
Chapter Three

 I always thought I was fast, but the Lycans are in another league altogether. I stood up while staring at his surprise. My wolf kept pushing me to acknowledge my mate. 

He was tall and domineering with his dreamy gray eyes staring right into my soul. I had no idea what this could mean, Agnar is my mate but why I feel the same attraction towards this lycan beats me. 

I could tell he could feel the attraction but thank goddess I cloaked my scent, this could have been a disaster. 

"How dare you stare the prince in the eyes, pay your respect!"  The man from behind him yelled at me, I quickly shot him lasers from my eyes and my palm curled up into a fist, ready to charge at him. 

"You dare disrespect the prince" he barked at me, his hands immediately turned to claws within a split second and aimed at my heart, my fist tightened as I was ready to defend myself, but a pair of firm hands interrupted the fight. 

He gripped his man's hand tightly. "Stand down!" the Lycan prince barked at him. 

 "Let's not cause a scene," he sniffed at me, his cologne was driving me mad and my wolf uncontrollable, "You shouldn't waste your time fighting, this boneless, fragile banshee, we don't want to break her now do we" they laughed in jest of me. 

My stomach churned in disgust, I guess they enjoy laughing at defenseless ladies, I would have taught them one or two lessons to show them how fragile I was, but I advised myself not to. 

"Prick," I cursed internally. 

"My Prince" Agnar made to call his attention but he dismissed him with a wave. He gave me a condescending smirk before turning to enter the coffee shop. 

Agnar was busy giving orders to one of his men. 

"Alpha Agnar, don't keep the prince waiting," the guy that corrected him earlier said. 

"Douchebag, not that he doesn't deserve it anyway" I cursed underneath my breath, as I fought hard to remain in control. 

Two men followed them into the coffee shop, while the other two stood guard outside the shop. I quietly sat right back and pretended I was scratching my head. I adjusted the earpiece that almost fell out because of the whole drama earlier.

"Agnar, reports have reached the palace of your deplorable massacre of the Blood Moon Pack." 

"My prince, I can explain..... "

"Silence Agnar, I didn't come all this way to listen to your gibberish, the packs should be united against our common enemy which is the rogue packs, and not killing each other." he barked at him. 

"If the royal house receives this kind of report regarding you, we will not relent to order your execution." He said with a tone of finality. 

"Yes, my prince" he answered scared, well I would be if I were in his shoes, the Lycan prince just threatened to kill him. After a little while of going on and on about other stuff the meeting came to an end. 

I walked home more confused than I was when I left earlier. I had no idea why I would feel the same way for two men; why would I be mated to both men? What kind of sick game is the moon goddess playing with me? Well, whatever it is, I will find out tonight. 

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

I was checking myself out in the mirror, wearing an all-black leather outfit, with my weapons carefully stacked away and my burgundy hair packed in a high pony. 

I grabbed the cloaking perfume and sprayed it so generously. 

I quickly got on my black power bike, courtesy of the organization, they provide you everything you need to aid your mission, they call it perks for being part of the organization. 

I sped off to the Crystal Lake Pack, knowing what awaited me; only this time I was prepared for anything. 

I stopped the bike a few miles away from the pack and got off, I traveled the rest of the way on foot, and I sneaked into the the pack without alarming anyone. 

I quickly made my way to the pack house. I knew Crystal Lake Pack like the back of my palm, their security, their alarm system, you name it. 

In a matter of seconds, I was in the hallway leading to Agnar's room. I sneaked into his room to see Alpha Agnar standing at the center of the room as if he had been waiting for me all this while. 

The smell of sandalwood and forest trees hit me then my wolf became uncontrollable again. 

"That cursed scent" 

"Mate!" he growled, his golden yellow eyes, sparkling in the night and his ravaging look, pooling wetness in my core, the mating bond pulling at me to succumb but I only have one mission at hand. 

I felt his wolf fighting to gain control, and I felt his excitement and desire to make me his through the mating bond if only he knew what I had in store for him. 

He slowly walked towards me and stopped a few feet away from me. He slowly slid his arms around me, pressing me against his body and covering the gap between us. 

It was now or never. In a split second, I had his face glued to me, holding it steady. I needed all the concentration I could channel to get into his head. I shut my eyes the instant I locked into his mind. the images of His head were coming to me slowly, but they were not clear. 

I let out a sigh to calm my nerves, I tried digging deeper, as I was slowly losing the link I had established earlier. 

"What are you doing?" his deep voice filled the room, I quickly opened my eyes to see him staring back at me. He was supposed to be in a trance and not in control of his senses.

"Impossible",  I whispered and let go of his face wondering what had just happened. 

no one has ever withstood my powers, I have read the minds of many wolves, Alpha's inclusive, with a single touch and a couple of 45 minutes of concentration and all that is inside your head would be mine to read. 

What was so special about him, that even my cloaking spell didn't work around him and so did my telepathic powers. It didn't make sense at all, because it worked this afternoon, he didn't recognize me as his mate earlier, 

I had no time to at all, and it was messing up with my plans. I can't kill him without taking a peek at his brain, and he wouldn't let me go now that he has recognized me. 

As frustrating as it sounds, I have to stick around for a while and get all the information I need before deciding what to do with him, but first I have to stop him from marking me. 

"Are you okay?" he asked, looking at me awkwardly. But I was brainstorming on what to do to avoid being marked by this bastard. I was deliberating between knocking him out or cutting myself, but cutting myself would be useless since I was going to heal almost immediately. 

He cupped my cheeks, both hands staring into my eyes in a concerted manner. I could feel my heart racing, and immediately I passed out. 

*   *   *  *

When I woke up the next morning, I was lying down in his bed; it used to be our room until he desecrated it. I felt like puking my guts out when I remembered him fucking Celine on this same bed. 

"Bastard!" I cursed out loudly. I wasn't bothered by Agnar because I knew he wasn't here when I woke up the next morning. 

I should have read the handwriting on the wall. What kind of fool leaves the bed at first light after marking the mate the previous night? 

"Whore!" I cursed yet again. 

I stretched my body, as I was feeling refreshed, kind of glad I came up with the passing out drama, it paid off after all. I had faked the fainting yesterday to avoid the marking, but the minute my head hit the pillow I dozed off, I guess my days of sleeplessness had caught with me. 

I have a lot to do today and so little time but first I have to call Cain to clear things up with him, 

I picked up my phone that was on the desk and dialed his number; he picked up on the first ring, hoping for some news. 

"Is it done?" he asked in his stoic manner.

"There is a little problem, but I will handle it as soon as possible" I quickly replied, he was silent for some seconds,

This is it, he is going to cancel the mission altogether and call me back to base. He always does that when a mission goes south.

"Get it done as soon as possible" his cold deep voice came again. My face lit up in a smile, which disappeared as quickly as it appeared. 

"Yes..." the line went dead cutting me off, 

Cain has not for once failed to pull out his girl once things go south; if he isn't doing that now, then I should be worried.

"What are his ties with this Celine and this pack?" I asked myself. 

Well, I don't care if he hangs up on me a million times; as long as he lets me stick around to find the truth, I am good. 

I dropped the phone and began leaping for joy. 

"You are quite energetic for someone who passed out yesterday." 

Damn, I still have to deal with the marking problem. 

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