

Zach became so worried after I sneaked out of his place the other night. So, he came to my workplace at the parking lot. He told me Christian saw me leave the building.

"Zach, I don't just want to be for your sexual pleasure." I told him

"Who said anything about pleasure?

Jọláadé,  I love you and I want you to be mine forever." He cut into my words.

"Forever?" I muttered . "Yes." He replied. 

Maybe that was so fast.. maybe I felt insecure but I couldn't deny the fact his gaze was enchanting.

 "Zach..I.." I could not finish the sentence when his lips stopped me. I got to understand why he was famously known as the best kisser in every movie. I was lost in his rhythm as he kissed my lips passionately. His masculine scent was all I could smell.

When he realized I was fully into him, he stopped and whispered "Dinner at my place by 8pm." And smiled.

I swallowed softly and nodded.

He smiled again. He could see I desperately wanted more.

I stepped out of his car and watched him as he drove away..

  It was that very day I heard he would star alongside Jade in the upcoming movie.

       Work hour was over around 6:30pm. I headed home with doubts whether to go for the dinner or not but surprisingly he was already waiting at my place in his car. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked as we both stepped out of our cars.

"Waiting for you." He replied; already dressed for the evening.

"How did you know my place?" I asked further curiously. 

"I always find my way." He replied and smiled as he moved his finger softly around my jawline.

I stared into his eyes for a few seconds before he stopped my daydream with a question.  "Would you mind leading the way?". He said

"Of... of course.." I stuttered.

He smiled and followed me in as I led the way. I offered him a seat and promised to be ready in the next ten minutes.

I took a cold shower and dressed up in a wine evening dress; looking all glammed; picked up a clutch purse and headed back for the lounge.

"I see you guys have met" I said as I joined the conversation. 

" Allow me to officially introduce to you my best friend." I said.

"Yes.. We've met. Never knew she had a friend" Zach replied.

"Yeah, everyone thinks so." I replied.

Jade smiled. 

"Anyways, looking forward to working with you soon."Jade added and they exchanged handshakes which I strangely felt so uncomfortable. Perhaps, I was only being jealous.

       At first, I had thought the dinner would take place at his apartment but to my greatest surprise we went to a restaurant which has the most amazing view by the window, wine , desserts,  intercontinental dishes and finally on our way to his place he got me roses.

I was certain it would happen again just like the other night . Even with all the doubts I couldn't tell him to take me back home until I got to his room and it all happened again. 

He was the kind with very sturdy muscles that makes a woman yearn for more.

Perhaps, I was blinded by my desires but just for that moment I did not think of anything else but him.

    It was dawn. However, I made sure breakfast was ready while I was in his clothes.

He crept into the kitchen and frightened me with a kiss at my neck.

Turned me around and kissed me deeply over and over again. 

If I hadn't stopped him it could have happened again. I was trying to keep my head straight and be sure if we have a future together but I couldn't. 

He was so seductive. 

"Why me?" I asked him

"Pardon?" He said

"Out of the numerous women in your league, why did you choose me? A normal girl." I asked him again. 

"Because I want a normal life with you; Jọláadé,  I care so much about you. You have every reason to doubt; nevertheless,  I chose you".

He kissed my forehead and caressed my hair.

Whether it was true or not I've decided to go with the train and see where it leads.

This time, I started it and he could see it in my eyes how badly I needed him. Like a loyal dog he got the signal. This happened for days, anywhere, anytime until it was time for him to go back to work for the upcoming movie.

He will have to spend three months away from home; same as Jade as they were to be starred in the same movie.

"Don't worry, whenever you are bored call me and if I'm not available you can call Christian." He had said before he left.

  Before the three months lapsed,  Christian and I became buddies.  As at that time Zach and I haven't spoken for two months. The funny video Christian and I made that was sent to him had no reply.

Yet, I kept my cool hoping he'll reply to those messages someday..

There are days when Christian would have to take me out, wipe my tears anytime I told him I missed his stepbrother.

Three months were finally over and the released date of the movie had been announced.

Yet, there was no sign or call from Zach.

I tried to call Jade but her number was never reachable..

Few weeks later, I stopped going to his house since there was no one there..

 Jade got my text message and  replied "so sorry dear. Work has been so hectic. Will call you later."..

Still there was no sign from Zach.

Called his brother; I got the same response. 

Then I thought maybe I was feeling so insecure and I should just let him be. "He'll surely call whenever he's  ready." I thought...

      Three weeks later, Rose and Thorns was announced to premiere at the scheduled date and venue. 

Christian said it will be a great idea to attend as he has promised to get us slots.

We both went to shop for amazing clothes and planned ahead for the day. Maybe if I had stayed it would have saved me from traumatic stress.

      The day finally came, the premiere of Rose and thorns .

We didn't get the chance to see Zach and Jade face to face but we could see them together like couples. 

I could almost bite myself when we watched the romantic scenes they played together. It's got lots and lots of chemistry.. Couldn't imagine my best friend and my boyfriend kissing so passionately on screen.

I shook it off as it was their profession to make it real.

Christian saw how timid I was and held my hand.

   The premiere came to an end and we lost every chance we had to come in contact with them but hoped to see them back home.....

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Samuel Ayobami
Hmmm.... Zachhhhh......

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