
Time to heal


I walked into Alexander’s office with a sense of determination, I had finally decided to work against my family, but most especially against my sister May and Leo, that backstabbing cheater.

“Welcome Miss Nina, we’ve been expecting you”, the receptionist said as soon as she saw me.

“Right, this way Ma’am.” She led me into an elevator and pressed a button. Immediately she stepped back.

“Wait, you’re not coming", I said, confused.

“No ma’am, the boss likes his privacy, he specifically requests for you to be directed into his office as soon as you arrive”.

“B.. but how would I know his office”.

“It's not hard to miss, his office is on the entire top floor”. The elevator door closed.

The entire top floor, I was stunned, exactly how rich he said he was again, the elevator dinged its arrival and stepped out of it into a very huge office, my jaw dropped to the floor.

“ Ah, I see you’ve arrived Nina, glad you could make it”, Alexander said, looking so handsome in his suit, he looked so edible.

“Please tell me you don't run a cartel somewhere”

“I won’t”, he said and my eyes widened.

“Just kidding”.

But I wasn’t so sure, not with what I was seeing.

“So tell me Nina, what made up your mind for you, let me guess the family dinner didn’t go as planned ."

“How did you know”.

“I have my ways”.

“Family dinner was a mess. As usual, May got celebrated and I was criticized for being so incompetent, this time May went too far, she stole my design for a project I spent sleepless nights on and accused me of stealing my work from her, of course, no one believed me”.

“I believe you”, He said, and I raised my brows in disbelief, was he just saying that to please me?

“I’ve seen your designs, Nina, they’re unique works of art and I can recognize them even with my eyes closed”.

That was the nice thing someone has said to me all week

“Perhaps, there might be something I can do about it”.

“Really”,  I said skeptically.

“It’s the least I could do to show you my sincerity Nina, it is your work and you deserve the credits due”.

Right in front of me, he placed some calls and did some talking.

“That settles it then, I got us access to the event your client is holding in honor of the designs chosen”.


“An owner of the event owes me a favor which I cashed out on, hopefully, things would turn out in our favor”.

“It’s no use even if I attend the event it still doesn’t stop May from claiming the credits, I’ll only end up being embarrassed”.

“Have some faith Nina, who knows something might happen”, Alex said like he knew something I didn’t.

I sat down in the chair in front of me, a huge burden had finally been lifted off my chest, I was one hundred percent into this, May and Leo wouldn’t know what hit them.

“So what's the plan?” I asked, leaning forward.

“The plan is to divide and conquer and we’re going to start with this event coming up”.

Oh, now I can’t wait to see what happens next.

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