By:  Purple Cashinx  Completed
Language: English
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Set in a world where Vampires, Werewolves and magic is alive. Yoanna, Queen of the Vampires, one of the originals, has been alive for well over 6000 years. Living and loving who she wants. One day she meets and saves a young woman whose very existence calls to her. Unfortunately, Sinn has been trained most of her life to be a Hunter so Yoanna watches from a distance until ten years later she decides she can't stand by and watch any longer. Sinn, vampire hunter, one of the best in the world, finds her life thrown into turmoil and her friends threatened by her Mentors attempt to control her. What she had never thought possible was falling for a Vampire.

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margaret wanjala
awesome............ can't wait for the next chapter
2021-08-06 12:49:49
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Leanne Robertson
Loved the book so far, can’t wait for the next chapters
2021-08-01 06:36:14
90 Chapters
Chapter 1 - Prologue
As she waited for the traffic lights to change, Yoanna reached out and turned off the radio with a frustrated jab of her finger. Silence fell over the interior of the car while she focussed on the beat of the town she was searching instead of the beat of the music. Carefully adjusting her sunglasses to cut down on the headlight glare from the other cars, she looked surreptitiously at the drivers and occupants of the few vehicles around hers. McKinney, Texas was a medium sized town at best so luckily the traffic wasn't too heavy. As it was a Friday night though the people within their air-conditioned metal cans and walking the streets were celebrating the end of a week by drinking and partying like it was their last night on earth. Which for some of them would be true if they didn't take more care of where they stepped, Yoanna thought as she watched a group of giggling girls spill out of a club and walk straight into the road to be greeted by a hail of car horns
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Chapter 2 - Day 1 (night)
Tilting her head to one side, Yoanna studied the big redheaded Vampire as he stormed into the dining cum meeting room with Ella, his young human wife following along in his wake as fast as she could given how long the stride of the near seven foot Vampire was and the advanced state of her pregnancy. Her dark, almost black, eyes blazed with exasperation and all the fire in her Puerto Rican blood. "Something seems to be troubling you, Marcus. What is wrong?" Her tone was measured, calm, but it cut across the room and made him pull to a halt, his body drawing up in realisation of his behaviour and who was witnessing it. Pausing, Marcus gave their Queen a belated bow. "My apologies for my absence and behaviour, my Queen. I just had word that, Sinn was spotted back in town." The room broke out into heated mutterings at the name. "Sinn, she is a Hunter that we have had 'dealings' with in the past. She can be… troublesome," he explained to Yoanna, his body tensing at the ex
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Chapter 3: Day 1 (night)
“Yoanna?” Getting no reply to her knock, Ella opened the door to the apartment and glanced around the expansive living room area for the Vampire. “Damn,” she whistled quietly as she took in the wicked array of guns and knives on the table. For most people it would have been a lot but from her own experience with what she liked as well as what Sinn usually carried, Ella could tell Sinn had been travelling much lighter than usual. She bit down on the spike of fear that closed her throat off at the thought that Sinn had awoken and done something. “Yoanna?!” “In the bedroom, Ella.” Ella paused in the doorway at the sight that greeted her. Since Yoanna had arrived in town she hadn’t seen her anything less than impeccably dressed in the finest of clothes so it was something of a shock to see her naked. Her pale beauty was on full display as she knelt behind an equally naked Sinn on the bed, the other woman’s head and shoulders resting in her lap as she used a thick
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Chapter 4: Day 2 (day)
After Yoanna had reluctantly left Sinn and the mansion for the day, Ella settled herself down in a chair next to the bed so she could keep a close eye on Sinn. Picking up a book she tried to let the story take her away but she was more worried about her husband than she cared to dwell upon and after turning a couple of pages she let it rest upon her lap when she realised she couldn’t even remember a word of it even though it was a book she usually loved to lose herself in no matter how often she read it.She hated that Marcus was locked up in one of the super strong Vampire and Werewolf proof cells in the deepest part of their home almost as much as she hated that they even had them there in the first place.There was nothing she could do to help him though other than take care of Sinn and hope that if… when, she recovered Sinn would help free him or that Yoanna would soften upon the harshness of the punishment and would release him. Forgiving was somethin
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Chapter 5-6: Day 2 (night)
Ella cracked open her eyes, confusion running through her as she tried to make sense of where she was and what could have woken her. Sitting upright she leaned back in the chair, rubbing the back of her neck to try and ease the tension out of it from being in a hunched over position with her upper body resting upon a mattress that wasn’t her own. A kick from her baby let her know that he, or she, hadn’t appreciated her sleeping position either. Rubbing the bulge of her belly she whispered soothingly to her unborn baby as she reached over to turn on the bedside lamp to combat the darkness in the room so she could better work out which of the many rooms in the mansion she had nodded off in. “Oh!” She jumped, startled for a moment by the sight of a body lying in the bed she had been using to rest against. “Sinn,” she sucked in a breath as the shock cleared the cobwebs from her mind as she remembered everything that had happened. Biting her lip, Ella reached out
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Chapter 7: Day 3 (night)
“Ella? Where the hell- Ahh, there you are!” Looking up from the book she was reading, Ella smile slipped at the troubled expression on her friends’ usually happy face as she walked across the patio towards her. Wearing the typical black garb that the guards favoured while on duty and her almost blue-black skin she blended into the night almost as well as her black Werewolf form did when she changed. Usually though her bright smile and her pale blue eyes gave her away but right then only there was no smile. “Oh god. Hi, Mel, something wrong?” Even though she had been sent there with a task to do, Mel pulled out the chair Ella gestured to and sat down with her to enjoy whatever time she could grab with her. They saw each other every day and yet it felt far too long since they had managed to have any time together to just chat and be friends. “Yoanna wants to see you.” Ella slipped
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Chapter 8: Day 4 (day/night)
While she waited for the sun to set, Sinn returned to the main cabin she was renting. Even though she had arranged with Ella that she would go back to the mansion willingly, Sinn looked around carefully as she checked the spare gun she kept hidden on her bike. Before she went near the small building she wanted to be as sure as he could that there weren’t any unwanted surprises from the mansion or anywhere else lurking around. Crouching down amongst the bushes in the shade of the trees she looked down at the cabin and reached out with her powers. The sun being up meant she was safe from Vampires but Werewolves could move around at any time of the day and were almost as strong as a Vampire even if they weren’t Alpha enough to change with the full moon still weeks away. Sinn knew she was good, better than good, with most weapons and hand to hand combat but no amount of training helped much if something that could toss a truck and ri
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Chapter 9: Day 4 (night)
Hands shaking, Sinn turned off the engine and took off her black, full face helmet before she gave in to the temptation to speed off in the other direction. Out of the corner of her eye as she saw Ella coming out to greet her with four guards shadowing her every move as they glared at her. “Four? Really?” The number wouldn’t have bothered her even if their numbers had been doubled but it was not like Ella to hide behind guards when dealing with her.“They wanted to send out more but I pulled rank.” Giving her a wry smile, Ella wrapped her arms around Sinn as she finished stowing her helmet away and hugged her as best as she could with her belly getting in the way. Despite the confrontational looks she was shooting the guards, Ella could tell that Sinn was nervous and ready to bolt given half a chance but Sinn surprised her and actually relaxed into her hug and returned it. “Sinn,” leaning back, she gave the young woman a disapproving
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Chapter 10 Day 4 (night)
Taking Sinn by the hand, Ella urged her gently into moving and followed Yoanna through to the apartments. She felt the nervous flutter of the hand in hers as they finally came to a stop in the bedroom. It was probably not the most professional of places to give a pat down but it had the added effect right then of keeping Sinn off guard. And herself, Ella had to admit. It was strange to see Sinn being so pursued by anyone given the ‘get the fuck away from me’ attitude she usually had in place. It was definitely throwing Sinn off guard though and Ella still hadn’t quite made up her mind if it was a good or bad thing for Sinn or them. Sinn wasn’t protesting the attention though. If she had, Queen or not, Ella would have found a way to remove Sinn from the situation and protect her… and Yoanna from any reprisals.   Coming to a halt, Yoanna turned and watched as Ella nudged Sinn forwards before taking up position where she could grab Sinn if necessary. Sinn for her p
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Chapter 11: Day 4 (night)
“Now. If we are to go any further, I need your weapons. Sinn?” Yoanna held out her hand expectantly.   “I haven’t got any more on…” Sinn’s voice trailed off under the weight of those blue eyes and her own guilt as she remembered just what she was wearing.   “Just thought of some, huh?”   Removing her jacket again, Sinn handed it over to Yoanna without a word. Ella had searched it already but she knew that not everything had been found. Mostly the garrotte wire Ella had mentioned. Just because she was giving them up didn’t mean she had to let on as to where everything was hidden in it though.   “And the rest.”   Grumbling mumbled obscenities about pushy vampires under her breath, Sinn kicked her boots off and handed over her wristwatch and studded leather bracelet. Then with a sigh, removed the belt from her jeans too. “There, that’s it.”   “Hmm… nope, don’t b
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