
Chapter 8

Alex’s POV

“The house key is under the mat,” I say so one of them could open the door.

“People still do that?” Xavier rhetorically asked.

“Told them someone's going to start living here when they’re not around.”

“No one’s gonna live in our house,” I said folding my lips trying not to chuckle.

“Just shut up and open the door will ya’” Xavier cut in.

Vy hurriedly took the key from under the mat and opened the door. I rushed inside and placed Lex on the sofa.

“Brit get her some water,” I ordered.

She rushed into the kitchen while I ran up to dad's room for his fan. I really didn’t know what to do, my mind was all over the place; this kind of situation was all new to me, I mean a couple of years back she was in pain and stuff and even then, I didn’t know what to do.

I wonder though if a wolf was nearby as how there was last time, but if so, why doesn’t she react when I, or Xavier or others are around her?

Reaching back to the living room I placed the fan a few feet away from her hoping that some cool breeze could help her come around.

“Lexi you have to get up and drink some water,” I say shaking her gently. She stirred a little and opened her eyes. My heart shift in relief and I took the water from Brit.

“Here,” I said putting the cup to her lips and she drank slowly.

“How are you feeling?” Xavier asked.

She slowly lifted her lips from the glass and tried to sit up which I allowed.

“I’m fine but what happened?” she said, her voice faint.

“You fainted” Vy said rushing to sit next to Lex who gave her a blank look.

“I figured that much, but I feel as if much more happened than me fainting.” Vy bit her bottom lip and looked at Lex in the eyes.

“You were screaming a lot,” She looked at Vy with wide eyes and mouth agape. She looked down in a daze but suddenly she gasped.

“O my God!” She said falling backwards onto the sofa.

“I’m already the talk of school, aren’t I?” She said, it was more like a statement than a question.

“Pretty much,” I say chuckling.

“That’s what you’re worried about, I was worried sick about you Draco,” Brit said sitting down on the other side of Lex and hugged her.

“It’s okay it’s no—” I cut her off before she could say anything more to Brit to worry her or for Brit to suspect anything about us.

“It’s nor—mal when you don’t hydrate.” I said slowly trying to cover it up.

I looked over to Xavier and motioned him to go to the kitchen since I needed to talk to him; he nodded.

I moved towards the kitchen, and he followed.

“This happened before, hasn’t it?” He said sounding like he already knew the answer.

“How did you—?”

“Your actions,” He simply said. “Your calm even though you have no idea what you’re doing, but your breathing says you’ve been through this at least once or twice at least.

“M-my breathing?” And he can read people, my dude has the full package.

“Never mind that, when did it happen though?”

“Three years ago, when we went to the movies with some—friends.” I quickly relate to him about what happened.

He looked at the floor with a distant look as if he was registering what I just told him.

“Maybe just maybe why we don’t affect her is because we aren’t transformed,” he said still unsure if his own theory was worth something.

“But—if that is the case there was one nearby, wouldn’t that be risky even for the wolf?”

“Yeah, it would, but maybe we don’t have to be nearby. The back of the school is crowded with trees so maybe it was just lurking”

“Yeah, that’s where I spend much of my time during lunch at times, so why hadn’t it affected her?”

“Maybe because you both are blood, I don’t know,” he said ending with a stressful sigh. “How did she get the scar, probably we could grab a sold theory from its origin”

“We had an attack couple years back, we were in middle school at the time”

“An attack?” He asked looking worried.

So, I quickly told him everything. Honestly, it felt good to have someone to talk to, so I uncontrollably spilled everything. I’ve had my fair share of not trusting anyone that walked into our lives but somehow, I felt—no I knew I could trust him.

“Wow” was all he said before going silent for another minute.

“Maybe—” I chuckled which made him stop and he looked at me. “I’m sorry but it’s just you’ve been saying that for the whole time we’re in here,” He looked at me with a blank look. “Sorry” I quickly say.

He continued “Anyways we’ll test it out this the transforming theory tonight,” I hesitantly agreed.

“We got to find out why these wolves or wolf are lurking behind school too, so you haven’t witness anyone around those areas other than yourself?” He asked.

“No just me.”

“From what you told me the wolf that lurked around the movie theatre those couple years back wasn’t coincidentally there just for fun. You sure it wasn’t a rogue?”

“Yeah, I’m sure, the little dad taught me is that they have this faint scent that hangs on to them, and I smelled something that night which was—different than normal,” I said.

He nodded and placed his finger to his lips as if he was in thought.

“And why three years later?” he said, mumbling.

“All this thinking is making my head hurt and making me hu—” Before I could finish that sentence my stomach grumbled. Xavier looked at me with folded lips.

“I didn't get to eat lunch—” I mumbled.

“Yeah right, Let’s go find some place to eat, and it’s on me,”

“You don’t h—”

“It’s on me” he said again.

“Well then, I guess I owe you” We walked from the kitchen only to see the others playing charades.

“Where did you guys venture off to?” I heard Lex ask.

“We were just talking,” I simply said.


“Simple men talk,”

“I think you have a looooooooong way until you can call yourself a man my sweet brother”

“What did you say?” I say folding my arms trying to seem offended.

“Nothing, what are you talking about?” She said giving me a sheepish smile.

“Mmmh” I replied with a hum and walked past her to pick up my car key from off the table.

“I’m hungry” she cried.

I laughed “Me too,”

Vy got up and held out her hand to help Lex up. “Let’s go eat because I’m famished too,”

Lex got up and stumbled a bit which made my muscles reflex and reached out to her, but Xavier was already at her side.

“You, okay?” he asked, letting her arm go.

“Yeah, I’m okay” she said with a small smile.

“Since there is a lot of us well, we both will drive but—” Xavier stopped mid-sentence and looked at me and then at Brit.

“Can you drive?” He asked Brit.

“Yeah,” She replied, confusion lacing her response.

“You’ll drive Alex’s car—”

“Dad’s car” I say cutting in.

“What he said. You’ll drive Alexis and Vy. Me, Alex and Tyler will take my car.”

“Okay” Brit said without asking any questions.

I gave her the keys and followed everyone out the door calmly trying not to seem too excited about driving in Xaviers car.

“I know he’s dancing in his boots right now” I hear Lex say to Brit who started laughing and looking my way.

“I know what y’all are thinking so shut it,” I yelled over to them which made them laugh even more. Vy looked between us confused but still, a longing smile evaded her lips.

“Be safe” I yelled at them once again.

“Yeah” I hear Brit scream back and I saw Lex nudging her which seem to make Brit bright red.

“Stop” I hear her say.

“We’ll be right behind you dufus,” Lex shouted back which made me give her a mocking look.

“Glad to see you’re back to your true form. I said walking away to the expensive ride that waited for me to butt warm. 

“You know you’re not supposed to do that right” Xavier said buckling his seatbelt.

“Do what?” I asked slowly putting my butt onto the seat. Inside was just as expensive as it looked on the outside. I could smell the scent of expensive leather; The expensive coating of leather looked and matched the personality and vibe the owner of it gives off. It was, as they say, a dog will forever match the looks and vibe of its owner but for Xavier, it was his car.

“Listen to other people’s conversation with your wolf hearing like that”

“Wait really?”

“Nah he’s just messing with you,” Tyler said laughing.

“Oh,” I said chuckling a bit. “Is the car fairly new?” I asked, adjusting my seatbelt.

“Yeah, bought it just a couple days before we got here.”


“So enough about casual leisure, we need to execute my theory before we part ways tonight”

“Yeah, sooner the better” I say looking out the window.

“Is there something wrong?” Tyler asked.

“Oh, sorry you don’t know what's up right now” I simply say, and I was about to catch him up to speed, but he spoke up before I could.

“Oh no, I heard everything that you were discussing back in the kitchen,”

“Privacy much” I said chuckling. “Anyways it’s just that I hate seeing Lexi like that, and for her to go through that again for the second time today, tonight whatever it just makes me shudder in my boots.”

“It’ll be okay, as much as how I’ve just met you and Alexis, I don’t want to put her in that position either, but we got to try something one way or another.” I sighed out loud.

“You’re right.” We must find out the reason behind the igniting pain about her scars. “Let’s hope there is a breakthrough from all this,”

“Yeah” I hear Xavier sound.

At that moment our car went silent. I looked back and saw how joyous the three were. They laughed amongst each other screaming lyrics of whatever was playing at the top of their lungs, which made me laugh.

“By the way Alex—” Xavier said pausing who now stopped at a red light.

“Where exactly are we going?” His question made me laugh even harder.

“Sometimes I must remind myself you’re new around here. There’s a nice diner up ahead, just continue straight ahead and turn left at the next redlight.


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