All Chapters of In Love With My Bully : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
24 Chapters
Chapter 11
Nicola Taylor The whole week when I went to work, I was immensely grateful to my students for providing a welcome distraction from thoughts of Finn and his new fiancée. My good mood was further maintained by how incredibly well-behaved the kids were this week. As the final bell rang, Steph rushed over and enveloped me in a tight hug. “Oh my god, we missed you so much! Friday was a nightmare. Apparently, your students only behave for you. I told them if they want you back, they’d better be on their best behavior,” she said, making me laugh. “That explains why they were little angels today. I guess things will go back to normal soon,” I replied, packing my handbag. “So, how was your week off?” she asked, wandering around the classroom. “It had its moments,” I said, not eager to dive into the details. “Is something going on with you?” She tilted her head, scrutinizing my expression. “Finn got engaged,” I murmured, fidgeting with my bag's zipper. “Oh honey, it’s for the best
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Chapter 12
Nicola Taylor“Alright, your car is fixed. No need to take it to a mechanic.” I sigh in relief as soon as I hear Cole’s words, knowing the car repairman would have charged me a lot.I turn around to see Cole entering my house all sweaty and greasy, making my cheeks heat up as my gaze betrays me as it traces the grease stains on his arms and chest, then moves up to his handsome, rugged face. “Do you want to take a shower? I have some spare clothes that might fit you,” I offer, trying to keep my eyes from lingering on Cole’s white tank undershirt that reveals his sculpted biceps and chiseled back. God, kill me now.“I’m not wearing your ex’s clothes, Nicola,” he grumbles, clearly unhappy. “Why do you even have them?” He asks, pulling out his phone and texting someone.“Really? You’re asking me that question?” I snort, feeling the hypocrisy in his statement.“He cheated on you and left. I think my situation is a tad bit different,” he says sarcastically, and I instantly regret bringing
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Chapter 13
Nicola TaylorAfter dinner, as we cleared the plates and loaded them into the dishwasher, I couldn't help but feel a sense of companionship that was so rare for me. It was comforting having someone around, someone to talk to, share a meal with, and simply be present with. Cole's phone interrupted the calmness, pulling him to the living room to answer it, while I took a moment to drink some water and collect my thoughts about the unexpected turn of events tonight.I wasn't going to sleep with him, not tonight at least. I needed more preparation than a spontaneous decision could allow. I wondered about the women he had been with before, but for me, I needed at least a day's notice for something as significant as our first time together.Cole returned to the kitchen, a hint of worry in his eyes as he checked his watch and prepared to leave. "What's happening?" I asked, concern flickering across my face."My mother called me. Arabella... I think she's a bit emotional tonight, so she's...
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Chapter 14
Nicola Taylor"Miss Taylor," a small, timid voice broke through the quiet hum of conversation, prompting me to set my tea down. I smiled warmly as Arabella hurried over and enveloped me in a gentle hug. Her sweetness never failed to touch my heart, though I couldn't quite fathom why she held me in such high regard. Still, her affection was something I cherished deeply."Hello, honey. How are you holding up?" I asked gently, guiding her back to where we were sitting. She took my hand and pulled me down into my seat again before climbing onto my lap."Miss Taylor always has us sit on her lap and sings whenever we cry or get hurt," Arabella explained with a bright smile to her grandparents, who beamed in response. To be honest, I've known Arabella practically since she could remember. I first met her when she was three years old, and I've been her teacher ever since. She was a quite kid when I met her, often spending more time near my desk than at her own. Over the past couple of years
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Chapter 15
Nicola Taylor “No, no, no,” I yell, covering my eyes as I step out of the bathroom, only to see Cole Harrington standing beside the bed, shirtless in just his joggers. “You cannot sleep shirtless around me. Are you trying to seduce me? Do you think this is how you get me to marry you?” I ask, moving around the room with my eyes closed, holding onto the side of the bed to navigate.“I think it’s working,” he says, and I freeze when I feel his hands on my waist making my back straighten as I stand with my eyes closed.“It’s not. Even if I give in to my base urges, I’m still not marrying you,” I grunt, trying to move, but his hands slide down to my hips, holding me in place.“So you’ll use my body and then throw me away? Wow, you are heartless,” he murmurs, his breath hot against my neck. I feel his naked chest pressing against my back, the flimsy material of my dress doing little to protect me from the heat radiating from his body.“I will kill you, Cole,” I breathe harshly. “Stop tryi
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Chapter 16
Nicola Taylor“Daddy!” I hear a loud scream, jolting me awake from my deep slumber. Cole and I sit up with a start, our eyes wide as we recognize the source of the scream.Oh god, no. Why didn’t we lock the door?There stands Arabella, her eyes as wide as saucers, clutching a stuffed bunny in her hand, wearing her hello kitty night wear. Thank god I was fully clothed, but Cole wasn’t. He slept shirtless against my better judgment. I told him to put on a t-shirt.“Oh god. What do I do?” Cole mutters, scrambling out of bed and pulling on a t-shirt. I want the ground to open up and swallow me; I can't deal with this embarrassment. What if Bella tells her friends that their teacher slept in the same bed as her dad?Oh no.“Bella, please don’t scream again. Come in, and we will answer all of your questions,” I say, trying to sound calm as I slowly step out of the bed, fixing my dress and hair as I walk towards her.Cole closes the door behind Bella as I bring her to the edge of the bed w
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Chapter 17
Nicola TaylorI stared at the clock striking 2 pm as Cole and I sipped our coffee, the silence between us thick with unspoken words. Everything felt rushed, and I wasn’t sure how to navigate this conversation.“We should start our discussion. What are your demands?” he asked in a very professional tone, making me bristle.“First of all, this is about family and your daughter. I need you to understand this isn’t a business deal, and at no point will I let you treat it like one,” I warned him. “Of course, I understand. But can you elaborate?” he asked, sounding genuinely confused.“Yes. I will never speak to you again if you ever try to tell me I’m not her mother or try to shut me up by ‘showing me my place’ in the midst of your anger. You know exactly what role I’m going to play in your daughter’s life, and you’re not allowed to take that away from me. I need recognition,” I said firmly.“What kind of recognition?” he asked, his tone softer now.“I need to be a part of her life as an
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Chapter 18
Nicola Taylor“Oh my god. I cannot believe this is happening.” Bella hadn’t stopped jumping since the moment I confirmed I was going to marry her father. Her joy was infectious, and it felt good to see her so happy. She deserves all the happiness in the world.“Bella, I’ll put on Peppa Pig. Go and eat your lunch. Come on, darling,” Cole said as he scooped her up and carried her out of the room. I looked around at the room that would be my new home. It was larger than my entire apartment, and I knew it would take me at least a day to arrange my clothes in the enormous walk-in closet. While I knew Cole was wealthy, living in a place like this was a bit overwhelming.On the brighter side, when I told my boss, the principal, about my upcoming marriage, I expected her to be upset about me getting involved with a parent. Instead, she was thrilled. My family reacted similarly; they had been praying for me to find a good man, and now that I’d landed a 'handsome billionaire,' they were all con
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Chapter 19
Nicola Taylor“Oh baby, I am so happy you are getting married.” My mom envelops me in a warm hug, and I blink back tears to avoid ruining my makeup. “I know it feels like everything is moving very fast, but when I met Cole, I knew he was the best guy for you to marry,” she tells me, reminiscing about her visit just a week ago when she first met him.My sister and dad flew in yesterday, and Cole managed to charm each and every one of them. My mother, initially happy but cautious about the marriage, now had no reservations after meeting him. She had been a bit apprehensive about me marrying a man with a child, but meeting Arabella, who was the most adorable kid ever, melted her heart.“You look so beautiful, Nicky,” my sister says, gently wiping away my tears with a q-tip as we share a small laugh. The dress was a dream come true. Its sleeveless design and delicate lace overlay gave it an ethereal quality, accentuated by a subtle pinkish hue in my makeup that matched perfectly with the
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Chapter 20
Cole HarringtonI just got married again, something I never thought would happen after my first marriage. I felt a pang of guilt for feeling happy. Maybe because I was trying to convince myself that I was doing this only for Arabella and that the only woman I would ever love was Courtney. But now, that felt like a lie I kept telling myself.I obviously liked Nicola and cared for her deeply.We got married in the morning, so everything wrapped up by the afternoon. Now, at night, we were sitting comfortably at home, just the three of us in the living room. Arabella hadn't left Nicola alone even for a second. Thankfully, Nicola didn't seem to mind as they colored together.Whenever I got a little too happy, I felt guilty, like I was cheating on Courtney. But seeing Bella interact with Nicola, I didn't know how she would do without her."Okay, baby, its ten o'clock now. Come on, you have to sleep," Nicola told Bella as she picked her up, but Arabella protested a little. "Tomorrow I'll mak
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