
Betrayal of trust


I knew something was wrong the moment I stepped into the company and the first thing I saw was the pitying looks on people’s faces. Apparently, news spread fast, it took everything I had in me to prepare for work today, especially with everything that happened last night with my sister and my fiancée…. Well, ex-fiancée Leo, but I sucked it up and came, today’s a big day for me and I’ll be damned if I let anyone spoil it for me.

“Nina, your father needs you in his office”, the secretary called.

Finally, it is time, about two months ago, Father assigned a task to me, May, and some other persons in the company, we were to come up with a design for a jewelry set, any design that gets picked by the client, the designer gets a promotion, it is an opportunity I was waiting and I gave it my all, I know my designs are great and I was confident about it too, let’s just hope Dad feels the same way.

“You sent for me”, I said as I entered his office, Lo and behold, I see May beside Father, Why is she everywhere for goodness sake?

“Did you create this design, Nina?”Dad says, pointing at my draft.

Here we go, “Yes Dad I did”.

“Nonsense!!”, He slams the file on the desk.

Wait,  he doesn’t like it?

“What is the meaning of this Nina, I never expected this from you”.

“I don’t understand, don’t you like the design”.

“Oh I do, I like it a whole lot, it just so happens your sister May has also submitted this same design as well and claims that you stole her design”.

“What!”, I say shocked, “ I did no such thing, this is my design”.

“Admit it, Nina, you stole my work and this is not the first time you’ve done it, every single design you created was stolen from me”.

“You can’t be serious, those are my designs, I created them”.

“Dad, I told you she would deny it”.

“Do you have proof that this belongs to you”.

A few days ago, the file that contained my designs for this project got corrupted and I could not access it. I never did think much about it, but I realized now that it didn’t just happen, May was behind it.

“She doesn’t, Dad she couldn’t have, she stole it from me”.

“I’m disappointed in you Nina, Truly, I expected it from a novice or someone else at the office, but not you my daughter whom I sent to the best schools and gave the best education, and still yet you can’t  even create a single design and had to steal your sister’s work every single time, is this what I spent my money on, you can’t even do anything, you have no talent whatsoever, I’m ashamed of you, you’re  very lucky you’re my daughter else I would have fired you, it is still on my mind too though, get the hell out of my office Nina!!!”

“Dad, it’s not true, I can explain, those are my designs”.

“Liar!!”, May says.

“I said GET OUT!!”.

Tears spilled out of my eyes as I left the office, once again I had lost everything, thanks to my wonderful sister May, My Fiancée, and my father’s trust, what else has she not taken from me?

“Give it up”, My best sister in the world says May, “You don’t have a place here My dear sis”.

“Why are you doing this to me, what have I done to you”.

“Don’t you know, well let me tell you, I want you gone that’s why, I want you wiped off from the face of the earth, I want to destroy you for simply existing, I hate you Nina, and I would do everything to see you amount to nothing”.

“We can’t continue like we're family”.

“Family, my foot, you are not my sister, the sooner you get that the better, this is only just the beginning, I promise you by the time I’m done with you, you will come groveling for mercy”  she says, and leaves...

And that was it, all these things happened about six hours ago and now I’m here at a club, drinking my sorrows away and getting my ass drunk too, it seems that’s the only thing I’m good at”.

“One more glass please”, I called out.

“Ma’am you’ve had enough, one more and you’ll be tumbling off your seat".

“Please, keep the alcohol coming in until I say not to”, I pleaded, alcohol was the only thing keeping the memories away and preventing me from bawling my eyes out at the unfairness of everything that has happened to me”. 

The bartender eyed me, I knew what he saw, a bum-out girl who was down on her luck and felt that the whole world was against her.

 it is true, the whole world is against me.

“One last drink, after this no more", he says and pours another glass.

“I think she’s had enough.” A deep masculine voice said behind me and a hand snatched my drink before I could get to it and down it.

“This is terrible”, Says the thief.

“My drink!”, I spin from my seat ready to pounce on the person who stole my drink, the entire world shifts on its axis and I find myself stumbling.

“My drink!!”, I repeated, my words slurring.

“No more drinking Nina”.

“Wait, how do you know my name”,

Come to think of it, he does look familiar.

“My…. Why is the world spinning so fast, I can’t even feel my feet”.

“Come on, let’s get you home”.

“I don’t want to, I want my drink back”.

“Nina!”, his voice brook no argument.

“Fine, but only after I take……”

“No, we’re leaving”, he cuts me off.

“Can you walk?”.

I made a move and nearly kissed the ground if not for his big steel like had held me firm.

“Oops,” I say.

“I guess you can’t”, he says and lifts me into his arms.

“ Woah”, I giggle, “You’re very strong, Mr thief”, I say.

“Mr. Thief”, he raised an eyebrow.

“Yes Mr. Thief, cos you stole my drink”.

He chuckled “, Come on, let’s get you out of here”. 

He weaves his way through the crowd to the door, the throng of people moving through my line of sight made me feel woozy.

“My head hurts”, I complain.

“It’s going to feel worse tomorrow”, he says as he drops me into his car seat and buckles me up.

“Who are you?”, I ask.

“You know who I am, Nina, you’re just too drunk to remember", he said and headed to the driver’s seat, he turned on the ignition.

“Hold tight”, he says and drives off.

Right before I lost consciousness, I remembered him, Alexander Brewster, Leo’s Archenemy.

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