


Her eyes lit up like the sun instantly, looking down at the familiar piece of jewelry with doubt.

After taking her time to inspect it and realizing that it is, in fact, not some fabricated fact to cheer her up, she looks at me again.


I nod, feeling a bit of happiness just from her expression.

I know I shouldn’t let myself get so involved in this, after all the main aim of all this fussing was to get enough trust out of the both of them.

Somewhere along the line, it had become fun.

And I sort of like hanging out… just a little bit.

So, the tiniest bit of my heart pines desperately for these two people to be together.

She ties it around her wrist too, quickly admiring the look of it on her with rose tinted cheeks and a lively shine in her eyes.

“What are you waiting for? Go and tell him how you feel.” I push her.

The longer she stays, the more her chances pass her by.

She looks up at me nervously, too scared to move.

“I’m scared.”

“What’s the worst that could ha
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