
Chapter 9

Alex’s POV

We got to the Diner and took a booth by the window.

“What do you want to eat?” Xavier asked.

I took up the menu and slowly scanned each item and immediately as I saw ‘spaghetti’ on there I was pretty much done looking.

“I’ll have the spaghetti.” I told him.

“Mmmh, I’ll have the grilled cheese combo.” Lex said.

After we’d all placed our orders with the waiter, I turned my attention to Xavier seeing as the girls were now distracted by whatever TikTok they had watching and giggling over.

“So how is this, thing gonna playout?” I asked.

Xavier looked deep in thought for about a minute and then he looked up at both me and Tyler.

“You’ll be the ones to do it.” He said while nodding at us as if he’s mentally agreeing with this “cute” plan of his.

“Ok and ho—” He raised his brows and folded his lips indicating for me to shut up, so I did.

“I think we should take this outside,” Xavier said rising from his spot. Lex’s head perked up from her phone and turned to us.

“Where you going?”

“Just by the car for— some fresh air” I quickly say.

“Oh ok,” She simply said without interrogating anything which was pretty weird since that’s her weirdly routine of acting police whenever she knows I'm off to go somewhere. Without wasting another second, we walked out of the Diner and approached the car.

“I suggest Ty should go first,” he said continuing our conversation. “I did suggest first that we do it here, but I didn’t know it was this crowded.”

“Yeah, I forgot to mention that” I said giving a sheepish smile.

“But yeah, we can’t run the risk of anyone spotting a huge wolf roaming amongst people tonight, it’s clearly too open and there’s no bushes or anything than cars to cover us.”

“We could go to the movies, isn’t it more secluded at a certain time since everyone will be inside and stuff.” Tyler said, suggesting.

“And there are tons of cover” I added.

“That’s great. So, we’ve got the location down now for the plan. As I said before, Ty will go first to see if she reacts, since they’re not related in any way and if she does or doesn’t, I’ll converse through mind link,”

“Okay” Ty said in understanding.

Xavier’s POV

I turned my gaze to Alex who’s looking a bit lost.

“Was I not clear on something?” I asked.

“What’s mind link?” My eyes closed slowly at the lack of knowledge this wolf had. Why was their dad keeping all of this from them? The only reason why I’m withholding, is out of respect until I know truly why he’s doing this.

“Your dad really wanted to forget about his past huh, to the point where he didn’t even teach you the basics of being what you are.” He looked down almost sad.

“I’ve read some books about wolf’s history, but I gave up some time ago,”

“Mind link is pretty much what the name says, it’s when wolves communicate through minds.” I told him.

“So, if we could do that why didn’t we just talk like that back in the Diner?”

“Tricky part is only mind link can be shared among pack members. I’m not sure why it’s so limited but it’s the way it is, maybe because packs are more connected to each other than we would be to any other random pack.” I said shrugging.

“The Luna is special though; she doesn’t have to be in the pack to be connected with the Alpha. And that’s how Alphas find their soulmate they feel some weird connection even from the first glance or the smell that roam from the Luna.” Tyler relates.

“Why because they were destined from the start?”

“Yeah, pretty much so,” Tyler answered while my lips kept still. “But even though Alphas and Luna’s are destined for each other, not everyone choose destiny’s path.” he continued.

“They choose their own way.” I said to myself as I looked at Lexi while we passed by the window. Her eyes met mine and she smiled softly and looked away.

“By the way have you mind linked with her as yet?” I hear Alex ask.

“Honestly, I never really gotten around to it.”

“Good cause I haven’t given my blessings as yet.” I heard him mumble in a rushed voice.

“What?” I asked being amused.

“Nothing,” he hurriedly says entering the building. In under ten seconds we reached our booth.

“What were you talking about for so long?” Brit rhetorically asked while chuckling.

“Just some guy stuff,” The three of us responded in unison while I added a causal shrug.

“Damn were you out there bonding or something?” Lexi asked, trying not to laugh.

“Shut up” Alex said taking his seat beside her while I took mine facing her. I cleared my throat, motioning Alex to say what needs to be said.

“Hey why don’t we all go to the movies after we eat” he said sounding almost rehearsed. He definitely couldn’t be a spy in my pack, he’d be caught on to in no time. But he did keep a secret for 17 years, no 16 years, minus that one time when he showed his strength during the home invasion.

Lexi looked at him with a weird look but quickly wiped it away and smiled “That’s a great idea, I really didn’t want to go home yet.” she confessed.

We started to eat our food the moment we got it. Let's hope everything goes easy as the wind sweeps across the sea.


I looked at Lexi and stared at her in amusement. I can assure you I don’t look creepy right now. My mind played on the first time we me— bumped into each other.


“Let’s go to Starbucks I’m craving for a caramel Frappuccino,” Vy said scrolling on her phone.

“Okay,” I said. I handed Tyler my phone for him to log in to the location which he did and that’s where we headed not really having anything else to do.

About five minutes later we parked the car and made our way towards the building.

“So how long do you think it will take to find Luna?” Vy questioned.

“Yeah, this place is pretty big, she could be anywhere,” Tyler added.

“Way to boost the spur of the moment,” I say sarcastically.

“Xavier watch out,” I hear Tyler say through mind link, but before I could calculate what was going someone bumped into me pretty hard, quickly I readjust myself and my mind went on alert mode. I looked down and saw a girl whose drink was about to hit the ground.

With my quick agility and reflex I quickly reached down and caught it.

“I’m so sorry, I-I should have looked where I was going.” She said stuttering.

Suddenly she went silent and with my keen sense of hearing I heard her inhaling deeply. A millisecond later her head rose slowly scanning my face. I took a breath of my own and at first the aroma of cinnamon tickled my nostrils and the rush of warmth spread across my body making me somewhat feeling safe and vulnerable, but within a second the stillness faded and the whiff of mint vastly throng along my nose.

Her eyes which were slowly roaming my face finally met my eyes. Her eyes were alluring and glistened in the sun like sunlight flickering on steady emeralds. My face remained reserved as I tried to process this new feeling that started to reside in me.

“Are you okay?” I heard Tyler mind link once more, but I was too dazed to answer him; my focus was somewhere else, most particularly, on someone else. Before my eyes strode back to green gems that was like the stillness as the eye of the storm my gaze flickered to the splitting image of the one standing before me, but the only difference was that these eyes were hazel. This boy gave me an intense gaze which reminded me of someone so dear, I looked back to the girl before me and suddenly a feeling washed over me, and my heartbeat quickened out of nowhere.

I tilted my head slightly to the right trying to understand this new feeling, a feeling which I've never felt. It felt like—Desire.

“You’re—” was all my voice could utter.

“Aum—” I heard Vy say.

The girl took a sharp breath and started blinking repeatedly as if she was in some trance. She took a step backwards which too made me take a step backwards. It almost felt as if it was just two of us standing in a room together; I forgot there were people around us.

“I’m sorry, Xavier here should have also looked at where he was going.” Vy said. My gaze shifted momentarily to the others who were behind her.

The boy version of green emeralds looked as if he was somewhat between 5’9 and 6’0 who was no longer looking at me intensely looked at me confused. He looked about 17 years old and so did green emeralds. My gaze shifted to the smiling girl with them, her hair was light brown with auburn color highlights, and she dressed almost like she was spat out of Vy’s closet.

“My name is Vy with a y and this is my boyfriend Tyler and his best friend as you already know his name is Xavier.” Vy said and I could tell she was pointing at us without turning around. My eye shifted to green emerald, and I noticed that she was already looking at me, but she quickly broke eye contact.

“This is Alexis and her twin Alex and I’m Brit, short for Brittany.” Highlights spoke up.

Alexis huh.

“It’s nice meeting you guys” Vy said.

“Lexi your drink” I hear her brother whispered to her.

“M- my drink” she said stuttering with a soft smile.

“Oh sorry” I said seemingly apologizing. As I reached out to give her the cup, my fingers brushed hers and suddenly something electrical shot throughout my body which made my hair stand up. I noticed when she swiftly withdrew her hand and took a shaky breath in.

I looked at my fingers, the same ones that made contact with hers. Did she feel the same thing I did just now?

“Sorry” she quickly says and turned towards her brother and her friend.

Observant enough, I saw when her brother, Alex’s eyebrows furrowed, and he looked at me with a stern glare. He exhaled slowly and shook his head at his sister.

“It was nice meeting you too” Ms. Brown eyes relate.

“Let’s go” she said grabbing Alexis's arm, and all three of them walked away and so did we.

“What just happened?” Vy asked in an amazed voice. “You guys were having like some moment or something.”

“Was it her?” Tyler asked and I looked at him.

“Yeah,” I said slowly as my head turned around to look at her. And within a millisecond later her head turned around looking at me but quickly looked back and started walking faster.

“She definitely is Luna.” 


What do you think will happen in Chapter 10? Do you think she'll react to Tyler or not?

Guess what I already have the manuscript for Chapter 10 ready😋, it's just for me to type it out💀, which I'm lazy to actually do🙃, If I'm not busy tomorrow you'll have chapter 10 by this week's end but no promises. 😭

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