
He isn't bankrupt! 

Gareth Anna's POV

I looked forward and saw our maid with a tray in her hands.

“Oh! I'm so sorry,” she apologized as she tried to close the door. This caught me feeling shy.

“Wait!” Smith called the maid back. “You are here to give us something, aren't you? Come and drop the tray here on the table!”

The maid entered slowly and I felt more shy. I tried to get off Smith but he held me back steadily. Right now, his hands were on my waist. I rested my head on his muscular chest as I surrendered. 

The maid put the tray on the table and walked out of the room. It was quite awkward for me to be with Smith in this position alone. 

But it felt so good. I felt protected. I felt desired and I felt comfortable in this position as time passed. He began to tap me on the back softly while rubbing my hair from time to time.

I slept peacefully. I loved being in Smith's arms. Truthfully, this was the first time I was being held like this. I felt like a baby in his arms. It dawned on me that I had been in a masculine energy since. 

I was in love with Smith already. He was all I could ask for. Instantly, I forgot all the other circumstances. All I knew was that I was in love with Smith. If he had made a move to have sex with me that night, I would never resist. I could give him my body, soul, and spirit. 

It was at this moment I understood what it meant when a woman tells a man to make her feel like a woman. That phrase didn't mean having sex alone. It meant that the woman should be made to feel loved, protected, and secured.

And to crown it all, Smith never made a move to have sex with me. It simply meant that he wasn't after my body. For goodness sake, my nightie exposed my thighs which could literally make a man go crazy. I had no brasseries on and from the position I was with Smith, he could literally feel everything. My nipples were leaving an imprint on his chest.

I could feel Smith's hardness as he cuddled me. He was actually strong enough to resist his erection for my own peace.

I slept off like a baby. 


I woke up like a baby as well, still in Smith's arms. I had a very restful night. I loved every bit of this. Slowly, I disengaged from Smith. I gazed at his cute face. He looked really cute when sleeping.

As soon as I saw that he was about to wake up, I pretended like I was asleep. I was a great pretender and Smith seemed to believe me.

“I love you, sleeping beauty…” he whispered. “I will do everything to make you happy. You will be the only one in my heart forever. I love you, Anna.”

I could feel butterflies in my stomach. Truly, women are moved by what they hear. Smith kissed my cheeks softly and then, I ruined the package.

I blushed.

Come on, I was too happy to keep it all to myself. Smith was quite shocked to see this.

“You're awake!” He exclaimed. “Talk to me, Anna.”

I acted like I wasn't awake. I guess he had found out already as he began to tickle me all over my body.

I couldn't withstand this and I finally opened my eyes.

“I caught you!” Smith exclaimed while laughing loudly. “I can't believe you were awake all these while!”

“Oh my!” I exclaimed. “Just leave me alone, you ugly man!”

Smith began to laugh. He understood that I was teasing him. He held a pillow and hit it on me. I wasn't going to allow this and I took my pillow as well. There, we had a pillow fight with him allowing me to win. I knew he only wanted to make me happy.

I ended up lying on his chest as we had our pillow fight. Our lips were really close to touch.

I felt so nervous.

“You look really beautiful when I look at you closely,” Smith told me with a smile on his face.

“Do I look like a mess when I'm far away?” I asked him softly.

“Yeah!” Smith answered jokingly. I felt his hand around my waist possessively. I loved this.

“I love you, troublemaker,” I told him slowly. I couldn't help but admit this fact.

“I love you too, beautiful,” Smith replied. We looked into each other's eyes as we hit the required momentum. Slowly, our lips met. We were about to have a very passionate moment together.

Slowly, we kissed. It started off very slowly but then, we gained more momentum. It was a more passionate kiss now as Smith's hand became more active. He gripped my ass and gave it a massage. I loved his touch around my body and I couldn't wait to remove my clothes.

“The door…” I told him carefully. “I wouldn't want us to have an invader like we did yesterday.”

Smith nodded and I rolled back on the bed. He stood up and went to lock the door. I was on my feet now as I waited for him to come back. 

Smith came back and we began to kiss one more time. Slowly, he unbuttoned my nightie and it fell off as we continued to kiss. All I had on now was my panties. I had gotten really aroused and my boobs were hard. 

I helped Smith remove his clothes as well as I finally saw his bare muscular body. He removed his inner shorts and I could also see his huge penis which couldn't be satisfied yesterday. 

“Wow!” I glared at the length of Smith's penis. From what I saw, he had about eight inches. This was way longer than that of Dan. Dan had only five inches.

Smith pushed me on the bed carefully. He started to kiss me once more. He went more wild as he kissed me all over my face. He went down my neck and teased me as much as he could before taking a brief pause on my boobs. He sucked my nipples so hard more than a baby would.

“Do you want to milk me?” I asked him softly. I was enjoying this and frankly speaking, I never wanted him to stop.

“Should I go ahead?” He replied savagely as he bit my nipples softly.

“Ahhh!” I moaned.


If I used to think that Dan was a passionate lover, I had to compromise now. Smith had given me a lot of new experiences not only by having sex but with every other thing that he did.

His words were soothing to my soul. His actions were lovely and lovable and his presence was comforting. 

He made living in the mansion so easy for me. Yes, I had to cook, wash, clean, and do other things but still, the love he showed me afterwards was worth the stress. It was worth more.

Emily would stop by frequently to mock me. I warned the security men never to allow her in but somehow, she kept on coming to frustrate me.

But one day, it was all going to change.

The narrative, for the better.


“Wear your best outfit, Anna! We need to go out!” Smith told me that evening. It was about four o'clock and I was yet to prepare dinner.

“I haven't prepared dinner yet, darling…” I replied. “I hope you know that we have no chef or cook here.”

“We will be eating out! Get ready!” Smith said slowly. He left instantly but this got me excited. I knew Smith had no money and I didn't expect that he would tell us to eat out. 

I picked two outfits and ran to the living room to show Smith.

“Red or black? Which should I wear?” I asked him slowly with a smile on my face. 

“The red one…” Smith replied after a close observation. “It makes you look more like a passionate lover.”

I smiled at him and ran back to the dressing room. Like he said, I got dressed in a red outfit with light makeup. After I was done, I went back to the living room to see Smith. He was waiting for me.

I was about to ask him to rate my appearance but he did it even before I could ask.

“You look stunningly beautiful, darling…” Smith told me. I received this with a smile before I kissed him passionately. 


Smith drove me to a world-class restaurant. I wondered how he would pay for this. He even ordered a FirstClass meal and I had to continue reminding him of the price.

I knew something was up.

This was confirmed when Smith surprised me with a gold necklace worth ten million dollars. Quickly, I demanded an explanation.

“I am not who you think I am, Anna…” Smith finally told me. “I am not bankrupt. I am a billionaire!”

This got my heart beating hard. The missing piece was fina

lly here.

At this moment, I saw Emily come to our table. 

“You ain't going to enjoy this!” Emily shouted and pointed a gun at me.

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