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Every third year, Mother of the sea demands her rituals to be paid, and He was on the wrong side of luck when he was chosen. His only fate was death, while was defiled on this day. After a terrible confrontation, the weakest mermaid is used as ritual to apease the gods for food and protection. Escaping and running from a great responsibility that open his colony to danger. Returning back to where he came from was a difficulty decision. Every where he goes, he is a potential threat, there is only one place he can be welcomed. The human land, yet he is a greater threat to human because he is a Merman. The struggle of blending in continues after he meet those who are instrumental to his struggles but he won't live with the fault that there won't be any consequences for his actions
91.5K DibacaOngoing
Beneath The Sea
Beneath The Sea
She was lost, nowhere to be found. So, he began to find her. Little did he know she was just there all along hiding beneath the sea.(This story involves Philippine Mythology, but I altered some things for the plot to work out, thanks!)
102.2K DibacaOngoing
CERITA INI AKAN MENGANDUNG BANYAK KONTEN DEWASA 21+++++ DAN MISTERI, PASTIKAN KALIAN CUKUP UMUR UNTUK MEMBACANYA. Sudah belasan tahun Jared bekerja sebagai pengurus istal kuda di rumah keluarga Loghan, keluarga bangsawan kaya raya dari Inggris yang memiliki komplek properti megah di kawasan Yorkshire. Beberapa bulan yang lalu Jared baru tahu jika dirinya ternyata mewarisi harta melimpah dari keluarga Loghan. Jared adalah anak kharam yang selama ini tidak pernah diakui karena dia cuma lahir dari seorang pelayan, Jared menolak warisannya. Jared sudah biasa hidup miskin, dia tidak butuh harta melimpah. Jared hanya butuh hidup normal setelah kecanduannya terhadap obat-obatan penenang. Sudah lama Jared mengalami gangguan tidur dengan berbagai mimpi mengerikan . Telah banyak terapis yang Jared datangi tapi yang dia dapatkan cuma omong kosong. Jared belum sadar jika semua hal tidak normal itu adalah sebuah keistimewaan yang suatu saat akan dia bongkar sendiri sebagai misteri dari asal usul dirinya. Jared kabur ke Amerika untuk melenyapkan semua trauma masa kecilnya sebagai anak laki-laki miskin dan terlantar. Tapi, siapa yang menyangka jika dia malah terlibat dalam kasus pembunuhan beruntun yang mengerikan. Dapatkah Jared lepas dari jerat hukum dan membongkar misteri kejahatan tersebut tanpa harus membongkar identitasnya sebagai pewaris keluarga kaya raya? Misteri, roman dewasa, dan kemampuan supranatural dikemas jadi satu dalam cerita ini. CERITA INI ADALAH BUKU KE 2 DARI (HOT AND DANGEROUS BILLIONAIRE)
10718.0K DibacaCompleted
The Yellow & Red Sea
The Yellow & Red Sea
Red Quinscity is a sergeant marksman in Aleris Camp, the headquarters and base of the main force of the Aleris Imperial Army. He has devoted his life on destroying the company that has been draining and forcefully taking the natural resources of their city, the Causan Industries. The daughter of the general of the Aleris Imperial Army is Gabriella Alon, a Filipino female warrior who leads the main force. Red and Gabriella, together with the other warriors, embark on a journey finding the location of Causan Industries, destroying enemy camps and fighting off enemy assassins. Gabriella infiltrates Causan Industries causing it to rise on the ocean surface, starting the final battle. Red, who was compromised by Causan Industries, battles with Victoria and Gabriella who were hesitant to hurt him. Who will live after the fateful war, and who will die in honor?
1.5K DibacaOngoing
Konten dewasa. Harap bijak dalam membaca. ***** Alexander Gavin Malik adalah seorang pria dengan reputasi yang harus dijaga. Dia tampan, kaya, muda, pintar dan... Cassanova. Sudah bukan rahasia kalau dia suka menghabiskan waktu dengan wanita bayaran. Bahkan seluruh kota tahu kalau dia tidak pernah mau tidur dengan satu wanita yang sama untuk kedua kali. Akan tetapi semua itu berubah ketika dia tanpa sengaja meniduri seorang gadis. Frustasi karena gadis itu bukan wanita bayaran seperti yang dipikirkannya, Xander menuduh gadis itu sebagai mata-mata yang sengaja dikirim oleh rival bisnisnya untuk menghancurkannya. Lantas, benarkah tuduhan itu? Berhasilkah Xander menemukan wanita itu? Pertanyaan terakhir yang terpenting, siapakah wanita itu sebenarnya? Temukan jawabannya dalam kisah mereka!
9.8885.1K DibacaCompleted
Melancholy of the Sea
Melancholy of the Sea
Merida was a certified black sheep of the family. She loves to hear her grandmother's story about fairies, dragons, pirates and princesses and her favorite was the tale about the legendary pirate named Escarial, and a Princess called Athalia. Listening to her grandma’s folktales was her routine all throughout her eighteen years of existence. That’s why when her grandmother died without having at least a last talk with her, she turned badly depressed. She didn’t go to school at all, and just stayed in her grandmother’s room to lock herself away from the rest of the world. Three days after her grandmother’s funeral, strange things happened in her room. The painting her old woman often gazed on suddenly moved and glowed. She succumbed to it, helpless, and had nothing to do to save herself because of the force that was beyond overwhelming. The next thing she knew, she was in North Sonnenfield. What’s more shocking to her was the name she’s called as by her servants; Princess Athalia—the heir of the throne, and the only daughter of King Eldar of North Sonnenfield. She was in awe, because she remembered that King Eldar was the character in the story. The palace where she found herself lost was the same place where the brave princess who ventured the dangerous sea had lived. She loves being in a Sonnenfield. However, she knew to herself that the day will come when she would wake up from a dream. But life always has a twist because Captain Escarial came to the scene. She expects that he will be gentleman just like pirate captain in the book. But to her horror, this Captain Escarial is snobbish, rude and proud. Oh, how she hates him!
1.1K DibacaOngoing
A Night with Gideon
A Night with Gideon
(Gideon Vesarius' Story) At the age of nineteen, Lyzza joined an auction to sell her body out of desperate need. Whoever has the highest bid will get her virginity. And it happened to be Gideon Vesarius, the bad-ass ex-military, multi-billionaire. He had her, then left her life. She thought it would be forever. Four years later, when she was about to be an intern at a large airline company, she did not expect that the man who owned her virginity also owned the company. He found her secret, and their three-year old daughter. Will he take the kid away? Or… he gave her another choice - marry him!
9.82.1M DibacaOngoing
One Night Stand
One Night Stand
She went to a club with her friends to drink for the first time after finishing her third-year examinations. Gabriella was a 21-year-old virgin who had never kissed anybody before. She met a stranger at a club, accompanied him to a hotel, had her first kiss, and lost her virginity. She enjoyed herself. When she awoke the next morning, the man was gone,  He left. She found out she was pregnant a few months later. She continued to go to the hotel in the hopes of running into the man, but after four months, she gave up. He abandoned her, leaving her to face the situation alone. She dropped out of university to raise her son. She returned to school a year later to complete her studies and get her degree. She then saw the person she had slept with on TV and realized he was now engaged, as well as the fact that he was the well-known multi-billionaire Javier Hills. What would his grandma do when she finds a boy who looks just like her grandson?
9.5571.6K DibacaCompleted
Unexpected Night
Unexpected Night
I stayed up a few hours to watch you fall asleep Maximiliam Declan Addison, siapa yang tak mengenalnya? Ya, Dia adalah putra dari pasangan Anna dan Alexander Addison. Sosok pria dingin yang sialnya memiliki wajah rupawan itu, nyatanya adalah seorang penerus perusahaan Addison Corp. Pribadi yang tertutup membuatnya tak tersentuh. Ditambah dengan keseriusannya dalam memimpin, menjadikan dirinya begitu disegani walau usianya baru dua puluh lima tahun. Akan tetapi, tak ada yang menyangka di balik semua itu, Liam bisa berubah menjadi pria posesif jika hal tersebut menyangkut adiknya -Jazzlyne Addison- Suatu ketika, Jazzy membuat masalah hingga menuntun Liam pada takdir cintanya. Usaha Liam untuk menyelesaikan masalah malah mempertemukannya dengan sosok wanita asing yang terjatuh dari kapal yang dinaikinya. Liam tak menyangka bahwa pertolongannya pada wanita itu, harus berakhir dengan malam panas menggairahkan sehingga membuatnya tak mampu melupakan setiap deru napas wanita yang menghilang setelah malam tak terduga itu berakhir. Siapakah sosok wanita itu? Apakah Liam mampu menemukannya? "Unexpected night." ༺༻
9.7114.6K DibacaCompleted
His Mate From the Sea
His Mate From the Sea
Marilyn is a young mute mermaid who was forcibly taken out of the sea. She stays in a pool alongside other mermaids where they are displayed for werewolves to buy for sexual pleasure. She is determined not to be a possession of any wolf. But then, her determination is shaken when she met him. Who is he? Balin, the cold-hearted Alpha of the Bold Bite Pack. He suddenly develops a soft spot for a mermaid at first sight, making him take her home. What happens when he realizes that the mermaid he took home is his mate? Why was he unable to recognize her as his mate? Will members of his pack let a sea creature become their Luna?
8.83.9K DibacaOngoing
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