
Chapter Two



"Your hands?" he said, pointing at my hands. I took a glance when he quickly walked past me.

"What are you doing?" I asked Cain, who was busy searching the whole room with his silver blade in his hands, ready as always to plunge it into anyone. He must have thought that there was an intruder in my room. No one dares come close to the base unless they have a death sentence. 

"Is someone here? Do they have a gun?" He whispered. 

"There is no one here." I tried reassuring him. 

"Then why are your hands stained with blood?" he asked, pointing at my bloody hands. 

"Um, this, I... I forgot to wash up when I got in yesterday night."

"You forgot?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Don't judge; I was too tired, ok?"

Cain is one of the wolves who is very distrustful and checks every piece of information being passed to him. I had to make sure he believed me, as I didn't want to give him anything to bite on and start researching. We nicknamed him the Hellhound because he never lets go once he bites. 

"Ugh, what's that smell?" He said while blocking his nose with two fingers and placing the blade back. 

"What smell?" I asked, confused while trying to pick up the scent. 

"Get to work, would you? Wash up while at it; you stink," he blurted out, and he shut the door immediately. 

I sighed in relief, then turned my gaze to my hands. 

"Don't freak out!" I whispered to myself, staring at my bloody hands. I was speechless but still in disbelief. I would have thought it was just a bad dream, but then the blood, the date—it's real as fuck. 

I rushed to the mirror and quickly pulled off my top to bare my chest, and it was as good as new. 

"No stab wounds," I murmured while inspecting my body. 

I picked up the file Cain gave me on Alpha Agnar, and it was exactly the file they gave me a year ago. 

I sat down for some minutes in utter disbelief, wondering how things moved from being dead on the wet floor in the woods to getting here. Somehow I got transported to the year before, and I did not understand who saved me, but the only person who could save a dead wolf was the moon goddess, so I wondered what she was up to. 

I'm supposed to get a good grip on the whole situation, but honestly, I'm losing my mind. 

"Time to do some digging," I whispered to myself. Since I am here, I might as well find out why Celine was there in the forest and visit a seer while also trailing Agnar. Since I know everything about him, maybe I could find a way to kill him before the day that I find a way to break into his pack. 

I quickly went into the shower to scrub myself clean; I couldn't attract attention. When you live among assassins, you just need to be extra careful. 

Immediately after I was done bathing, I put on a black trouser and a black top; it's the only clothes you get to wear once you are at the headquarters. I guess it's a reminder for us to be invincible at all times. 

The minute I was done, I grabbed the file, and it was just the basic stuff about him—nothing worth reading—but I knew all the other stuff. There was no reason to dwell on that. 

I picked up my key card and headed towards the Library. I have a lot of work to do and so little time. 

"Kat," Maria, the front desk lady at the Library, called out the minute she saw me. 

"Maria, It's nice to see you."

"You too, you have not been to the library these past few days after your mission. Did you kill a child in this mission or what?"

I had spent that week in India stealing a costly diamond necklace from a billionaire and the week before it in Russia stealing nuclear weapons. So there was no way I would kill a child in these places, but I just smiled. 

"I thought it would be good to have a change of scenery after all the hard work," I replied, smiling. 

"Exactly my thoughts; you know, I told Johnny the same thing yesterday; I mean, it's boring having sex all the time on the bed."

"I agree with you; go do you," I chipped in while I plunged the key card into the door, and it pulled open. 

She is an oversharer, and she is one of the many reasons I decided to stay away from the library for a few days because I did not want to add more stress to myself when I had a mission. 

Thankfully, the library was rowdy when I got in; no one would even notice I got in, but then they had cameras everywhere. I casually moved toward the third row and noticed a blind spot at the far end of the row. I used my hand to look for the book on the shelf and went to sit down. It was a book on reincarnation and rebirth. It is said that reincarnation with wolves happens when a wolf's soul is placed by the moon goddess into another body because the person has not yet completed the work they were born for, and leaving them to die will change the course of things. I moved past that page since I was still in my body, but I did find a place that said, in rare cases, the person's body is raised with the soul. 

My watch beeped, which meant that I had a few more minutes before going to Agnar's business deal. I had skipped it the first time I got the mission because I wanted to play it safe, but this time I am leaving no stone unturned.

I studied the room and was glad when I saw a girl wearing a black cloak and taking a book from the shelf. I moved towards the blind spot the minute I spotted one of the girls wearing a black cloak checking out books in the third row. 

I pushed one of the shelves on the floor and acted flustered, and then the girl gasped, thinking that she had done it. She cursed and hurriedly put off her clock to pack the books. 

"Are you going to help me?" She asked me, but I ignored her. 

"You all have attitude problems." She murmured and started packing the book, but I heard it. 

She was new because no old  would dare talk to me like that, but she was lucky that I was busy, or I would have knocked all her teeth out. 

I grabbed her cloak and the three books that I was looking for. It was the book on the organization's history that I never paid attention to. 

I didn't look up as I was avoiding getting picked up by the camera. I skimmed through the stack of books and documents, but there was nothing important there about the organization, just some random documents about the achievements of the organization. You know the kind of stuff you keep lying around when you want to brainwash a bunch of kids. 

But something hit me: in all the documents I went through, it only mentioned Cain as the handler, not the founder. 

We have 3 handlers, and each of us is assigned to one of them. We had always assumed that Cain was the founder and also a handler, since the other handlers answer to him, and you know, no one gets to ask questions about him. 

"This is confusing," I whispered to myself. 

I took a picture of one of those documents and quickly went back into my room, more confused than ever. 

I changed my dress into a yellow plain body con dress that accentuated my curves, I pulled my hair into big curls to cover my eyepiece, and I put on lipgloss. I planned on making sure that I got something today, but I also did not want to draw too much attention to myself.  I sprayed my cloaking perfume, applying it more times than I did before heading out. You can never be too careful. 

They were meeting in a coffee shop that he owned; it was not in the city and was not that popular, but I had picked up that information days later by seducing one of Agnar's men in the morning before the mission. He did not know the names of the men they met that day but told me that everyone referred to him as My Prince. 

I arrived before them, ordered two coffees and six doughnuts, and placed a recorder on the wall. It was transparent and hard to pick up.

I went outside, then brought out my iPad and started pretending to be working on flyers. I did not want to be seen as someone who was doing nothing. I noticed when a black car stopped in front of the shop and men dressed in military uniforms with guns came down. No one talked, maybe because they were dressed as the military or maybe they were used to seeing them. 

"Go outside!" one of them screamed, and a few people inside came outside without a word of protest, and that was odd. They looked at us one by one, touching whomever they wanted, and then one stopped in front of me. 

"I never saw you in this coffee shop before," he said rudely, but I only smiled and jutted my boobs out. 

"True, because I would remember a man like you, but thank God that I came to this coffee shop today," I said, smiling coyly. 

He mindlinked something to his men, and they started laughing. 

He grabbed my throat and said, "You like it kinky, right? I thought he would just ask for my number if showed him some boobs but he grab my throat. My hand was itching to punch him, but then someone whispered Boss, and he removed his hand immediately. 

"Later," he whispered and jogged off. 

My gaze turned to that bastard stepping out of the car—the one and only Agnar Ridge, my mate. 

My wolf started to wiggle from the smell of  sandalwood, but this time I held her in check. 

The bastard stopped, then grabbed that man who was holding me by the neck. 

"Stop looking at women and stay alert; I may die today, you fool. A visit from him was hardly a good thing."

He nodded, already turning red, and then Agnar released him. 

"He is coming," someone said, and I saw Agnar swallow hard.

I heard the sound of a jet, and then it landed in the field beside the coffee shop.

Four men stepped out of it. They were all tall, and for some reason, my wolf was jumping up from the spicy cologne I was perceiving. I wondered what could be the problem, as I already found my mate, but when he got closer, my wolf started pushing me to stand up. 

Agnar rushed to him and pulled out his hand, with his head bowed low. "Good afternoon, My Lycan Prince."

"A lycan," I gasped in surprise. I have never seen one since I was born; they loved to live in their palace. Away from the chaos of werewolves, and packs. 

He ignored him, and then someone behind him said, "Just my prince is fine."

Agnar put his hand back with a smile that did not reach his eyes and murmured, "Of course."

"Mate, go to mate!" My wolf screamed, trying to force me. 

I whimpered, and then his eyes turned to me. He moved like lightning and was in front of me. 


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