
Chapter seven

Back in Greiner, fairies were preparing for the big ceremony that'll be happening the next day, there was joy and celebration.

 Saria was in a garden, having a chat with Boris.They had everything planned out, Boris was saved by Saria, as they crossed paths years back in the forest, Saria said she would call on him, when she needs help and he was finally paying his debt now. Saria was the one who told Boris the information about Nuala being powerless and how he was to relay the information to his pack. Saria however wanted to end Nuala's life so she won't be a treat to her position as Fairymother and the werewolves lineage would remain severed.

"So? Was it a success?" Saria folded her arms.

"No, I was attacked by the Alpha" Boris looked down

"So Nuala is still alive and breathing well! what if she comes back?" She snapped

"We need to prepare, they may be coming soon, and I can't go back" he hunched his shoulders.

"Of course I know you can't go back. You fool!" She held on a long sigh.

"Saria, can I have a word?" Peri said from a distance as she was seen walking towards them and Boris immediately hit underneath a bench, Saria arranged her dress and turned to her mother hastily.

"Mother I still haven't discovered any gift yet " Saria assumed her mother was here to question and pressure her about the so called gift .

Her mother bowed her her head in disappoinment. At that point she began to think if she had indeed done right, what if Nuala was still going to develop the gift and she hastened this decision. 

"Forgive me Saria, I'm still so worried about Nuala"

"You're right mother, I feared the wolves might have taken Nuala" Saria thought this was the perfect opportunity to get rid of Nuala and the wolves. Peri raised her head and brows.

"Th.... They took her?" Her voice was breaking

"I didn't want to worry you mother but the night I found you at the mountain I think I heard Nuala scream, I tried to follow her but it was too late." 

Saria rubbed her neck while spilling out lies to her mother. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you mother, I wanted to find her myself."

"No, no! We should go after them, how do we find her? Where have they taken her?" Peri shouted.

"I've been searching for her mother, I know where she is"

 Saria came closer to her mother, 

"we leave on the morrow." Peri said as she squinted her eyes.

"Yes mother, I'll assemble the Fairies." Saria responded.

"Thank you Saria" Peri added and walked out with her palms held together, quivering. 

Saria watched as her mother left the garden, she then signaled Boris to come out from hiding.

"Now. Where exactly is my sister?" Saria squinted her eyes.

Chapter 8

"Nuala. You have ignored my signs" a soft female voice filled Nuala's head as she was asleep. She woke up immediately and gasped for air. 

   Nuala sat down with furrowed brows realizing her eyes were the gift, the Fairymother's gift. She couldn't believe it she had no power but she possessed the gift, this has never happened before. All that she saw was real.

"We need to talk.Fairy girl" Conri was suddenly behind her. They needed to start producing children, he needed to discuss this with her.

"Conri I know who sent Boris to kill me" she stood up and rushed to Conri, his eyes therefore widened. "He was sent by my sister Saria" she added. She was now sure of what she had seen, her sister really sent Boris.

 Conri tilted his head and narrowed his eyes, he couldn't possibly bring up children right now.

"How do you know this?" He gave a sidelong glance.

Nuala was quiet for a while, how was she supposed to tell Conri that she had the gift of vision and she was to be Fairymother, she had to anyway, she was about to speak before Badulf came running;

"Conri! Conri!" Badulf came panting and Conri looked at him immediately. "We've spotted fairies, coming this way, I think they know we took Nuala" Badulf added and Conri glanced at Nuala with narrowed eyes and said;

"You left a note huh" he then started running behind Badulf, what if Nuala actually played him, he felt so stupid.

Nuala was confused what were the fairies doing here, did they really come for her or was it something else. She ran at a distance behind Conri and stopped as she noticed her mother, sister and other fairies were up close with Conri and the rest of his pack. She took a huge breath and hid quickly.

"Where is my daughter, we know you have her" Peri snarled

"You've got guts showing up here Fairies," Conri crossed his arms as he looked straight at Peri.

"She's the fairy we surrounded, the night Nuala was brought in" Badulf whispered to Conri's ears and Conri dropped his arms and tightened his fist, he realized Nuala played him all this while. The hair on his body started standing up, and his eyes reddened.

Nuala stood at a corner listening, she knew Conri was enranged and she had to do something to avoid this fight, she then closed her eyes and said "Great Fairy Mother, I need your help. How do I stop this rivalry?"

"You know the way Nuala, let your heart guide you" a female voice responded to her in head. Nuala's eyes opened and she came out of hiding. Everyone was amazed as they saw her.

"I'm right here mother, no one took me out of my own will"

She stood with the werewolves and Conri was astonished. She held Conri's hand. Conri smiled, looking at Nuala, he felt so relieved.

  Saria watched all the drama happened, Nuala just made it easy for Saria to kill her

"She has sided with the enemy and betrayed the fairies, she is no longer our own fairies! Attacckkk!" Saria commanded and they immediately followed prepared to strike. Conri and his pack did the same. Peri, looking confused tried to stop the fairies but none obeyed her as they came prepared for this.

"Halt!" Nuala pushed her arms out. They all stopped immediately. "I am the Fairymother, gifted with sight. You wouldn't attack me!" She walked forward briskly. There was murmuring everywhere and Peri's eyes widened.

"Why would a fairy mother side with the wolves" Saria shrugged

"And why would my own sister plot to kill me" Nuala interrupted. There was gasps around the air.

"I saw it Saria, I saw everything." Nuala then went ahead and told some fairies things they did when no one was around and they were all amused and realized truly she had the gift of sight. 

"She has the gift of the very first fairy mother"

 Peri said with her voice trembling and they all bowed in respect to Nuala but Saria looked away in shame. Peri went forward extending her arms towards Nuala who reached for Peri's arms and they embraced each other. She released herself from her mother's arm after a while and faced the fairies.

"Fairies! We've wronged these wolves, for they are a part of Greiner, but however, their home was taken from them by our people" she waved her hands in the wolves direction and continued "it is the Great fairy mother's wish that they returned to their home and may we all leave peaceful again." Both fairies and werewolves nodded their heads in agreement. Conri then stepped towards Nuala and said to her;

"Thank you, Nuala, For keeping your promise" Conri blinked and she threw her arms around Conri kissing him ardently on the lips. Conri returned the kiss slightly sliding his arms around her waist. They released each other and she said;

" let this mark a new beginning of the relationship between the wolves and Fairies" she raised her right arm with her fist tightened and everyone raised their arms in approbation.


"Are you ready to go home?" Nuala turned to Conri and gave a wide smile, by home she was referring to Greiner. He smiled back at her.


Saria was running in the woods till she tripped and fell. She sat right back up, teeth bared and screamed. She had nowhere to go, she stood up slowly and kept walking till she heard footsteps and she hid behind a fallen tree. 

"You can't get away with your treacherous deeds."

A fairy-guard said as he was suddenly behind Saria. And she immediately gasped for air trying to run but was blocked by another fairy-guard ahead. 

   They took her to a dark dungeon in Greiner, each cell had silver bars. They threw her inside and she heard growls all around from different cells and wondered if they had wolves as prisoners. A female came forward to the light and she realized it was a werewolf. Saria fell down trembling with fear and just as she decided to look around, she saw more of them. 

"The female Wolves whom they took away, years back, they're all alive!" She widened her eyes and covered her mouth."

                                                       The end.

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