All Chapters of Alpha Zephyr’s Rejected Mate : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
51 Chapters
Chapter 0031
If only she knew that she had put us in danger.I groaned inwardly and forced a smile when she looked at me. This was not helping. The alpha king would kill us over the black Scroll; if we survived the night, it would be a miracle. I heaved a deep sigh and, through gritted teeth, muttered, "Sapphire
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Chapter 0032
~SAPPHIRE ~I couldn’t understand why Zephyr was mad at me. I thought he would be happy that I had gotten the black scroll for him, but instead, he was furious. He didn’t exchange words with me from the car to the hotel to the room. When we reached the room, he announced that we would share it and t
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Chapter 0033
"Are you going to remain on the floor?" Zephyr asked.The floor. I was still lying there. "Sapphire," he called my name again."Right," adrenaline pumped through me, and I jumped to my feet, heading towards the bathroom. My head almost hit the door, but I saw it just in time and entered without caus
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Chapter 0034
"Now!" Zephyr shouted and pushed me to the floor in a swift motion, jumping on the intruder with a ringing thud hitting the ground. My instincts were right about what the intruder was holding. It was a sword that he could have stabbed me with if I wasn't awake."Who the hell sent you?" Zephyr scream
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Chapter 0035
~DANE~My screams echoed through the walls of my room as I clenched my fists tightly, drawing blood. Surprises abounded tonight. Not only did I discover that Daphne had survived and was now posing as Sapphire, but her survival threatened to ruin everything I had meticulously planned. How could she s
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Chapter 0036
~ZEPHYR~A frown formed on my face as Silver insisted for the umpteenth time that he would escort us back to the pack despite my repeated orders to leave with his mate.“I am your beta. I am supposed to protect you!” He placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it gently. “They could be around us, l
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Chapter 0037
They were the smart ones, and they had gotten us.The driver’s eyes met mine in the rearview mirror, a sly grin spreading across his face. He pulled out a gun and turned around, his eyes leaving the road but his other hand still on the wheel. He pointed the gun at Sapphire. “This was so much easier
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Chapter 0038
“Yes.”My eyes scanned the men, counting five of them. Five, yet deadly. They watched us like hawks, waiting to see if we would attack. When we didn’t, one of the men moved forward, swinging his sword to my neck. “Where is the black scroll?” he demanded. “Tell me now, or you die!” He yelled and rais
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Chapter 0039
~SAPPHIRE~‘’Zephyr!’’ I muttered his name as I shook his body to wake him up, but he didn’t respond. I wanted to scream at him for putting himself at risk yet again because of me, but he lay lifeless in my arms, blood seeping from his back, his face becoming paler with each passing second. He was s
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Chapter 0040
‘’A little more, Mira. Please, do this for us.’’Mira groaned again but didn’t say anything and continued to run. Zephyr’s life depended on it whether we liked it or not. Thunder rumbled, the sky opened above us, and rain poured in sheets. It happened just like the night I was being chased. The Moon
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