

“Dav…” Before she could utter any word, a slap landed on her cheek, making everyone turn silent as gasps rang out.

“You cheap slut!” He thundered and beside him was Ava, a broad smile on her face.

“So this is what you do? You sleep around with older men right?” Dave thundered and Catherine felt anger rise inside of her.

How could he slap me and call me a cheat when he was here with his mistress? “I’ve always warned you about her but you trust her too much. She’s nothing but a cheap bitch” Ava asserted and she stared at both of them with shock.

This must obviously be a dream. “Anyway, I’m pleased to announce that I’ve been transferred to the manager position in the office, you report to me now” Ava announced and everyone gasped.

The whole staff were watching this drama with rapt attention. Over the past years, everyone was envious of Catherine, they all wondered what Dave had seen in her that made him like her and most of her success in the office had been linked to him.

They were more than happy by the news of Ava taking over as they knew Catherine was going to go through hell.

Catherine was in disbelief and shaking her head, she stepped out, running into the bathroom. Her eyes were too blurry to see that she had entered the male restroom and she just sat beside the sink, crying her eyes out:

She didn’t know what to do. Everything was working against her now and her only option was quitting. She could deal with the breakup but Ava being lord over her in the company was something else.

She knew she was in for hell if not death. She didn’t know where to start or how she’d cope because Ava would either fire her or do something to cut her check.

“Crying won’t solve anything” It was Dave and she wondered why he was here, probably to mock her and she was prepared to hear his condescending remarks.

“Catherine… You’re a beautiful girl no doubt but we both know you don’t have what Ava has. Ava is a rich girl; she’s classy, my type of woman. All we had from school was just infatuation and it was foolish of you to think I’d end up with someone like you. I’ll be alpha very soon, remember…”

“So all the promises… It was a lie?” Catherine demanded, sniffing and he chuckled.

“Let’s say it was half truth. Think about it, what gave you the impression that I’d want to end up with a chubby and shapeless girl like you. Take a look at yourself Catherine, you just have a cute face and you’re a good fuck, apart from that, there’s nothing beneficial you have to offer me. You’re a nobody” His words were sharper than swords and the piercing was so deep.

Never had she pictured a day like this or thought for once that Dave never loved her. She saw the flags, got warnings but paid no heed, thinking her life would be like a romance novel where the maid would end up with the prince.

She was mistaken and it hurt so much. “I can give you a chance to remain as my mistress. We both know you need me, without me Catherine, you’ll lose a lot of things. People have always regarded you only because of me and if you want to keep enjoying that favor, you need me. You can be my mistress. I’ll get married to Ava no doubt then I can set up a place for you in the pack, you’re much better in bed than Ava… This is the best option for you” He urged and she wondered if it was someone else she was talking to.

She couldn’t believe Dave could utter such terrible words to her. Her Dave who was a good man, one that she wished all me could be like turned into a vile beast overnight.

“Why?” She managed to stutter and he chuckled.

“Take a look at yourself… You’re hopeless, you’re a nobody with no background. You don’t have the shape that makes a man want to stay with you, you dress terribly like an old woman and you’re obese, any guy who walks with you will feel like he’s roaming the streets with his pregnant mother. Do you know the most important reason why they would reject you? Because you’re my leftover, no man would want a leftover that’s not worth having” His words jabbed at her heart and what was left of her broken heart got grounded to smooth powder.

It took all her strength to stop herself from rushing to the nearest rooftop and jumping down. She was beyond devastated and depression was slowly seeping in.

She couldn’t believe her ears. She felt like it was a dream and it wasn’t meant to be this brutal. She didn’t know when tears began streaming down her cheeks.

“Da… Dave… Is this you?” She demanded, and his nod was enough for her to know that she had been dating a pretender all these years.

“The choice is up to you Catherine, you can decide whether you want to face hell or still be with me. I’m giving you a second chance to redeem yourself” He replied with arrogance and she felt her tummy clench. She felt like throwing up.

She needed fresh air to process everything, she needed to be outside. “I… I can’t…”

“Don’t make any rash decision. Without me you won’t last a day” He pointed out and she shook her head, smiling bitterly through the pain. How she managed to plaster a smile on her amidst the chaos was baffling.

“I’ve thought about it and I’ve decided I’d rather die than remain with you. You’re no man Dave, you’re nothing but a beast. For you to lead me on for years and throw it all away now, there’s no telling whether you won’t toss me aside in the future. Loyalty is what you need Dave and although it's too late already. I’m glad that I realize what you truly feel for me because I can’t imagine my future with a man like you…”

“What do you mean?” He demanded, his eyes growing dark.

“I mean you’re not a man! A man would make a woman out of a lady! No man can be as cruel as you… No man can watch a lady in pain and be happy… I’ve learnt my lessons and the goddess knows I would never fall prey to another man again. I’ll accept anything that comes my way now wholeheartedly” Catherine replied and walked out with her head high but on her shoulders rested so much burden.

It was weighing down on her that she felt death was the only peace that could come her way at a time like this.

She reached her office and before she could settle down, someone walked inside. “I’m not in the mood…”

“Nobody cares about your mood. Ava needs you in her office now” The person replied rudely and walked out while Catherine exhaled and muttered a small prayer to the goddess.

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