
All I had lost


“We both have a score to settle with both of them, I suggest we both join hands together in making them pay, it’s high time we take back what belongs to us”.

“How do I even know I can trust you, I barely know you, how am I sure you won’t turn on me instead, who knows this might just be part of your plan too”.

“It’s a good thing you don’t trust me, because I don’t either, I might change my mind and turn on you instead, after all, you’re the much easier prey”.

At least he’s honest, I’ll give him that.

“I’m also taking a risk here as well, how do I know you won’t go blabbing to Leo, after all, you have been quite close from birth, but I’m willing to give it a shot, I’m giving you a chance Nina to take back everything you’ve lost and then some, so how is it going to be, are you in or out”.

“I have to think about it, I’m not sure if I can trust you, I mean we are talking about going against my sister which ultimately means going against my family since she has everyone on her side, I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet, I need some time”, I said solemnly.

“I wasn’t expecting an answer from you immediately, I hope you make up your mind soon, I’m not known for being patient”, he said.

That being said, I drank the last of my coffee and stood up.

“I have to go now, I’ve spent more than enough time here”, I said.

“Let me drop you off”, he offers.

“No, no that won’t be necessary”, I said quickly, it’s bad enough that he had seen me at my worst, him knowing where I live would put a final nail to the coffin of my embarrassment”.

“I insist”.

That was the end of it, somehow he drove me home and even escorted me to my doorstep, saying he needed to make sure I got home safe, coming from another person I would have been touched, but I wasn’t so sure if he meant it or if he just wanted to know where I live to finish me off.

He handed me his card, “I’ll be waiting for your response soon Nina, don’t keep me waiting”, he said and left. I had no response to that.

“Well, well, well, look who finally decided to come back to her house and in another man’s car too”, May’s voice came behind me. 

God, I do not have the strength to deal with this now, “How did you get in here, May”, because I very well don’t remember giving her the keys to my apartment.

“Can’t I pay my beautiful sister a visit”, she says.

A visit indeed, more like she came to brag, I headed over to the fridge, I’m going to need a boost, if I’m going to listen to her brag.

“Anyways I wanted to see you, so I got the keys from my love Leo, he sent his greetings”.

I cringe, I need to change my lock

“I brought good news”.

I raise my brows in indifference like I couldn't care, I just needed her out of my space 

“Guess whose design got picked by the client”, she says

No way.

“Yes, you guessed right, My designs, do you know what he called them”.

I gripped the glass tightly, anything to prevent me from divulging how I felt.

“He said they were Magnificent, Jewelries, worthy of being adorned by the royal family, do you know what that means, your beloved sister is now a recognized Jeweler in the entire continent and I couldn’t have done it without your help, it’s all thanks to you”.

“Are you done”, I said through gritted teeth.

“Dad’s happy about the development and he is proud to have a daughter like me, so we’re having a family dinner in honor of me to celebrate our win. He's willing to forgive you the other daughter that brought disgrace to him by stealing my work, he wants you to be there”.

“You have to be kidding me”

There’s no way I could believe a single word she said, especially not after Father threw me out of his office.

“You can always refuse to attend and add to your list of disappointments, more pints for me, but a word of advice if I were you, I would attend the dinner, that is except if you have another family somewhere that is rich”.

“Are you done now?”.

“Be there, Nina”, 

“Get out!!”.

May sashays off laughing. At that moment I was a hundred percent sure I was capable of murdering someone. I could practically see the headlines

The daughter of a prestigious tycoon murders step sister in jealousy.

What do they know, screw them all!!.

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