
The Fate Of The Luna
The Fate Of The Luna
Author: Luna Valentine


  I won't have a page-long list of illustrations showing the characters' appearances before we begin the story. I'll let you use your imagination on it. Although I always skipped those parts and continued reading the book, I detested when characters in books were depicted by exhibiting photographs of them. To do this, I'll make reference to the characters who will emerge and be mentioned throughout the book. For instance, whether they have blonde hair or green, blue, or hazel eyes. You understand, don't you?

FunFact: The cover was done by me. I know I know you're probably like "Ok?" but Nah I'm really proud of it and it took days for me to do, so I just had to say it.


      The following story is entirely fictitious (which makes sense given that werewolves are involved). Violence, occasional curse language, and occasionally content for adults only will all be present. I've been writing for years now but got unmotivated and stopped at one point, but I've never actually had any of my writing published. Please don't come after me; I recall authoring this novel in the ninth grade. Some passages could make you cringe, but overall, writing this book was enjoyable.

      My facts could always be erroneous as well, but occasionally we need to go off-course to arrive at a new location. Due to your lack of familiarity with the principles and themes of this book, certain recently developed werewolf theories may seem silly. However, they are all necessary to MY tale. I'll stop blathering now. I sincerely hope you enjoy the book.

You could comment here and there as well, which might encourage me, even more, to go on. I'm aware that some writers (which I am not) occasionally lose their motivation and stop writing. Let's hope that doesn't happen to me, but don't worry, I'll find some nonetheless.

Keep in mind that when I wrote this, I was in the ninth grade and that W*****d's criteria have changed somewhat since then.

Didn't I say I was done talking? Oh Boy. I'm done for good now. BYE.

Enjoy your time spent reading "The Fate of the Luna."

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