~~She was supposed to be dead. She wasn’t supposed to return looking healthier than she was even before she left the pack. Fuck! I was going to kill her. She wasn’t supposed to be alive and I’d make sure she remained dead. She has to die after what she did to me in the restroom. The humiliation. Goddess! I’d kill that bitch. I tried to look at anyone else but her as I shoved dinner down my throat, my hands shaking despite my efforts to relax. There was no way I’d give her the chance to see me rattled. She was nothing but a man snatcher, a useless bitch who would do anything to keep my man. Raiden was mine and he’s forever be mine. I’d go to any extent for him. Thankfully, dinner ended and I was able to excuse myself while most of the pack members and our guests remained in the dining hall. My blood was boiling like lava as I walked down the dark corridors that led to the kitchen where I knew the servants would be, cleaning up after everyone else. My nostrils fl
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26. A Heated Kiss
ALPHA RAIDEN~~The semi-finals of the pack games kicked off two days after the arrival of every other qualified pack to mine. I took pride in the fact that my arena was so much bigger than the one at Black Fur and I’ve worked closely with Larisa to provide entertainment for the games. So far, It has been fun.But for the millionth time that day, my eyes scanned the arena in search of Aurelia. She was all I could think about these days. Unfortunately, I rarely get to see her anywhere except in my dreams. “Well, there she is,” Lex said to me right in time for Aurelia to step into the arena in the same dueling leather she had that made me twitch in my pants–Larisa snorted beside me, cutting my train of thought, “There’s no way she would survive dueling with Tara.” Tara was from my pack and she was a strong warrior with muscles in all the right places even though she wasn’t bulky. Perhaps I’d have agreed with Larisa if I hadn't seen Aurelia defeat opponents who were bigger and stro
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27. Childhood Home
AURELIA~~I could strangle them both and kick them into the hot furnace of hell… the deepest hottest part of it. My heart ached as I stormed off with stinging eyes that had me questioning myself. Why the hell was I furious? Was it the kiss they happily shared right in front of me while they had stolen every reason I had to be happy? Hell no! It wasn't the kiss. Although the kiss was a reminder of the day I entered Raiden’s office only to see him fucking Larisa’s face even though he was still married to me, I wasn’t bothered about it. I was fuming because they had the nerve to be happy in front of me. There was no iota of guilt or remorse in their eyes as they foolishly shared a passionate kiss. The only thing they didn’t succeed in taking away from me was my kids. Every other thing was stripped away including my honor and my heart. I’d never forgive those two. They have to pay for ruining my life. They must pay.“I agree with the aspect where they have to pay for what they di
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28. July 25
AURELIA~<>~ I thought I knew sorrow and understood the feeling of loss. I thought life had knocked me down a couple of times and that had made me better at predicting what would hit me next. I thought I’d find peace here in Dakota’s house but all that was given to me was sorrow which was too bitter a pill to swallow.  “S-stop pl-playing g-games, kid.” I stuttered, grasping for something. Anything to keep me stead… but there was nothing.  Pheobe grabbed a hold of my outstretched hand, stepping out of the house with a facial expression that had my heart sinking further. “Trust me, I wish I was playing games with you. I wish Dakota was still alive to see the young woman I had become.”&
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29. Away From Her
ALPHA RAIDEN~~Frustration had mixed with my blood and became a part of me. I sleep frustrated and wake up to more frustration… that’s even if I get any sleep. These days, she has been haunting me in my sleep. “She isn’t haunting you, Raiden. Your past actions are. You brought this on yourself.” Lex defended Aurelia and called out my bluff.He was right. Each time I close my eyes, I see the wrongs I melted out to Aurelia. I see her cooking for me without receiving appreciation, I see myself seeking pleasure from her body and through our bond while denying her pleasure. I see myself punishing her when all she did wrong was love me and the memories of our past have done more harm than good to me ever since she told me to stay away from her… And it’s only been five days. Five days of torture from my dreams and Larisa who has been on my neck for intimacy– something we haven’t had since I started searching for Aurelia. “You survived not having sex because of the broken bond you still
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30. Fell In Love
ALPHA RAIDEN~~I was wowed beyond words when I stepped into my home. The whole place has been decorated for a feast I had no idea about. Larisa smiled at me, pulling me into the living room where her dad, Nolan, stood with his mate, Helen. Andrew was also there and so was Jake, my best male warrior, who was also my gamma. “What’s the occasion?” I asked Larisa through the mind link as she pulled me closer to her parents who I hadn’t seen in years. I stayed away from her parents because I didn’t want them to pressure me into marrying Larisa or remind me of my parents, who had decided to abandon me and the pack since they heard that I divorced Aurelia. I see Andrew and Jake every now and then but seeing them in my living room with Larisa’s parents seemed unusual. “Relax. I just wanted to surprise you with a nice dinner with family and friends. It’s been a rough month if you ask me.” Larisa’s words bounced off the walls of my mind as she responded. Helen’s face popped bright when
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