
A scared Luna
A scared Luna
Author: Divah



I stared at the clock eagerly, a minute feeling like a decade. I couldn’t wait to get out of work and race towards Dave’s house to share the good news.

"Stay calm, we’ll soon head out" Cora, my wolf said to me and I hummed in response.

I did it! After years of striving and working in the pack company, I managed to get a promotion. Starting from tomorrow, I wouldn’t be the receptionist whom everyone looks down on but a secretary with my own office on the second floor.

Cora was about to burst with joy when I read my promotion letter. My heart was racing with excitement and the minute 6 pm stroke, I jumped to my feet, grabbing my hand back as I made way out of the company.

Usually I was always the last but today is different. I need to celebrate with Dave. I know he’d be very proud of me because for more than two years, I worked relentlessly to get a promotion but I kept getting turned down because of my background.

I was a pack omega and to make matters worse, an orphan who was trained by the pack in school. Seeing how terribly omegas were treated made me work very hard in school and my hard work paid off when I got a job as the receptionist immediately.

I flagged down a taxi, muttering directions to Dave’s house with a grin on my face. I was glowing with happiness and I pulled out a lip gloss.

I applied it on my lips while checking myself in the mirror, I was about to burst out of joy. He dropped me off at the gate and I took in a deep breath, trying to compose myself.

With the excitement filling me up, I just wanted to go in, jump into his arms while kissing and telling him about the promotion.

He’d look at me with pride and call me his girl, before stealing my breath with his passionate kiss, make me feel like a complete woman, make my heart blossom with great joy and pleasure.

I input the gate code and it opened. I walked inside, wondering if he was home but he seldomly went out in the evening and if he did, I’m sure he’d inform me.

Cora detected a new scent but our excitement was so overwhelming that we didn’t bother about it. It could be from the neighborhood but either way, nothing would dampen our spirits.

I walked into the house to find it unlocked, I walked into the large sitting room and glanced around, waiting to see my handsome alpha, my Prince Charming sitting down and glancing at me affectionately while wondering what’s up with my mood.

My enthusiasm reduced when I couldn’t find him and I headed into the kitchen, wondering where he could be with the door unlocked.

I decided to go into his room, tiptoeing with intentions of sneaking up behind him and closing his eyes.

I got to his room door and froze when I heard moans. “Oh Dave… Yeah…” It felt like an illusion as my system shut down and came up at the same time.

My heart began racing as Cora grew alarmed with the feminine scent in the room. I could hear grunts and my inside clenched tightly as I felt my legs tremble.

Standing began tiring all of a sudden and I had to hold my chest to stop my heart from pounding tremendously.

My hands began to shake as I held the doorknob. I was still in disbelief and I didn’t want to open the door, I just wanted to run out then wake up and find out it’s all a dream.

I’m willing to give up the promotion as long as it’s a dream. Cora forced me into pushing the door open and my mouth dropped when I saw Ava riding Dave, their bodies covered with sweat as they were glued together.

I slumped on the floor, shocked with my heart smashing into billions of pieces. I stopped breathing for a moment, watching them with every ounce of excitement turning into sadness and pain.

My eyes were wide open but I wasn’t in contact with my environment again. I watched Dave push Ava away, shocked to see me.

My eyes went blurry instantly and I felt hot tears stream down my cheeks, the burn nothing compared to the indescribable one I was feeling inside my chest. A lump grew in my throat, I tried hard to swallow but it was just too much for me.

He jumped out of the bed, grabbing the sheets but I wasn’t ready to hear anything. I pushed myself up and dashed out, racing down the stairs to the sitting room.

I fell weakly to the ground, sobbing profusely as my cheeks and clothes became soaked, I didn’t know what to think or do, my brain was completely shut and all I could remember was Ava riding Dave ecstatically.

It was nerve wrecking and devastating to find out your boyfriend of eight years was cheating. All the years we spent together, the memories, the plans for the future, the gossip we ignored back then when people thought it was outrageous for the son of an alpha to date an omega.

All my efforts, my prayers and hope came crashing down. Cora was in great pain and I raised my head slightly to see Ava walking down and my pain increased. The years I’d spent defending him and proving to people that he was a different man, the time I had spent on a man who obviously wasn’t meant for me.

Dave is such a bastard, how could he cheat and send his lover down to talk to me. He wasn’t even coming after me to explain himself or plead… Men are scum, they don’t deserve to live.

“Are you hurt? Why are you crying? Is this a shock to you?” Ava’s voice was filled with spite and my tears intensified.

All his vows, the words of assurance that he was mine and mine alone, that we’d get married together and grow old together. He even assured me that he wouldn’t accept his mate because of the love he had for me.

“How audacious of you to think he was yours, everyone knows Dave is a big flirt and he’s the son of an alpha, how do you expect him to end up with a worthless fat omega like you…” She spat out with a scoff and I kept sobbing, unable to think straight.

“You should leave because he doesn’t care about you, he was never yours in the first place because we’ve been having sex for a long time now…Take a look at yourself in the mirror, you’re an hideous hippopotamus. You should leave, you interrupted us and we would like to continue” She replied, glancing at me with contempt and I nodded, using all my strength to stand up.

Her words made me remember every red flag u had ignored over the years, every time I’d suspect a thing but assure myself that I was over thinking. I was a big fool, I was so obsessed with him that I ignored every damned sign and always assured myself that I was overthinking.

How I wobbled out was unknown to me but I knew it took a lot for me to leave, I could feel my legs shaking as I stepped out.

I walked on the road aimlessly, wondering what I’d do with my life, how would I continue in the pack. Cora was devastated, not even my mate can make me happy at this point, nothing can.

Walking absentmindedly on the road, I felt empty and numb. I was lost in my world of sorrow and pain when I heard screeching of brakes, a loud horn and flashlight shining brightly.

I had more than enough time to jump out of the way and save myself but it wasn’t important, what was the essence of saving myself when my life was literally over?

I stayed rooted to the spot, waiting for the car to crush my weak legs.

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