
Game changer


Soft silky sheets, heavenly goodness, since when did my sheets become soft, in my semi-conscious state I reached for my teddy bear Toodles, and came up empty, something wasn’t right, Toodles never leave my bed, this was not my room. Where the hell am I, I got up with a bolt and nearly fell off the bed. Damn, my head felt like someone was repeatedly hitting it over and over again, how much did I drink last night anyways.

I looked around the room, nothing looked familiar in any way, I couldn’t even recognize a single pin, I scrambled off the bed, panicking about how in the world I got here.

“Calm down, Nina, calm down, try to remember what happened last night”, I tell myself.

I had a shitty day at work, all thanks to my wonderful sister, May, then I headed over to the club to put my sorrows in a bottle. I must have blanked out then, I don’t remember anything after that. I noticed my clothes folded nearly at the corner of the room, someone must have changed my clothes and I don’t even know who, is this what inebriated feels like?

“Damn Nina, you’ve gone and done it this time”.

But that’s besides the point, I need to get out of here before my assailant comes back to finish his work. I picked my clothes up, had no time to change, and did the walk of shame out of the room. 

My oh my, did I get teleported to another universe, because tell me why a house would look like this, the hallway I stepped into felt like I had just entered into a Disney animal, with the golden chandeliers, artistic murals, and many others, all the more reason to hightail it out of here, who knows where Mr. Beast might be hiding. I walked as fast as I could out the hallway, down the stairs, and into another room which I’m guessing is the living room, and skidded to a halt, right there in the middle of the room was someone I least expected to see.

“I see you’ve woken up”.


“Care for some coffee”, he said, extending the cup in his hand.

“I made a fresh pot and it is still hot”.

“I…. I don’t understand, how did I get here”, I said super confused.

“You were drunk last night, Nina, someone had to make sure you got home safely”.

“Why did you bring me here then, this is not my house”.

“How in the world am I  supposed to know where you lived, you weren’t exactly in a position to provide legible answers and where the hell is your fiancée, why would he let you get so drunk last night without even an escort”.

The look on my face said it all.

“I see you found out”.

You have to be kidding me just exactly how many people knew about this.

“Please don’t tell me everyone in this city knows about it”.

“It wasn’t entirely a secret, they have been sightings of them together”.

“How come I’m only just finding out about this now!!”.

“That’s because you were blinded with love and trust for Leo, that you could see what was right in front of you, they’ve been going on for quite some time, it amazes me how you’re just only figuring this out”.

“I’ve been played for a fool, I bet they had a huge laugh at my expense”.

“Sit Nina and have some coffee, I bet you have a nasty headache considering the amount you drank last night”, he gestures to the chairs beside the kitchen island”.

“I don’t want any coffee, I have to go”.

“Sit Nina and then we’ll talk”, his voice brooked no arguments.

I reluctantly sat on the chair and accepted the cup he gave me. God, I needed this to kick start my brain, because lately it has been failing his duty to decipher things.

“Did we…. Did we …. Um do anything last night”, I said fearing his response.

“ You’re asking if we had sex last night or better said you want to know if I took advantage of you last night”.

I nearly choked on the coffee, “ Well since you put it that way”.

“I think you know the answer to that Nina, there's no way I would sleep with you Nina, not even as a form of revenge against Leo, rest assured that you’re safe from me, you’re not even my type, I like my woman's consciousness when we have sex”.

“You didn’t have to say it like that”, I mumbled into the cup. Geez, I had gone and embarrassed myself, way to go Nina.

“What are you going to do about it?”, He asked.

“About what”.

“Leo and your sister,  they both deceived you or are you just going to pretend like it didn’t happen”.

“I think, I’m better off ignoring them, they both deserved each other”, Honestly they both did, two lying, betraying backstabbers, what a match made in heaven, I hoped they both drown in it.

“Typical you, even after everything, you’re just going to pretend it didn’t happen”.

“What else would you have me do”, I said exasperatedly.

“For one thing, don’t let them get away with it”.

“How it’s not like I can announce to the world that they cheated on me, they’ve already made me a laughing stock, what else can I do”.

“First of all you need to open your eyes and realize that you’re far much better than any of them, it’s high time they know that as well, you need to quit being on the receiving end of pain and start inflicting some as well, I bet they have done much worse”.

“You have no idea”.

“And they will continue to do so if you don’t retaliate”.

“What do you suggest I do then”. I said, because I’m  much more tired of being the sorry one here and he was indeed making sense.

“Now, you’re talking”.

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