

"Why is this happening to you? First me, now you grams. It is like our family is cursed." October said, taking a seat on the chair beside the bed.

She began singing, after praying for the woman that lay in the bed.

''I love your voice,'' A deep, smooth voice said.

October looked around the room, startled as to who the voice came from, but she couldn't find the source.

Her eyes zoomed in on the corner, thinking that maybe it was one of the shadows that seemed to always follow her around was finally speaking.

She went back to singing to her grandmother, who had a late, advanced stage of cancer and was hooked up to several machines.

The old lady looked a lot worse than October did a few months ago. Her eyes had sunk into holes, with large black bags under her eyes. Her lips were chapped and blue. She looked like a bag of bones, with sagging skin.

Even though her father, one of the best doctors in the USA, did all he could, they knew that these were Mrs Summer’s last days. It was li
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