

"Is there a reason I'm being interrupted!?" Alistair roared, as he burst through the doors of the meeting room.

The few members that were present flinched, while others avoid the crazed eyes of Alistair.

"Yes, we have knowledge that your bride is here. Not only are you holding her against her will, but you are torturing her as well." A woman spoke up.

Alistair hissed at her. "I am King. I can do whatever I like."

The woman shook her head. “It is against the law, and the council have decided to take action."

"Take action!?" Alistair yelled.

The woman nodded her head. "Under the act of--"

In no time, Alistair had the woman pinned to the wall by her neck, cutting off what she had to say.

"This will be the last ever meeting. Consider this ‘council’ no more." Alistair threw the woman across the room.

"You can't end the council! It is not your place to do so," Claude, the head of the council, said.

Alistair gave the man a smile while advancing on him. His fangs lengthened. The only thing th
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