
College of advanced learning


I walked towards Ava’s office with a determined look, I would pick up shreds of myself and fight this battle.

I entered without knocking and she snarled at me angrily. “Are you mannerless? Don’t you know how to knock!” She barked and I bowed my head.

“I’m so sorry…”

“Sorry ma’am” She corrected.

“I’m so sorry ma’am” I corrected.

“Go out, knock and wait for my reply” She ordered and nodded, walking out.

I knocked, after three minutes, I got no response and knocked again. “Come in! Are you implying I’m deaf!” She thundered and I opened the door, walking in silently.

“I’m so sorry…”

“You keep saying the same word and making mistakes. I just went through your file but before I start with all your flaws, get me a cold milkshake…”

“The cafe doesn’t sell milkshakes…”

“Does that mean the whole pack doesn’t sell too? I want a salted caramel milkshake, you’ve got fifteen minutes” She barked and I nodded, rushing towards the door.

“Did I tell you to leave? Is this how you’ve been working? Doing things without waiting for instructions!” She thundered and I shook my head.

“Get me your attendance calendar for this month when coming” I nodded, waiting for her to dismiss me and she glared at me.

“What are you waiting for?”

“You haven’t told me…”

“Get out you fool” She snapped and I walked out immediately. I rushed to my office, picking up my calendar first before rushing towards the elevator.

Getting to the reception, I got a lot of stares from the staff, even the cleaning agents and it dawned on me that my case must’ve gone round.

There was a milkshake cafe down the street. It'd take me five minutes on a normal day but with the risk at hand, I jogged my way towards the cafe and made it in three minutes.

Luckily, I was the only guest who needed a milkshake and my order was taken immediately. I prayed with everything I had to the goddess to make them prepare it within five minutes although it didn’t seem possible.

Seven minutes later, they returned with my order and after making the payment, I rushed towards the office, running with all my strength because I had two minutes left.

I ran all the way to the office; ignoring the laughter that had erupted. I knocked on her door just when my fifteen minutes expired and to my horror, she failed to answer.

“Come in” Two minutes later, she drawled and with a sigh, I walked inside.

“You’re late… What do you have to say?” She snarled without waiting for me to close the door.

“I… I’m sorry… I had…”

“Had what! Being fat doesn’t mean you should be sluggish! Do not try such a mistake with me again. I’ll be lenient with you just for today because it’s my first day. Where’s my milkshake?”


“Looks awful, the calendar” She demanded and right before my eyes she dumped the milkshake in the bin. I wanted to cry and a little gasp escaped my lips but I swallowed my words when she glared at me, snatching the calendar from me.

The calendar had our resuming and closing time written on it. She went through it patiently, scoffing countless times.

“You left the office early yesterday and you came late today” She stared at me for an answer, like she didn’t know the reason.

“I left early to celebrate the promotion… I got drunk last night so I…”

“Nobody cares about your personal life. Do not mix your life with this job because it would only get you fired. I’ll send this to the payment team, the number of hours missed would be slashed from your income” She replied harshly and I nodded, unable to believe it.

“Yes ma’am” I replied.

“Leave; I’ll call you when I need you” She replied and dismissed me with her hand like a fly. With swallowed pride, I walked outside.

Getting to my office, I didn’t even know where to start because everything was terrible. Goddess knows I can’t cope like this, I need to find another job fast: it would be difficult but I just need to send out my applications to any available company.

Throughout the day, I wasn’t allowed the chance to do my job properly as Ava would call for one thing or the other.

I was weak when it was closing time; I wouldn’t talk about the way she made me wait for almost an hour after closing time all in the name of searching for something.

Returning home, my body was aching real bad. I checked my mailbox and brought out all the mails of the week.

Goddess knows I could really use a break from life at this moment. I just needed to be away from the pack, I was stretched beyond limit and going crazy.

I walked inside, going to get myself a cup of water first. I had two cups, sighing deeply as I slumped on the chair.

My house was a small one with two couches, a mini desk at one side with a plastic chair. It was a room and parlor house with a kitchen and bathroom.

The rent was eating up most of my money but over the years, I managed to squeeze out little savings. I wanted to be able to afford a good house, furniture and basic necessities before I move out.

I began checking the mails, sighing as I glanced at the electricity bill while moving over to the water bill. After checking the bills, there was still one last letter and I was perplexed.

Where could it be coming from? Cora urged me to check it and I tore it open slowly, wondering if it had been delivered to a wrong address.

I began reading the letter silently, my eyes freezing at one point. “Catherine Shawn, you have been offered an admission into the college of advanced learning to study business administration”

“Argh!!” I screamed at the top of my voice as I checked the letter, it felt like O was hallucinating and I had to rush to the sink to wash my eyes, unable to believe it.

“We did it Catherine, our dreams are finally coming through… The goddess didn’t forsake us” Cora muttered with so much emotion and Catherine nodded, a tear rolling down her check.

The college of advanced learning was the most esteemed school in the whole world and it was located in the other part of the pack.

They accepted students based on potential, influence and wealth was one thing they never regarded, millions of people applied every year and were never accepted but I was among the lucky one thousand students that got accepted.

It was a six month course which could turn a nobody into the most sought after worker in no time. Students from the were always held in high regard and thinking about being changed to experience such a thing brought so much joy my heart.

It was my second year applying and I was fortunate, i had heard people say it was their fifth , had heard about ten applications before giving up.

I felt so lucky and favored, I forgot about my previous dullness and couldn’t help but smile and thank the Goddess.

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