
The Trap

Anna’s POV

“A trap!” I exclaimed after him. “How come I know about that trap of yours? I am literally ignorant about it, you know.”

“You should ask me about it now and I will tell you. It’s not too late, is it?” Smith asked carefully. I sighed and went to the fridge to get a cold drink.

“Get me a cold soft drink as well!” Smith exclaimed. I grabbed two soft drinks and I threw one towards Smith which he caught properly. I opened my own can and drank. It was really refreshing.

“Now tell me about that plan of yours. You don’t know how much I am curious about it,” I said slowly.

“I know you would be curious…” Smith replied. “I set a trap with the police chief. Do you remember that man we saw during the case with Emily?”

“The one who betrayed the government and said he will start working for you. I remember him clearly,” I replied solemnly.

“No hard feelings, baby,” he replied. “However, this betrayer is the one who helped us set the trap. If he is not on our side, it would have been impos
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