
Chapter four

Peri with her arms out in front, who was about to be beaten up. She noticed the wolves retarding. She stretched forth her neck to see what or who was calling them, but Badulf struck her head with his fist and she went unconscious.

  "Mother, are you awake?"

Peri opened her eyes. It was day and she could feel the rays of the sunlight. Saria was seated on Peri's bed and Aidan was standing right next to them.

"Where is Nuala?". She sat up right gently.

Saria smiled faintly, of course her mother was gonna ask about her elder sister as she wakes up. "We found a note" Saria handed it to her mother, sulking.

"Dear mother, I have gone to find my path. It is best if I do that outside Greiner, The Wolves won't find a mate and all fairies would be safe. I trust Saria would make a good fairymother with of course your guidance. Love, Nuala."

Peri squeezed the letter softly and Saria embraced her mother, as Peri sobbed.

She had only hoped Nuala is safe as she couldn't stop thinking about her encounter with the wolves last night. She discussed it with Aidan

"What if they took Nuala last night," Peri kept moving from pillar to pillar bitting on her finger nails.

"She left a note Peri, and Saria said she saw her leave for the mountains by noon. The wolves came in by midnight, Nuala could have been long gone by then". Aidan tried to reason with Peri to ease her tension.

"Aidan!" Peri stoped moving and faced her advisor. "They retarded, they could have killed me but they left. Suddenly!"

Aidan stood up and walked towards Peri, dropping his hands on her shoulders.

"Nuala is strong, you know this more than I do, stop worrying and trust your daughter more. Have faith in her decisions." 

 Peri calmed down a bit, nodding slowly after taking a deep breath. She was aware of her daughters fierceness but she was a mother after all. The ceremony was in two days and she wasn't sure if Saria had the fairy mother gift , though she hoped before the ceremony, Nuala's will be revealed but it was two days till the ceremony and till now Nuala showed no sign of having powers, talk more of having the Fairymother gift. Saria was the only option now.

"Adrian! Send for Saria," Peri commanded.

Aidan dropped his hands from her shoulders and did as she commanded.

After a while, Saria walked in

"Do you feel better mother?" Saria arched her neck, walking in. Peri however ignored the question and went on.

"All fairy mothers are blessed with a gift, additional to their fairy power each with a special gift that usual fairies do not possess." Peri went about walking in circles all around Saria. 

"The first fairy mother possessed the sight, she could see visions. I on the other hand can heal, as you are aware." She then paused and lifted her chin.  

"Do you have the gift?"

" I do not mother" Saria responded, rolling her eyes

"We still have two days till the ceremony Saria. We trust it'll come along" Peri waggled her brows and gave a huge smile

Saria couldn't believe what she just heard, does this mean she really was going to be the Fairy mother? She raised her brows and dropped her jaws exclaiming;

 "oh mother! I can't believe this! thank you so much for giving me the chance." She threw her arms over her mother.

"Well your sister did say you would make a great Fairy mother." Peri grinned.

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