Tale As Old As Time

Tale As Old As Time

By:  Li  Completed
Language: English
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The forest within the quiet village of Gashea is a dangerous place. Within the trees lies something dark, cursed, and wicked. For centuries, a demon with malevolent power terrorizes the villagers of the small valley home. He had brought droughts, disease, and famine. To ensure that he will keep his powers at bay, the village of Gashea offers a bride to the demon every night. And by dawn, without fail, they would see the corpse of the offered brides floating along their bright, shining river. With the next choosing fast approaching, the head villagers made a shocking decision. They had chosen Fyn. A man. When Fyn starts to slowly fall in love with the demon within the forest, secrets of the past unravel. The truth makes them wonder whether it’s the right monster Gashea fears.

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Tale As Old As Time by Li is an unconventional love story between the supernatural and a human. Gashea is continuously under the mercy of the demon of the forest, Kavan. He terrorizes the village with famines and diseases. Kavan loves to make mortals miserable. To appease him, the villagers offer a bride. All of them never lived to see the sunrise again. One day instead of a woman, they sent a man named Fyn. He manages to survive and builds an intimate bond with Kavan. But is this the redemption everyone has been yearning for, or another form of danger is to come?

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Adriane Renee Hugg
This is an awesome story....
2023-02-03 09:00:44
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Katie Matthews Reed
I would love to start reading this book but I'm stilling waiting on you to complete Rules and Roses.
2021-09-12 11:44:57
25 Chapters
A Tale Of Demons
Fyn.  Ever since he was young, Fyn knew the forest is a terrifying place. And if he were being honest with himself, he, together with the other townsfolk of Gashea, feared almost everything. The forest of Gashea was large, dark, and primal. Cottonwood, oak, and rowan marked its canopy, their crowns so lush and thick that even short beams of light had a hard time to descend for bright saplings to burst from the boulder-covered grounds below. Curling climbing plants drooped from many trees. There were neither flowers nor trees that bear fruit, there were only just thorny vines and poisonous herbs. Added to the sounds of the occasional splashes of frogs jumping in the nearby lake during the night, foraging beasts, those of which brought fear to the townsfolk caused a cacophony of animal noises. On the light side of a forest was the small, quiet town of Gashea. The township itself looks rough. With its meta
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A Tale Of Brides
Fyn. Built over centuries ago, the metal concave mirror in the middle of the town of Gashea, had always been used to light the torch with the sun's rays. The fire from the torch acted as a reminder of the struggles and sacrifices of the women who the townsfolk had chosen as the bride of the demon. It had been a constant reminder of how easily life can turn for the worst, as it has for the people in the past. Traditionally, the choosing would happen in the morning. In the village square, the townsfolk would adorn the hair of the next demon's bride with white baby's breath flowers. They would have the bride walk from up the wooden platform where the metal concave mirror was placed and have them light the torch. When the flame lights, the bride holds the torch up high for all to see, to symbolize her bravery in facing the demon for the betterment of everyone. When night falls, the townsfolk would place a brown cloak on the demon's bride
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A Tale Of Rituals
Fyn. Panic took over Fyn's mind the exact moment an old woman placed the very same macabre flower crown he had associated with death on top of his head. Thoughts of the endless pain he would experience once he reached the woods crept up in his mind. What if he never got to see the dawn break? What if the demon decided he wanted his death a few steps into his domain? Wave after wave of anxiety kept coming, and Fyn tried his hardest to stop his tears from falling. Desperate for some form of relief, he sought every solution. Ignoring it, working through it, using it to fuel his strength. But nothing seemed to work. He even repeated the same rhyme that often brought him comfort, but right now, it was nothing but a jumbled collection of letters. He closed his eyes and relaxed his muscles. He took a deep breath, and then another. When he opened his eyes again, an old woman was looking at him with a worried expression. "Don't run away now,"
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A Tale Of Murderers
Fyn.  Two jagged antlers that seemed to be as thick as leather rested neatly on the demon's forehead.Fyn had been too busy ogling at the demon's attractive form that he missed this. Of course, he thought, He was a demon. He could choose any form he wanted. Why would he settle on something monstrous when he could look like a god?Fyn's eyes fall on the demon's chest. There were markings, symbols Fyn couldn't quite decipher on it. They were dark, smoking, and even seemed to glow. The demon took a step forward, making Fyn jolt in place. Almost immediately, he felt his heart beat against his chest, his arms raised up in defense purely by instinct. The demon tilts its head at Fyn's action, and Fyn swore he saw something akin to curiosity flicker in them.Again, the demon walked towards him, its muscular legs carrying his demonic body with such a calm aura that if Fyn hadn't known it was the demon in front of h
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A Tale Of Fruits
Fyn.  Fyn looked up at the demon's eyes as it pressed the jagged rock he was clutching near its throat.Gritting his teeth once more, he clenched his jaw and his fist along the hard rock. This was an opportunity, wasn't it? Fyn was familiar with hunting, even though he rarely did it. He once hunted for small game, like rabbits, fawns, and sometimes even boars.He knew that a slice to the jugular would mean immediate death.And if he were to grab this opportunity, then that would mean the village of Gashea wouldn't experience any more misfortune under the hands of some malevolent demon.Still, as he looked at the demon's eyes, Fyn felt like something was wrong. A powerful demon such as the one that was in front of him surely wouldn't look like they were ready to embrace death. Surely, even demons could feel fear. The demon's eyes looked welcoming, like it was waiting for Fyn to just kill him. He already felt as if the
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A Tale Of Serpents
Fyn.  Fyn didn't know how long he stared at the demon, but it was probably long enough that the demon got tired and left him there, gawking.If he had been red before, he knew that his face probably turned a deep shade of red enough to consider him a tomato. Had the demon actually brought him something to eat? Surely not. Still, if the demon didn't eat fruits, why would he bring a wide variation of them? Did the demon usually feed his captives before killing them? Nothing made sense.Blinking after a long while, Fyn followed the direction of where the demon had gone to. The cave system was dark, but he could hear the demon's wings flapping as he walked. He might still be near. Taking a deep breath, Fyn placed the fruit back inside the rucksack and placed the entire thing near one of the walls. After he secured it, he combed his hand through his hair and slowly walked towards where the demon was.Was there a different demon
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A Tale Of Forests
Fyn.  It was dark out when Kavan returned.Havu had nestled himself comfortably around Fyn's shoulders. They were leaning against the entrance of the cave, waiting for Kavan's return. Kavan landed safely by the cliffside, kneeling as he drew back his wings back inside his skin. The whole scenario felt bizarre, but Kavan did it magnificently. Once his wings were perfectly back inside his skin, he turned around and stopped in place.Kavan's eyes fell on Havu, and it narrowed slightly at the sight. With a growl, Kavan grits his teeth, "Havu, why are you on the mortal's shoulders?"The snake slithered off Fyn's shoulders and went towards Kavan. Crouching down, Kavan extended his arm towards the snake. Fyn watched as the snake round around the demon's arm, nestling just above his head, hanging off his antlers. Kavan stared at the snake's eyes, and Fyn knew they were sharing a silent conversation. With a stiff nod, Kavan's gaze f
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A Tale Of Masters
Fyn.  A vine that carried many grapes lowered just in front of Fyn's head.By how Havu tightened around his waist, Fyn knew the smart choice would be to just accept whatever it was the forest was giving him. Scowling, he took a handful of grapes. His mouth automatically watered at the sight of the luscious fruit. With how it smelled, he knew it would be sweet and tasty. When the grape seemed to melt inside his mouth like butter, he tried his best not to moan out loud."The forest is starting to annoy me," Fyn said loudly to Havu. "Why are they forcing me to stay here?"Havu slithered off his waist and started to climb up the path towards Kavan's cave. And as if teasing him, the serpent turned its head back and darted its forked tongue out of its mouth. The same smooth voice echoes inside of Fyn's head, "It is time to go. From what I had learned, it is always the wise decision to listen to what the forest tells you. It is fu
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A Tale Of Mortals
Kavan.  Kavan stared at the white flowers on top of the mortal's head.He knew damn well what the forest was implying, and he would rather face death instead of doing whatever it is they wanted him to do. It was already annoying that the mortal had to stay at his abode, but to have the forest take care of him? Gritting his teeth once more, he grabbed the crown of flowers from the mortal's head and threw it roughly on the ground.Then he grabbed the vine that wrapped itself around the mortal's waist. Shaking his head, he wrapped his hand tightly around the vine, narrowing his eyes, "Stop. I do not need this."'I do not need him.'He felt something sting in his chest. Confused, he blinked and looked down. Surprise flashed in his face once he noticed that his chest stung because the mortal was currently slapping him on the chest. The mortal's face was a deep shade of red, and Kavan tilted his head at that. He h
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A Tale Of Nǣps
Fyn.  Fyn pinched his arm to make sure that he wasn't seeing things.Standing just a few feet away from him are turnips. Normally, turnips wouldn't make him so dumbfounded. Occasionally, he would plant some turnips at the back of his hut and harvest them during early spring. That's why he was obviously aware of what turnips should look like, smell like, and taste like. He knew for sure that turnips weren't supposed to walk.Turnips most especially shouldn't have faces.And most of all, turnips don't talk.The turnip just a few feet away from him had not only eyes, but a mouth, and four limbs. It was standing on two legs and standing two feet tall. Fyn pinched himself again, blinking as much as he could. He gaped his mouth wide open, staring unbelievingly at the thing right in front of him. Sure, he could accept a telepathic snake, a demon with wings, antlers, and a tail, and a forest that moves all
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