
Prank Gone Wrong

Her screams dominated the utter silence of the woods because of too much pain. This time, it is not me who let go of the grip but her.

I tried to catch her hands again but my wolf is already too late. She falls into the cliff which I believe is about fifteen meters deep. When I was about to follow her, Julian and Jelian grabbed my body and throws me away from the edge of the cliff.

"Are you fucking insane, Melvin?" Jelian yells at me. "you want to die with that woman?"

"I'm trying to save her!" exclaims my wolf with utter helplessness. "And I can't forgive myself if she dies out there. That's not me, Jelian. Of all the wolves who know me better should be you and Julian."

I dropped my butt on the ground and guilt started dominating my entire werewolf system. Karen's impulsive death could have been avoided if my wolf is strong enough.

Why am I still weak until now? How am I supposed to explain to the alpha that my wolf has slaughtered an innocent human? There's no way my wolf could cover this up. Jelian and Julian were witnesses to how reckless I am.

"It's not your fault, Melvin. They brought this upon themselves. We are your witnesses. Your classmates prank you and it all went wrong." Jelian explains. Then, she slid closer to my spot and lends her hand to help me up.

Two days later, most of the students on the campus continued their pranks on anyone they could meet. And I am one of the unlucky ones they pranked. Unfortunately, my wolf simply ignored them when all I could think of is about Karen.

That night on April 1, I reached out to 9-1-1 and reported what happens. It's the only thing I could do to make it up for Karen - the cops or rescuers could find her body sooner.

One more thing that I am worried about is they already know my darkest and deepest secret. And I'm pretty sure my position as one of the werewolf guardians might be at risk.

I can't get expelled from being a werewolf guardian when the job helps me a lot these days; food, tuition fees, and apartment rent.

My wolf can't wait for 29 more days to report the incident to the alpha. I have to do this as soon as possible. Tonight after class is the right time and day.

As soon as I dropped my but on my chair in our classroom, my wolf could not help but notice my classmates have all gathered around at the front row as though they were surrounding someone.

"Dude, look who's here?" Jackson eagerly breathes before he grabs his seat next to me.

"If it's not Karen ascending from the land of the dead, then, I'm not interested." so, I lifted my head to the ceiling while heaving a sigh.

Most of our classmates, one by one, move away from the crowd, making a small passage that leads me to someone. The second my eyes catch a glimpse of who Jackson is referring to, the balls of my eyes enlarge right there and then.

"Karen?" I breathe out her name in utter disbelief before I drop my gaze on the familiar scent in front of us.

"Hi, Melvin," her breathing back my name undeniably gives me this weird and unexplainable sensation that crawls from the tip of my toe up to my head. "It's nice to see you again."

Part of me wanted to sit next to her and check if she was real. That I am not under any hypnosis or just dreaming when since the awful incident, I haven't slept for more than four hours.

That every time I close my eyes, all I could see is her tears pouring down her cheeks and the sound of her voice begging me to help her because she was terrified of death.

But, how? There is no way ordinary humans like Karen could survive the fifteen meters deep fall. What's more confusing is when she seems to look brand new.

Not a single scratch can be found on her body. Even the profound bite I did to her shoulder. Out of curiosity, I flashed into her and dragged her out of the classroom by force.

"What's wrong with you?" Karen removes my grasp from her. I also notice that her mood abruptly changed.

"Aren't I supposed to be the one asking you that? What's wrong with you? How?"

"I don't know what you are talking about, Melvin." Karen's heartbeats started to ascend. "I am drunk that night. And so are you."

She even dares to lie straight to my face even though she knows I don't drink alcoholic beverages. Since I started working as one of the werewolf guardians, I no longer fill my system with alcohol as part of the job.

"Give me your hands." I furiously ordered her.

"No." she insisted.

"I said, give me your hand, Karen," this time, my voice turned into soft growls as I glow my eyes to scare her.

The idea works when her body began trembling most likely similar to what happened to her that night. Perhaps glowing my eyes reminded her of my image as a wolf.

She simply stood in front of me and let me study the part of her shoulder where I left the bite. There is not a trace of my bite anymore. It healed. Miraculously or not?

I was about to sniff her but our professor arrive and got the wrong idea, especially when Karen stands trembling. They assume that I was harassing her.

For that same reason, I was brought to the guidance office to be examined. They even watch the CCTV footage of the incident to make sure I could be penalized according to the school's rules and regulations.

I wanted to explain my side of the story - half of the truth, but I'm afraid things might only get worse for me. No one would believe me either if I tell them she must be dead by now after falling into the cliff.

Karen is alive. Right in front of our eyes. She walks. She breathes. And she talks. How am I supposed to explain that if I'm gonna insist on my claim?

After a thorough investigation, I got lucky enough to only get three days' suspension and was forbidden to come near Karen for twenty meters. That is the mayor, her mom's, strict order.

So, I took the opportunity to deliver my news to Draku, our alpha pack.

"Speaking of the devil," Draku uttered.

My wolf doesn't know what is going on, but it happens that Jelian and Julian were standing next to him. And both their expression changed the second they notice my presence in Draku's bungalow.

"If you're here to tell me about the crime you committed, Guardian Melvin, I already heard the entire story. The twins already told me last night," he added.

"Because you could not control your wolf under the influence of the full moon, you killed an innocent human, Melvin. We were there when it happens." Julian said back.

Traitors. I could not believe even Jelian, my fated mate could stab me in the back. My wolf believes that they told Alpha Draku which is not part of the story.

"I'm so sorry, Melvin. I tried to stop my brother but -"

"Enough!" Draku cut off Jelian's explanation. "The decision has been made. In accordance with my written rules of the pack, you, Melvin Parker, have been removed from your duty as a Guardian effective immediately."

"What? But I haven't said my side of the story." I insisted after Alpha Draku moves out of his seat and was about to leave the bungalow. "She's alive."

The three of them glued their feet on the ground, stunned and dumbfounded, especially Jelian.

"I will accept my resignation." the cold air was discharged from my mouth and nose when I let out those words. "In that way, my wolf could focus my undivided attention on Karen."

Though it was against my will to stop working as a guardian, the decision has been made as Alpha Draku announced. I'm simply an omega with no special abilities like Jelian and Julian.

And my absence is not a deterrent to the pack I believed. They can hire someone better than me to keep an eye on the city I was assigned to. It's better that way. As a lone wolf, I can freely do whatever I want to do.

"She's alive? But how?" Jelian uttered her curiosity.

"Since I am no longer part of the pack, I have no sense of responsibility to answer that." I turned my face around, back to the entrance of the bungalow. "And for the record, Jelian, we're over the second you betrayed me."

After letting out those words, I flashed back to the city and immediately looked for Karen. Watching her from afar is the least I could do to her since my wolf is still under three days' suspension.

My wolf has to keep an eye on her even from afar because I'm afraid that my werewolf venom is already running into her system. That is how she survived after the fall.

Two days later, I come back to school again. Despite the misunderstanding between me and Karen, I still approach her to get answers.

"What are you doing?" Karen furiously asked the second I interrupted her conversation with her female friends.

"Let's talk outside," I uttered in a calm tone to make sure her female friends will not get scared of me as well.

Speaking of friends, my brain has been wondering since we got back from camping. No one from our classmates ever asks about the tragic incident, especially those nine students who managed to witness my shift.

They were all wasted that night, but still, being drunk is not enough reason for them to forget what happens. Karen, among them, could never forget the incident.

"Dude, whatever you're trying to do, don't do it in school. Once you'll harass her again, the school will not just give you suspension but you'll get expelled." Jackson whispered that to my ear while holding my shoulder.

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