
Chapter 7



“Huh?” I say coming out of my somewhat trance.

“Where the hell did you go man?” Xavier asked rhetorically.

“Anyways we’re at my car, now what did you wanna talk about making you so hasty to come out here with us?” Xavier added.

My eyes slowly moved to the car behind him which made my mouth slightly agape.

The darkness of the car glistened in the sun, and it was so clean I could see my reflection which brought me back from awe in a quick second. Right now, all this car was screaming at me was ‘MONEY’. They really must have a lot of money from what I concluded before

My eyes moved back and forth to Xavier, to Tyler, and back from the car.

“Wo—that’s a- are you rich or something?” I timely ask to fill my curiosity.

Tyler smirked and looked at me narrowing his eyes.

“Is this the burning question you so wanted to ask Campbell?” I shook my head slowly trying to get back into focus.

“N-no,” I breathed in. “You’re not from around here, are you?” I ask, getting to the point.

Xavier’s eyes narrowed and his head tilted as if he was studying me. In a split second one side of his lips turned upward; He was smirking.

“No, we’re not” He replied folding his arms.

“What is it to you?” Tyler asked, narrowing his eyes once more.

I chuckled a bit “I knew it” I said feeling a bit proud of myself.

“Know what exactly?” Xavier says acting all dumbfounded.

“You three— just popping up out of nowhere.”

“And that’s not normal, I think it was normal enough?” Xavier said, raising his brows and keeping his gaze trained on me as if I was about to do something bad. Somehow seeing how focused he was made my heart pound a bit faster than normal.

“Well not really, but I trusted my gut for once, and knew something was off about the two of you, well no, the three of you.” I relate shrugging.

“I could say the same about you, but not so much for your sister,” Tyler says unfolding his arms and leaning against the car.

“Well let's just say she's a late bloomer or that I matured a bit faster than she has.” I patiently say. “Why did you come here?” I curiously add.

“To find someone” Xavier simply says which made me more confused about why he was here. Seeing my now confused face he smirked once more.

“Who has the gene in your family?” He simply asks to change the subject completely.

“My dad”

“Mmmh” He hummed. “Is he at work now?” He asked.

“Yeah, but he isn't here” They both raised their brows probably pushing me to answer where my dad was.

“His job requires a lot of traveling so he’s at work more than he’s at home, but we’re all cool with it. He’s in Rome right now” Xavier’s head shook in understanding.

I pursed my lips before asking, “Who did you come looking for?” His eyes stared into mine with no emotions whatsoever. Finally, as if he decided he could trust me, he spoke up, “My Luna” He simply said.

“Oh—that’s the thing where you find your ma- wait—Luna?” Xavier nodded, also leaning against the car.

“Aren’t only—” Alphas entitled to a Luna.

“Only what,” Tyler asked raising a brow, probably amused at my face right now.

“I mean, you’re an Alpha,” I say rather than asking.

Xavier’s head went down but a smirk lingered on his lips.

“How long have you been here?” he asked brushing off the obvious. Wait what am I supposed to do in the presence of an Alpha, I mean I’m a wolf too so should I show some sort of respect or hold his hands or something? Why didn’t Dad educate me a bit jeez?

“You don’t have to do anything Campbell” I hear Xavier say chucking at the end.

“Huh—Can you read minds too, is that some kind of Alpha’s power or something?” I asked genuinely curious.

“I can now see who the brains are between you two,” Xavier said, whose comment almost went passed my ears as inaudible.

“Living here?” Which made him nod in response.

“Pretty much was born here” I said shrugging.

“And you’ve kept your wolf secret for your whole life from Alexis, why?” Tyler asked as his brows creased.

“My dad wanted to keep her from this kind of world and the danger this wolf knowledge comes with. He’s glad she’s a late bloomer, he thinks she probably won’t even transform at all.” I remarked. “Protecting her is what he said, and I obeyed his wish”

“Protect her from what exactly, I mean sometimes wolves must protect themselves from humans, but they haven’t been a danger over the past century. So, if it’s not humans it must be something else or someone.” Xavier said in thought.

“Honestly, I don’t know, my dad never really opened up to me about his days back then, but I do somewhat agree with him, about not telling her, she does have a freakishly curious mind that scares both me and Dad. Though I doubt we can hold out much longer.”

“What do you mean?” Tyler asked.

“We’re twins as you obviously know, but we have this kind of bond where I feel what she feels sometimes and sense what she’s sensing, but not all the time. Recently, I felt as if our close space wasn’t close anymore. Maybe it was you or something is down to happen.” I said, ending with a casual shrug.

Forgetting that the two were here I quickly refocused my thoughts only to see them looking at each other as if they were talking but their lips weren’t moving.

“Guys—” The hairs at the back of my neck stood up hearing Vy’s shaking voice behind me.

I twisted my head to see her and the look that her face made somewhat made my heartbeat quicken. I had a feeling this is abo—

“What’s wrong?” Tyler asked hugging her.

“It’s Lexi she fainted in the bathroom, she was crying for her wrist, we tried waking her up but she’s not coming around,” Vy said in one breath.

Not caring about anyone else right now I sped through the parking lot and on my way to the bathroom hoping to see Lex trying to laugh off that she fainted, but she was still unconscious.

“Brit” Brit stopped fanning Lex for a second to look my way. Her face was red and messy, I quickly moved to the two pushing away some of the people who were now crowding them. I took Lex in my arms and looked to Brit.

“She’ll be okay” I say trying to help her feel a bit better which makes her smile for a quick second.

Turning to walk out I saw Xavier and the others, “I’m taking her home,” I tell them.

“We’re coming too” Vy said her voice breaking at the end. I nodded my head and walked through the corridor full of kids whose eyes pried and their voices almost like whispers. 


Pretty short. I'm sorry I'll upload the continuing chapter at the end of the week. Had to cut this one short because of how busy I am right now. Nonetheless hope you enjoyed?

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