

I got busy with work and faced my life; hoping my prodigal friend and boyfriend will return home one day.

Everything was returning back to normal until an article from a popular blog reported that Zach Williams and Jade were seen to be dating.

Some had said it was just a rumor due to the current movie they had shot together which I believed but their sudden hide and seek game is questionable.

I never want to believe my friend and boyfriend could be dating. Until a latest picture was posted of the two entering Zach's apartment at night..

"When could this be?" I asked myself.

I had to clear my doubts.

I rushed out of work without an excuse and was shocked to have bumped into Christian at the parking lot.

"Please take me out of here." I pleaded tearfully. It was obvious he had something to tell me but it could wait.

I walked into Zach's apartment. It was so noisy; sounds of loud music coming from his room.

I climbed up the stairs to his room. The door wasn't locked. I peeped and found the greatest bomb of my life. I had expected something like that but I never thought it would be so real to find my friend and boyfriend sleeping with each other.

Tears rolled down my cheek. I hurried out of the room and bumped into Christian at the lounge. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you earlier." His apology made it sound like it wasn't the first time it has happened.

I wept more and dashed out of the apartment as I heard footsteps coming hurriedly down the stairs.

"Don't you dare go after her!" I heard Christian yelled at him; he hurried out and took me out in his car.

He spent some time with me at my place and apologized for not telling me on time while they sneak in and out of town. When it was dark he left and there was a knock at the door a few minutes later.

I opened the door hoping it was Christian maybe he forgot something but to my surprise it was Zach.

I tried to slam the door but he held on to it.

I left the door and stood by the sofa.

"I have a question." I ended his stuttering with my words.

"What happened to us? The movie?"

"I know there's nothing I say that can justify my actions."he spoke cautiously.

"Or have you two been playing me for a fool the whole time? Maybe your feelings were never real." I snapped.

"No Jọláadé... I've always loved you."

"Don't you ever say that again.. Love? Never!" I retorted.

" Jọláadé, I didn't know it would end this way. It all started with a mistake after the last scene on set. We became fond of each other and.... and... we thought of... of finishing....what we started...on set.. so...." he stuttered

"You slept with her..." I cut into his words.

"And.... and... I never knew I could get so caught up in her web" he added stupidly

"Really? Really? Zach... There's no need for further explanation. I set you loose; you are free to go. Out of my life.." I blurted

" I'm sorry Jọláadé, I don't know I could fall for her.." he spoke foolishly again.

"Wow! How did I even fall for a daft ?"I became more exasperated.

"Your Time is up Zach. Out!." I warned as I opened up the door.

" And tell her not to set her foot here again. Last time I checked it was still my house I bought with my own money."I was so mad that I pushed him out after I yelled those words and shut the door in his face.... I cried out loud with my face buried in my palms and went on my knees

There was a sudden bang at the door.. I was so blind with anger and flung the door open wide hoping to raise my voice again.

Shockingly, it was a young girl standing at the door with blood stains on her palm and dress.

"Ẹnitan!" I called curiously.

With tears and sweat on her face she blurted "my mommy."

I reached for my phone as she explained the terrible situation. It was then I realized her younger brother who had crouched by the wall soaked in tears. I hurriedly called the police.

I wondered what the fate of the children might be.

That night at the police station I watched the kids taken away by their mother's relatives.

Who would have thought that a woman who had shown an endless love for her family would end up getting murdered by the man she had loved all her life.

What if Love isn't what we thought it is? Maybe it's more than just the feelings........

I couldn't get any sleep.

I headed towards a bar and sent a text to Christian so he'll know of my last location just in case I went missing.

I drank to stupor until everything started to fade and I blacked out...

I woke up.. I had a hangover and I was so shocked to have found myself uncladded beneath the duvet.

No one was in the room, I reached for my clothes and I hurriedly dressed up. I found them to be washed and ironed.

I walked out and found him setting the dining table for breakfast. "Oh! Not again. How could I be so daft to have slept with him..?" I thought regretfully.

I was trying to sneak out of the house when he caught me

"You should have breakfast. You must feel tired." He said.

Yes, I had a hangover but why should he care if I'm tired? "Is he trying to mock me?" I thought again.

"You can speak out instead of mocking me with twisted words." I responded.

"Mock you? Why should I?. I think I deserve a thank you instead." He replied.

I became more angry.

"Why should I thank you? We had sex because I was drunk which shouldn't have happened in the first place. So? " I spoke quickly.

"Sex??" He jeered. He leaned on the chair before him.

"You really don't remember , do you?" He said suspiciously and grinned.

He looked so cute the moment he grinned.

And the memories come flashing back.

That night, I had blacked out on his shoulder. He brought me to his home when I couldn't answer any of his questions.

As he was trying to carry me through the entrance into his apartment, I belched and vomited on him.

Gross! Yes, I know. My bad!.

Nevertheless, he took me upstairs and laid me on his bed. I was so tipsy.

He went into the bathroom.

Too bad, I walked in and found him unclad trying to take his bath.

I was numbed. I examined him and slumped.

After I had recalled the incident, I apologized to him for the misunderstanding but there was one controversy left.

"How did I end up without clothes?" I asked curiously.

"I'm a perfect gentleman. You should thank me for helping you wash them." He replied jokingly.

"Did you see anything?" I was trying to get him to speak..

He took a few steps towards me and replied softly "like an actor once said in a movie. I took it off with my eyes closed."

I punched him lightly on his chest. He grabbed my hands and spoke softly " I would rather wait for you than take advantage of you. You are an amazing woman, Jọláadé and you deserve the best."

"Christian. " I mumbled and he smiled in return.

So Maybe it's true, life is what it is when you are busy making other plans..

I've decided to take time to heal and if Christian is truly for me, we'll meet again.. I'll let destiny decide....

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