All Chapters of Ex-Luna's Revenge: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
254 Chapters
Chapter 0241
ARGON Do they think I'm stupid? They are trying to blame a poison that didn't have any hand in the baby's death! The report clearly shows that Estelle had already removed that baby before our wedding. "And she even dared to deny the truth right before my very eyes?! That brat! How could she?!"
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Chapter 0242
"Don't you dare accuse Brielle for your own daughter's crime! You should be grateful that she saved your daughter and spared you from digging a grave!" I fired back, annoying Deron even more. Out of anger, he snapped his finger and said, "A useless man like yourself shouldn't talk to an Alpha! You
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Chapter 0243
ARGON "Don't bother. Tania is here, " Brielle had said, taking hold of her maid's arm while exiting the room. She returned all dressed and ready to leave, only to be disappointed when I told her mine and Sir Derek's decision. I just made it look like he was the one who wanted her to follow me back
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Chapter 0244
I carefully carried Brielle into my arms and took her into the mansion. She stayed quiet in my hold, leaving me wondering if she was looking at me or not. I was tempted to glance at her face, but I didn't want her to start a fight because of it. So, I maintained a straight face until we arrived at
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Chapter 0245
ARGON "Just taste it. Trust me, you're going to love the soup," I assured Brielle, giving her a spoon of the soup the maids had prepared. But she didn't want to take it from my hand. She had her mouth facing the other direction, avoiding me from feeding her. I would have waited for Tania to do th
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Chapter 0246
"What are you talking about, Alpha Deron? Who are you calling out?" Jerome asked, standing before Deron. I didn't even notice him at first, but now I can see he's back from yesterday's so-called office work. Estelle was standing beside her father, acting all innocent. When she saw me, she began to
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Chapter 0247
And it marveled me. "Waw, my own beta thinks they are on the right side. So you're saying I'm wrong, huh Jerome? I am in the wrong, isn't it?" I chuckled, swaying my head at my loyal beta. "Alpha, I am trying to help solve this case. I'm sorry, but I think Brielle has a hand in your baby's death.
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Chapter 0248
ARGON "That monster! She was at my wedding?! Oh goddess!" Estelle grabbed her hair, looking petrified. I saw the same fear written all over Jerome's face. He couldn't make out a straight word without shaking. "This... This is why I wanted us to hire more securities. I knew... I knew she was goi
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Chapter 0249
"Argon, mind your words!" "Don't tell me what to do, old man!" I raised my voice, pointing at Deron. He was stunned by my outburst. "You are in my pack, not yours!" I reminded him. "If you want to leave, then you'll have to apologize to Brielle for accusing her wrongly. Either you do it or you l
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Chapter 0250
Her whole face had swollen with fear. She couldn't pour out another lie, now that she was trapped. When everything had started going my way, Jerome stepped in and began to side with me. "How disappointing! And I thought you were innocent. Once again, you've deceived me into believing your lies! I
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