
Chapter five

Nuala arrived at the werewolves hideout. All eyes followed her as she walked pass them with Conri, Badulf and the five werewolves who went with them. It was so much different from Greiner, no children, no play, it was filled with cold and angry werewolves. 


"You should rest here fairy girl, you'll be introduced later" 

Conri dragged Nuala in a tent.

"Is it necessary, to introduce me"

"Well you're my mate after all." Conri gave a half smile

Nuala, standing tall in front of Conri, was wondering why her heart was pounding not for fear, she snapped out of it and raised her chin.

 "Con....Conri?" She tried to remember his name

"Yes mate, Conri" he agreed to the pronunciation of his name

"So this whole mate thing, what exactly am I to do?"

"Well you just have to love me and the rest of the pack, stand by us all times as you are now a part, and very importantly continue our lineage." Conri sneered while listing.

Nuala swallowed unnecessarily"do I really have do a..a.all of that?" She stuttered

 "Yes. Allllll of it." Conri leaned forward and looked up through her lashes. 

"Haha...hahhha" she gave an unusual high-pitched laughter, Conri just stared at her admiring her cuteness as her hair fell back and forth, he was so lost in her charming nature. She then noticed he was still staring at her and desisted. 

"You are so beautiful Fairy girl" 

He said running his knuckles down her cheek. Her lips parted slightly, he was so dreamy, strong and this time she couldn't stop her heart from racing. She looked right into his eyes and she could feel a wideness of love around Conri. 

"Do you really wish to be mine?" Conri asked as he could see questions in her eyes, he wasn't suppose to trust any fairy but he feels so soft around Nuala.

"Why do you hate the fairies so much?" Nuala removed her eyes from his. Conri went on and sat down 

"They took my mother when I was just a little boy. I'm sure you've heard of how Greiner used to be our home?"

Nuala's eyes widened and she listened to him tell the story of how the fairies had gotten rid of all female werewolves. She felt sorry for him, of course she knew the story too but they were taught at Greiner that all werewolves were dangerous and a serious threat to all Fairies and so it was fair in her mind but after listening to Conri and being in his presence, she realized they weren't as they were described.

"This is all wrong, I'm so sorry Conri" Nuala came to sit with Conri who was almost shifting to his wolf cause of the anger that burned within him as he told the story.

"We will restore the werewolves lineage, everything you lost would be yours and the pack's once more"

He groaned, then his hands were retuning normal again, she then turned his face towards hers and rested her forehead on his.

Badulf walked in and cleared his throat

"The pack is ready!"

Conri then nodded his head at Badulf's direction and held Nuala's hand,

"It's time"

She nodded, and they walked out

 Conri gave out a speech of hope of how Nuala was going to help them and they will be whole again. 

"Are you sure we can trust her Conri?" Badulf dragged Conri aside

"Do we have another option?" 

Badulf nodded a no

"Besides I trust her" Conri walked out 

Nuala however listened to their conversation and she began walking into the woods. Of course she wasn't going to betray her people and assist Conri and his pack. She had planned to go along with her first plan to runaway and let everyone handle themselves, though she believed Conri's story as she could obviously see that there were no single female werewolf in this pack. She was going to have to betray Conri nevertheless. She ran her hands through her hair. She suddenly heard growls and she turned around to see an ash wolf with dark eyes gnarling at her. Nuala hunched her shoulders with fear 

"Stay back! I'm on your side" She put her arms out and palms forward. She realized this particular wolf looked familiar, till she remembered she had a vision of an ash wolf attacking her. The wolf immediately started running towards her as she shifted out of the way. Nuala's eyes widened and her brows lifted as she understood the wolf really wanted to hurt her.

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