
70. Allegation


“I came to check on you. You were hurt. And you didn't come downstairs to have breakfast with us. I thought you were not well.” I forced a smile at her.

“Thank you for your concern, Mrs. Russo. But I'm fine now.” With that saying I zipped up the suitcase.

“Good to know. But why did you start calling me Mrs. Russo again? Did I do something to hurt you?” She surprised me with her words. And I pressed my lips together.

“Why don't you ask yourself? Your answer is there in your question.” I said in a calm tone and I noticed a sliver of guilt on her face.

“I know you are upset because of Seraphira’s arrival with Elijah. You must be feeling left out. But don't worry, what is yours will remain yours only. Sebastian loves you now. He has decided to make a family with you. He has moved on from his past. Now there is no place for Seraphira in his life. He let her stay here just for the sake of Elijah. Because he doesn't want him to live his life the way he had lived. Try to unders
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goodnovel comment avatar
I keep saying it’s being drawn out and she keeps getting pain after pain, but I keep coming for more!!!! Ughhhh put us out our misery

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